import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as gpg from './gpg'; import * as constants from './constants'; import {isJobStatusSuccess} from './util'; import {save} from './cache'; async function removePrivateKeyFromKeychain() { if (core.getInput(constants.INPUT_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY, {required: false})) {'Removing private key from keychain'); try { const keyFingerprint = core.getState( constants.STATE_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_FINGERPRINT ); await gpg.deleteKey(keyFingerprint); } catch (error) { core.setFailed( `Failed to remove private key due to: ${(error as Error).message}` ); } } } /** * Check given input and run a save process for the specified package manager * @returns Promise that will be resolved when the save process finishes */ async function saveCache() { const jobStatus = isJobStatusSuccess(); const cache = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_CACHE); return jobStatus && cache ? save(cache) : Promise.resolve(); } /** * The save process is best-effort, and it should not make the workflow fail * even though this process throws an error. * @param promise the promise to ignore error from * @returns Promise that will ignore error reported by the given promise */ async function ignoreError(promise: Promise) { return new Promise(resolve => { promise .catch(error => { core.warning(error); resolve(void 0); }) .then(resolve); }); } export async function run() { await removePrivateKeyFromKeychain(); await ignoreError(saveCache()); } if (require.main === module) { run(); } else { //'the script is loaded as a module, so skipping the execution'); }