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using module "./builders/python-builder.psm1"
class WinPythonBuilder : PythonBuilder {
Base Python builder class for Windows systems.
Contains methods required for build Windows Python artifact. Inherited from base PythonBuilder class.
.PARAMETER version
The version of Python that should be built.
.PARAMETER architecture
The architecture with which Python should be built.
.PARAMETER InstallationTemplateName
The name of installation script template that will be used in generated artifact.
.PARAMETER InstallationScriptName
The name of generated installation script.
[string] $InstallationTemplateName
[string] $InstallationScriptName
[string] $OutputArtifactName
[semver] $version,
[string] $architecture,
[string] $platform
) : Base($version, $architecture, $platform) {
$this.InstallationTemplateName = "win-setup-template.ps1"
$this.InstallationScriptName = "setup.ps1"
$this.OutputArtifactName = "python-$Version-$Platform-$"
[string] GetPythonExtension() {
Return extension for required version of Python executable.
$extension = if ($this.Version -lt "3.5" -and $this.Version -ge "2.5") { ".msi" } else { ".exe" }
return $extension
[string] GetArchitectureExtension() {
Return architecture suffix for Python executable.
$ArchitectureExtension = ""
if ($this.Architecture -eq "x64") {
if ($this.Version -ge "3.5") {
$ArchitectureExtension = "-amd64"
} else {
$ArchitectureExtension = ".amd64"
return $ArchitectureExtension
[uri] GetSourceUri() {
Get base Python URI and return complete URI for Python installation executable.
$base = $this.GetBaseUri()
$versionName = $this.GetBaseVersion()
$nativeVersion = Convert-Version -version $this.Version
$architecture = $this.GetArchitectureExtension()
$extension = $this.GetPythonExtension()
$uri = "${base}/${versionName}/python-${nativeVersion}${architecture}${extension}"
return $uri
[string] Download() {
Download Python installation executable into artifact location.
$sourceUri = $this.GetSourceUri()
Write-Host "Sources URI: $sourceUri"
$sourcesLocation = Download-File -Uri $sourceUri -OutputFolder $this.WorkFolderLocation
Write-Debug "Done; Sources location: $sourcesLocation"
return $sourcesLocation
[void] CreateInstallationScript() {
Create Python artifact installation script based on specified template.
$sourceUri = $this.GetSourceUri()
$pythonExecName = [IO.path]::GetFileName($sourceUri.AbsoluteUri)
$installationTemplateLocation = Join-Path -Path $this.InstallationTemplatesLocation -ChildPath $this.InstallationTemplateName
$installationTemplateContent = Get-Content -Path $installationTemplateLocation -Raw
$installationScriptLocation = New-Item -Path $this.WorkFolderLocation -Name $this.InstallationScriptName -ItemType File
$variablesToReplace = @{
"{{__ARCHITECTURE__}}" = $this.Architecture;
"{{__VERSION__}}" = $this.Version;
"{{__PYTHON_EXEC_NAME__}}" = $pythonExecName
$variablesToReplace.keys | ForEach-Object { $installationTemplateContent = $installationTemplateContent.Replace($_, $variablesToReplace[$_]) }
$installationTemplateContent | Out-File -FilePath $installationScriptLocation
Write-Debug "Done; Installation script location: $installationScriptLocation)"
[void] ArchiveArtifact() {
$OutputPath = Join-Path $this.ArtifactFolderLocation $this.OutputArtifactName
Create-SevenZipArchive -SourceFolder $this.WorkFolderLocation -ArchivePath $OutputPath
[void] Build() {
Generates Python artifact from downloaded Python installation executable.
Write-Host "Download Python $($this.Version) [$($this.Architecture)] executable..."
Write-Host "Create installation script..."
Write-Host "Archive artifact"