using module "./nix-python-builder.psm1" class UbuntuPythonBuilder : NixPythonBuilder { <# .SYNOPSIS Ubuntu Python builder class. .DESCRIPTION Contains methods that required to build Ubuntu Python artifact from sources. Inherited from base NixPythonBuilder. .PARAMETER platform The full name of platform for which Python should be built. .PARAMETER version The version of Python that should be built. #> UbuntuPythonBuilder( [semver] $version, [string] $architecture, [string] $platform ) : Base($version, $architecture, $platform) { } [void] Configure() { <# .SYNOPSIS Execute configure script with required parameters. #> $pythonBinariesLocation = $this.GetFullPythonToolcacheLocation() ### To build Python with SO we must pass full path to lib folder to the linker $env:LDFLAGS="-Wl,--rpath=${pythonBinariesLocation}/lib" $configureString = "./configure" $configureString += " --prefix=$pythonBinariesLocation" $configureString += " --enable-shared" $configureString += " --enable-optimizations" ### Compile with support of loadable sqlite extensions. ### Link to documentation ( $configureString += " --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions" Write-Host "The passed configure options are: " Write-Host $configureString Execute-Command -Command $configureString } [void] PrepareEnvironment() { <# .SYNOPSIS Prepare system environment by installing dependencies and required packages. #> if ($this.Version -lt "3.5.3") { Write-Host "Python versions lower than 3.5.3 are not supported" exit 1 } ### Compile with tkinter support $tkinterInstallString = "sudo apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades python3-tk tk-dev" Execute-Command -Command "sudo apt-get update" Execute-Command -Command $tkinterInstallString ### Install dependent packages @( "make", "build-essential", "libssl-dev", "zlib1g-dev", "libbz2-dev", "libsqlite3-dev", "libncursesw5-dev", "libreadline-dev", "libgdbm-dev", "liblzma-dev" ) | ForEach-Object { Execute-Command -Command "sudo apt install -y $_" } ### On Ubuntu-1804, libgdbm-compat-dev has older modules that are no longer in libgdbm-dev Execute-Command -Command "sudo apt install -y libgdbm-compat-dev" } }