[String] $Architecture = "{{__ARCHITECTURE__}}" [Version] $Version = "{{__VERSION__}}" [String] $PythonExecName = "{{__PYTHON_EXEC_NAME__}}" function Get-RegistryVersionFilter { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Architecture, [Parameter(Mandatory)][Int32] $MajorVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory)][Int32] $MinorVersion ) $archFilter = if ($Architecture -eq 'x86') { "32-bit" } else { "64-bit" } ### Python 2.7 x86 have no architecture postfix if (($Architecture -eq "x86") -and ($MajorVersion -eq 2)) { "Python $MajorVersion.$MinorVersion.\d+$" } else { "Python $MajorVersion.$MinorVersion.*($archFilter)" } } function Remove-RegistryEntries { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Architecture, [Parameter(Mandatory)][Int32] $MajorVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory)][Int32] $MinorVersion ) $versionFilter = Get-RegistryVersionFilter -Architecture $Architecture -MajorVersion $MajorVersion -MinorVersion $MinorVersion $regPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products" $regKeys = Get-ChildItem -Path Registry::$regPath -Recurse | Where-Object Property -Ccontains DisplayName foreach ($key in $regKeys) { if ($key.getValue("DisplayName") -match $versionFilter) { Remove-Item -Path $key.PSParentPath -Recurse -Force -Verbose } } $regPath = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products" Get-ChildItem -Path Registry::$regPath | Where-Object { $_.GetValue("ProductName") -match $versionFilter } | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item Registry::$_ -Recurse -Force -Verbose } $uninstallRegistrySections = @( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall", # current user, x64 "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall", # all users, x64 "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall", # current user, x86 "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" # all users, x86 ) $uninstallRegistrySections | Where-Object { Test-Path -Path Registry::$_ } | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem -Path Registry::$_ | Where-Object { $_.getValue("DisplayName") -match $versionFilter } | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item Registry::$_ -Recurse -Force -Verbose } } } function Get-ExecParams { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][Boolean] $IsMSI, [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $PythonArchPath ) if ($IsMSI) { "TARGETDIR=$PythonArchPath ALLUSERS=1" } else { "DefaultAllUsersTargetDir=$PythonArchPath InstallAllUsers=1" } } $ToolcacheRoot = $env:AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ToolcacheRoot)) { # GitHub images don't have `AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY` variable $ToolcacheRoot = $env:RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE } $PythonToolcachePath = Join-Path -Path $ToolcacheRoot -ChildPath "Python" $PythonVersionPath = Join-Path -Path $PythonToolcachePath -ChildPath $Version.ToString() $PythonArchPath = Join-Path -Path $PythonVersionPath -ChildPath $Architecture $IsMSI = $PythonExecName -match "msi" $MajorVersion = $Version.Major $MinorVersion = $Version.Minor Write-Host "Check if Python hostedtoolcache folder exist..." if (-Not (Test-Path $PythonToolcachePath)) { Write-Host "Create Python toolcache folder" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $PythonToolcachePath | Out-Null } Write-Host "Check if current Python version is installed..." $InstalledVersions = Get-Item "$PythonToolcachePath\$MajorVersion.$MinorVersion.*\$Architecture" if ($null -ne $InstalledVersions) { Write-Host "Python$MajorVersion.$MinorVersion ($Architecture) was found in $PythonToolcachePath..." foreach ($InstalledVersion in $InstalledVersions) { if (Test-Path -Path $InstalledVersion) { Write-Host "Deleting $InstalledVersion..." Remove-Item -Path $InstalledVersion -Recurse -Force Remove-Item -Path "$($InstalledVersion.Parent.FullName)/${Architecture}.complete" -Force -Verbose } } } else { Write-Host "No Python$MajorVersion.$MinorVersion.* found" } Write-Host "Remove registry entries for Python ${MajorVersion}.${MinorVersion}(${Architecture})..." Remove-RegistryEntries -Architecture $Architecture -MajorVersion $MajorVersion -MinorVersion $MinorVersion Write-Host "Create Python $Version folder in $PythonToolcachePath" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $PythonArchPath -Force | Out-Null Write-Host "Copy Python binaries to $PythonArchPath" Copy-Item -Path ./$PythonExecName -Destination $PythonArchPath | Out-Null Write-Host "Install Python $Version in $PythonToolcachePath..." $ExecParams = Get-ExecParams -IsMSI $IsMSI -PythonArchPath $PythonArchPath cmd.exe /c "cd $PythonArchPath && call $PythonExecName $ExecParams /quiet" if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Error happened during Python installation" } Write-Host "Install and upgrade Pip" $PythonExePath = Join-Path -Path $PythonArchPath -ChildPath "python.exe" cmd.exe /c "$PythonExePath -m ensurepip && $PythonExePath -m pip install --upgrade pip" Write-Host "Create complete file" New-Item -ItemType File -Path $PythonVersionPath -Name "$Architecture.complete" | Out-Null