// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.4.1 (function() { // Copies all enumerable own properties from `sources` to `target` var assign, getValue, isArray, isEmpty, isFunction, isObject, isPlainObject, hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty; assign = function(target, ...sources) { var i, key, len, source; if (isFunction(Object.assign)) { Object.assign.apply(null, arguments); } else { for (i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) { source = sources[i]; if (source != null) { for (key in source) { if (!hasProp.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } } } return target; }; // Determines if `val` is a Function object isFunction = function(val) { return !!val && Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Function]'; }; // Determines if `val` is an Object isObject = function(val) { var ref; return !!val && ((ref = typeof val) === 'function' || ref === 'object'); }; // Determines if `val` is an Array isArray = function(val) { if (isFunction(Array.isArray)) { return Array.isArray(val); } else { return Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Array]'; } }; // Determines if `val` is an empty Array or an Object with no own properties isEmpty = function(val) { var key; if (isArray(val)) { return !val.length; } else { for (key in val) { if (!hasProp.call(val, key)) continue; return false; } return true; } }; // Determines if `val` is a plain Object isPlainObject = function(val) { var ctor, proto; return isObject(val) && (proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(val)) && (ctor = proto.constructor) && (typeof ctor === 'function') && (ctor instanceof ctor) && (Function.prototype.toString.call(ctor) === Function.prototype.toString.call(Object)); }; // Gets the primitive value of an object getValue = function(obj) { if (isFunction(obj.valueOf)) { return obj.valueOf(); } else { return obj; } }; module.exports.assign = assign; module.exports.isFunction = isFunction; module.exports.isObject = isObject; module.exports.isArray = isArray; module.exports.isEmpty = isEmpty; module.exports.isPlainObject = isPlainObject; module.exports.getValue = getValue; }).call(this);