## Thanks I would like to thank you for your valuable time and effort and applogies if this PR is rejected due to any reason. Aim: Implementing Nimn specification so that Js object can be converted to nimn format. ### DoD Here is the check list to publish any change * Changes are not half implemented due to the library limitation or any other reason. * Changes are well discussed by raising github issue. So they are well known by other contributers and users * Echoing the above point. The purpose / goal for the PR should be mentioned in the description. * Multiple unrelated changes should not be clubbed in single PR. * If you are adding any dependency (specially if it is not the dev dependency) please check that * it is not dependent on other language packages like c/c++ * the package is not very old or very new, discontinued, has any vulnerability etc. * please check the performance and size of package * please check alternate available options * Please write tests for the new changes * Don't forget to write tests for negative cases * Don't comment existing test case. Note that publishing changes or accepting any PR may take time. So please keep patience. ### Guidelines for first time contributors * https://github.com/Roshanjossey/first-contributions