using module "./nix-python-builder.psm1" class macOSPythonBuilder : NixPythonBuilder { <# .SYNOPSIS MacOS Python builder class. .DESCRIPTION Contains methods that required to build macOS Python artifact from sources. Inherited from base NixPythonBuilder. While provides precompiled binaries for macOS, switching to them risks breaking existing customers. If we wanted to start using the official binaries instead of building from source, we should avoid changing previous versions so we remain backwards compatible. .PARAMETER platform The full name of platform for which Python should be built. .PARAMETER version The version of Python that should be built. #> macOSPythonBuilder( [semver] $version, [string] $architecture, [string] $platform ) : Base($version, $architecture, $platform) { } [void] PrepareEnvironment() { <# .SYNOPSIS Prepare system environment by installing dependencies and required packages. #> } [void] Configure() { <# .SYNOPSIS Execute configure script with required parameters. #> $pythonBinariesLocation = $this.GetFullPythonToolcacheLocation() $configureString = "./configure" $configureString += " --prefix=$pythonBinariesLocation" $configureString += " --enable-optimizations" $configureString += " --enable-shared" $configureString += " --with-lto" ### For Python versions which support it, compile a universal2 (arm64 + x86_64 hybrid) build. The arm64 slice ### will never be used itself by a Github Actions runner but using a universal2 Python is the only way to build ### universal2 C extensions and wheels. This is supported by Python >= 3.10 and was backported to Python >= ### 3.9.1 and >= 3.8.10. ### Disabled, discussion: # if ($this.Version -ge "3.8.10" -and $this.Version -ne "3.8.13" -and $this.Version -ne "3.9.0" ) { # $configureString += " --enable-universalsdk --with-universal-archs=universal2" # } ### OS X 10.11, Apple no longer provides header files for the deprecated system version of OpenSSL. ### Solution is to install these libraries from a third-party package manager, ### and then add the appropriate paths for the header and library files to configure command. ### Link to documentation ( if ($this.Version -lt "3.7.0") { $env:LDFLAGS = "-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib -L/usr/local/opt/zlib/lib" $env:CFLAGS = "-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include -I/usr/local/opt/zlib/include" } else { $configureString += " --with-openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1" # For Python 3.7.2 and 3.7.3 we need to provide PATH for zlib to pack it properly. Otherwise the build will fail # with the error: zipimport.ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available if ($this.Version -eq "3.7.2" -or $this.Version -eq "3.7.3") { $env:LDFLAGS = "-L/usr/local/opt/zlib/lib" $env:CFLAGS = "-I/usr/local/opt/zlib/include" } if ($this.Version -gt "3.7.12") { $configureString += " --with-tcltk-includes='-I /usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/include' --with-tcltk-libs='-L/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/lib -ltcl8.6 -ltk8.6'" } } ### Compile with support of loadable sqlite extensions. Unavailable for Python 2.* ### Link to documentation ( if ($this.Version -ge "3.2.0") { $configureString += " --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions" $env:LDFLAGS += " -L$(brew --prefix sqlite3)/lib" $env:CFLAGS += " -I$(brew --prefix sqlite3)/include" $env:CPPFLAGS += "-I$(brew --prefix sqlite3)/include" } Write-Host "The passed configure options are: " Write-Host $configureString Execute-Command -Command $configureString } [string] GetPkgName() { <# .SYNOPSIS Return Python installation Package. #> $nativeVersion = Convert-Version -version $this.Version $architecture = "-macos11" $extension = ".pkg" $pkg = "python-${nativeVersion}${architecture}${extension}" return $pkg } [uri] GetPkgUri() { <# .SYNOPSIS Get base Python URI and return complete URI for Python installation package. #> $base = $this.GetBaseUri() $versionName = $this.GetBaseVersion() $pkg = $this.GetPkgName() $uri = "${base}/${versionName}/${pkg}" return $uri } [string] DownloadPkg() { <# .SYNOPSIS Download Python installation executable into artifact location. #> $pkgUri = $this.GetPkgUri() Write-Host "Sources URI: $pkgUri" $pkgLocation = Download-File -Uri $pkgUri -OutputFolder $this.WorkFolderLocation Write-Debug "Done; Package location: $pkgLocation" New-Item -Path $this.WorkFolderLocation -Name "build_output.txt" -ItemType File return $pkgLocation } [void] CreateInstallationScriptPkg() { <# .SYNOPSIS Create Python artifact installation script based on specified template. #> $installationTemplateLocation = Join-Path -Path $this.InstallationTemplatesLocation -ChildPath "" $installationTemplateContent = Get-Content -Path $installationTemplateLocation -Raw $installationScriptLocation = New-Item -Path $this.WorkFolderLocation -Name $this.InstallationScriptName -ItemType File $variablesToReplace = @{ "{{__VERSION_FULL__}}" = $this.Version; "{{__PKG_NAME__}}" = $this.GetPkgName(); "{{__ARCH__}}" = $this.Architecture; } $variablesToReplace.keys | ForEach-Object { $installationTemplateContent = $installationTemplateContent.Replace($_, $variablesToReplace[$_]) } $installationTemplateContent | Out-File -FilePath $installationScriptLocation Write-Debug "Done; Installation script location: $installationScriptLocation)" } [void] Build() { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates Python artifact from downloaded Python installation executable. #> $PkgVersion = [semver]"3.11.0-beta.1" if (($this.Version -ge $PkgVersion) -or ($this.Architecture -eq "arm64")) { Write-Host "Download Python $($this.Version) [$($this.Architecture)] package..." $this.DownloadPkg() Write-Host "Create installation script..." $this.CreateInstallationScriptPkg() } else { ([NixPythonBuilder]$this).Build() } Write-Host "Archive artifact" $this.ArchiveArtifact() } }