<# .SYNOPSIS Generate Python artifact. .DESCRIPTION Script that triggering and fetching the result of the "Build python package" workflows with provided python versions .PARAMETER Version Required parameter. Python versions to trigger builds for. .PARAMETER PublishRelease Switch parameter. Whether to publish release for built version. #> param( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Python version to trigger build for")] [array] $Versions, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Whether to publish release for built version")] [string] $PublishRelease ) $summary = $Versions | ForEach-Object -Parallel { Import-Module "./builders/invoke-workflow.psm1" Invoke-Workflow -Version $_ -PublishRelease $Using:PublishRelease } Write-Host "Results of triggered workflows:" $summary | Out-String if ($summary.Conclusion -contains "failure" -or $summary.Conclusion -contains "cancelled") { exit 1 }