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using module "./builders/python-builder.psm1"
class NixPythonBuilder : PythonBuilder {
Base Python builder class for *Nix systems.
Contains methods that required to build Python artifact for *nix systems. Inherited from base PythonBuilder class.
.PARAMETER version
The version of Python that should be built.
The type of platform for which Python should be built.
.PARAMETER PlatformVersion
The version of platform for which Python should be built.
.PARAMETER InstallationTemplateName
The name of template that will be used to create installation script for generated Python artifact.
.PARAMETER InstallationScriptName
The name of installation script that will be generated for Python artifact.
.PARAMETER OutputArtifactName
The name of archive with Python binaries that will be generated as part of Python artifact.
[string] $InstallationTemplateName
[string] $InstallationScriptName
[string] $OutputArtifactName
[version] $version,
[string] $architecture,
[string] $platform
) : Base($version, $architecture, $platform) {
$this.InstallationTemplateName = ""
$this.InstallationScriptName = ""
$this.OutputArtifactName = "python-$Version-$Platform-$Architecture.tar.gz"
[uri] GetSourceUri() {
Get base Python URI and return complete URI for Python sources.
$base = $this.GetBaseUri()
return "${base}/$($this.Version)/Python-$($this.Version).tgz"
[string] GetPythonBinary() {
Return name of Python binary.
if ($this.Version.Major -eq 2) { $pythonBinary = "python" } else { $pythonBinary = "python3" }
return $pythonBinary
[string] Download() {
Download Python sources and extract them at temporary work folder. Returns expanded archive location path.
$sourceUri = $this.GetSourceUri()
Write-Host "Sources URI: $sourceUri"
$archiveFilepath = Download-File -Uri $sourceUri -OutputFolder $this.WorkFolderLocation
$expandedSourceLocation = Join-Path -Path $this.TempFolderLocation -ChildPath "SourceCode"
New-Item -Path $expandedSourceLocation -ItemType Directory
Extract-TarArchive -ArchivePath $archiveFilepath -OutputDirectory $expandedSourceLocation
Write-Debug "Done; Sources location: $expandedSourceLocation"
return $expandedSourceLocation
[void] CreateInstallationScript() {
Create Python artifact installation script based on template specified in InstallationTemplateName property.
$installationScriptLocation = New-Item -Path $this.WorkFolderLocation -Name $this.InstallationScriptName -ItemType File
$installationTemplateLocation = Join-Path -Path $this.InstallationTemplatesLocation -ChildPath $this.InstallationTemplateName
$installationTemplateContent = Get-Content -Path $installationTemplateLocation -Raw
$variablesToReplace = @{
"{{__VERSION_MAJOR__}}" = $this.Version.Major;
"{{__VERSION_MINOR__}}" = $this.Version.Minor;
"{{__VERSION_BUILD__}}" = $this.Version.Build;
$variablesToReplace.keys | ForEach-Object { $installationTemplateContent = $installationTemplateContent.Replace($_, $variablesToReplace[$_]) }
$installationTemplateContent | Out-File -FilePath $installationScriptLocation
Write-Debug "Done; Installation script location: $installationScriptLocation)"
[void] Make() {
Executes "make" and "make install" commands for configured build sources. Make output will be writen in build_output.txt located in artifact location folder.
Write-Debug "make Python $($this.Version)-$($this.Architecture) $($this.Platform)"
$buildOutputLocation = New-Item -Path $this.WorkFolderLocation -Name "build_output.txt" -ItemType File
Execute-Command -Command "make 2>&1 | tee $buildOutputLocation" -ErrorAction Continue
Execute-Command -Command "make install" -ErrorAction Continue
Write-Debug "Done; Make log location: $buildOutputLocation"
[void] CopyBuildResults() {
$buildFolder = $this.GetFullPythonToolcacheLocation()
Move-Item -Path "$buildFolder/*" -Destination $this.WorkFolderLocation
[void] ArchiveArtifact() {
$OutputPath = Join-Path $this.ArtifactFolderLocation $this.OutputArtifactName
Create-TarArchive -SourceFolder $this.WorkFolderLocation -ArchivePath $OutputPath
[void] Build() {
Build Python artifact from sources.
Write-Host "Prepare Python Hostedtoolcache location..."
Write-Host "Prepare system environment..."
Write-Host "Download Python $($this.Version)[$($this.Architecture)] sources..."
$sourcesLocation = $this.Download()
Push-Location -Path $sourcesLocation
Write-Host "Configure for $($this.Platform)..."
Write-Host "Make for $($this.Platform)..."
Write-Host "Generate structure dump"
New-ToolStructureDump -ToolPath $this.GetFullPythonToolcacheLocation() -OutputFolder $this.WorkFolderLocation
Write-Host "Copying build results to destination location"
Write-Host "Create installation script..."
Write-Host "Archive artifact..."