function Invoke-Workflow { param ( [string] $Version, [string] $PublishRelease ) $payload = @{ "ref" = "main" "inputs" = @{ "VERSION" = "$Version" "PUBLISH_RELEASES" = "$PublishRelease" } } | ConvertTo-Json $headers = @{ Authorization="Bearer $env:PERSONAL_TOKEN" } $actionsRepoUri = "$env:GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY/actions" Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$actionsRepoUri/workflows/python-builder.yml/dispatches" -method POST -headers $headers -body $payload $result = [PSCustomObject]@{ Version = $Version Conclusion = "failure" Url = "Not run" } # Triggering workflow and verifying that it has been triggered with retries while (-not $workflowToCheck) { Start-Sleep -seconds 40 $workflowRuns = (Invoke-RestMethod "$actionsRepoUri/runs").workflow_runs | Where-Object {$_.status -like "*progress*" -and $ -ne $env:GITHUB_RUN_ID} $workflowToCheck = $workflowRuns | Where-Object { (Invoke-RestMethod "$actionsRepoUri/runs/$($") -like "*$Version" } $retries++ if ($retries -gt 10) { Write-Host "Workflow triggered for version '$Version' not found or something went wrong with fetching the workflow status" return $result } } # Waiting for workflow to complete while ($workflowToCheck.status -ne "completed") { Start-Sleep -Seconds 120 $workflowToCheck = Invoke-RestMethod "$actionsRepoUri/runs/$($" Write-Host "Workflow run with Id: $($ for version '$Version' - status '$($workflowToCheck.status)'" } $result.Conclusion = $workflowToCheck.conclusion $result.Url = $workflowToCheck.html_url if ($workflowToCheck.conclusion -ne "success") { Write-Host "Triggered workflow for version '$Version' completed unsuccessfully with result '$($workflowToCheck.conclusion)'. Check the logs: $($workflowToCheck.html_url)" return $result } Write-Host "Triggered workflow for version '$Version' succeeded; Url: $($workflowToCheck.html_url)" return $result }