Invoke workflow as a function

This commit is contained in:
Maksim Shilov 2022-02-15 17:32:33 +03:00
parent a05c0e8307
commit a5996ff1bc

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@ -20,9 +20,11 @@ param(
[switch] $PublishRelease
$result = @()
$Versions | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
$version = $_
function Invoke-Workflow {
param (
$payload = @{
"ref" = "main"
"inputs" = @{
@ -46,34 +48,37 @@ $Versions | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
$retries ++
if ($retries -gt 10) {
Write-Host "No workflow triggered for version $version or something went wrong with fetching its status"
$result += [PSCustomObject]@{
$result = [PSCustomObject]@{
Version = $version;
Conclusion = "failure";
Url = "Not run"
return $result
Write-Host "Triggered workflow with Id: $($ , Url: $($workflowToCheck.html_url)"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
$workflowToCheck = Invoke-RestMethod "$env:GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY/actions/runs/$($"
Write-Host "Workflow run with Id: $($ for version '$($version)' - status '$($workflowToCheck.status)'"
$result += [PSCustomObject]@{
$result = [PSCustomObject]@{
Version = $version;
Conclusion = $workflowToCheck.conclusion;
Url = $workflowToCheck.html_url
if ($workflowToCheck.conclusion -ne "success") {
Write-Host "Triggered workflow for version '$($version)' completed with result '$($workflowToCheck.conclusion)'. Check logs: $($workflowToCheck.html_url)"
return $result
Write-Host "Triggered workflow for version '$($version)' succeeded; Url: $($workflowToCheck.html_url)"
return $result
$summary = $Versions | ForEach-Object -Parallel {Invoke-Workflow -Version $_ }
Write-Host "Results of triggered workflows:"
Write-Host $result
if ($result.Conclusion -contains "failure" -or $result.Conclusion -contains "cancelled") {
Write-Host $summary
if ($result.Conclusion -contains "failure" -or $summary.Conclusion -contains "cancelled") {
exit 1