
111 lines
4.2 KiB

param (
[semver] [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
[string] [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
[string] [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "../helpers/pester-extensions.psm1")
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "../helpers/common-helpers.psm1")
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "../builders/python-version.psm1")
BeforeAll {
function Analyze-MissingModules([string] $buildOutputLocation) {
$searchStringStart = "Failed to build these modules:"
$searchStringEnd = "running build_scripts"
$pattern = "$searchStringStart(.*?)$searchStringEnd"
$buildContent = Get-Content -Path $buildOutputLocation
$splitBuiltOutput = $buildContent -split "\n";
### Search for missing modules that are displayed between the search strings
$regexMatch = [regex]::match($SplitBuiltOutput, $Pattern)
if ($regexMatch.Success)
$module = $regexMatch.Groups[1].Value.Trim()
Write-Host "Failed missing modules:"
Write-Host $module
if ( ($module -eq "_tkinter") -and ( [semver]"$($Version.Major).$($Version.Minor)" -ge [semver]"3.10" -and $Version.PreReleaseLabel ) ) {
Write-Host "$module $Version ignored"
} else {
return 1
return 0
Describe "Tests" {
It "Python version" {
"python --version" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
$pythonLocation = (Get-Command "python").Path
$pythonLocation | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$expectedPath = Join-Path -Path $env:RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE -ChildPath "Python"
$pythonLocation.startsWith($expectedPath) | Should -BeTrue
It "Run simple code" {
"python ./sources/" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
# linux has no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable - skip tk test
# if (-not (($Platform -match "ubuntu") -or ($Platform -match "linux"))) {
# It "Check if tcl/tk has the same headed and library versions" {
# "python ./sources/" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
# }
# }
if (($Version -ge "3.2.0") -and ($Version -lt "3.11.0") -and (($Platform -ne "darwin") -or ($Architecture -ne "arm64"))) {
It "Check if sqlite3 module is installed" {
"python ./sources/" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
It "Run pip" {
"pip install requests" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
"pip uninstall requests -y" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
if (IsNixPlatform $Platform) {
It "Check for failed modules in build_output" {
$buildOutputLocation = Join-Path $env:RUNNER_TEMP "build_output.txt"
Analyze-MissingModules $buildOutputLocation | Should -Be 0
It "Check if all required python modules are installed" {
"python ./sources/" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
It "Check if python configuration is correct" {
$nativeVersion = Convert-Version -version $Version
"python ./sources/ $Version $nativeVersion $Architecture" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
It "Check if shared libraries are linked correctly" {
"bash ./sources/" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
# Pyinstaller 3.5 does not support Python 3.8.0. Check issue
if ($Version -lt "3.8.0" -and $Version.Major -ne "2") {
It "Validate Pyinstaller" {
"pip install pyinstaller" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
"pyinstaller --onefile ./sources/" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
$distPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($pwd, "dist", "simple-test")
"$distPath" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
It "Check urlopen with HTTPS works" {
"python ./sources/" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
It "Check a single dist-info per distribution is present" {
"python ./sources/" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode