import os from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import * as cache from '@actions/cache'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import {INPUT_JOB_STATUS, DISTRIBUTIONS_ONLY_MAJOR_VERSION} from './constants'; export function getTempDir() { const tempDirectory = process.env['RUNNER_TEMP'] || os.tmpdir(); return tempDirectory; } export function getBooleanInput(inputName: string, defaultValue = false) { return ( (core.getInput(inputName) || String(defaultValue)).toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' ); } export function getVersionFromToolcachePath(toolPath: string) { if (toolPath) { return path.basename(path.dirname(toolPath)); } return toolPath; } export async function extractJdkFile(toolPath: string, extension?: string) { if (!extension) { extension = toolPath.endsWith('.tar.gz') ? 'tar.gz' : path.extname(toolPath); if (extension.startsWith('.')) { extension = extension.substring(1); } } switch (extension) { case 'tar.gz': case 'tar': return await tc.extractTar(toolPath); case 'zip': return await tc.extractZip(toolPath); default: return await tc.extract7z(toolPath); } } export function getDownloadArchiveExtension() { return process.platform === 'win32' ? 'zip' : 'tar.gz'; } export function isVersionSatisfies(range: string, version: string): boolean { if (semver.valid(range)) { // if full version with build digit is provided as a range (such as '1.2.3+4') // we should check for exact equal via compareBuild // since semver.satisfies doesn't handle 4th digit const semRange = semver.parse(range); if (semRange && > 0) { return semver.compareBuild(range, version) === 0; } } return semver.satisfies(version, range); } export function getToolcachePath( toolName: string, version: string, architecture: string ) { const toolcacheRoot = process.env['RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE'] ?? ''; const fullPath = path.join(toolcacheRoot, toolName, version, architecture); if (fs.existsSync(fullPath)) { return fullPath; } return null; } export function isJobStatusSuccess() { const jobStatus = core.getInput(INPUT_JOB_STATUS); return jobStatus === 'success'; } export function isGhes(): boolean { const ghUrl = new URL( process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] || '' ); return ghUrl.hostname.toUpperCase() !== 'GITHUB.COM'; } export function isCacheFeatureAvailable(): boolean { if (cache.isFeatureAvailable()) { return true; } if (isGhes()) { core.warning( 'Caching is only supported on GHES version >= 3.5. If you are on a version >= 3.5, please check with your GHES admin if the Actions cache service is enabled or not.' ); return false; } core.warning( 'The runner was not able to contact the cache service. Caching will be skipped' ); return false; } export function getVersionFromFileContent( content: string, distributionName: string ): string | null { const javaVersionRegExp = /(?(?<=(^|\s|-))(\d+\S*))(\s|$)/; const fileContent = content.match(javaVersionRegExp)?.groups?.version ? (content.match(javaVersionRegExp)?.groups?.version as string) : ''; if (!fileContent) { return null; } core.debug(`Version from file '${fileContent}'`); const tentativeVersion = avoidOldNotation(fileContent); const rawVersion = tentativeVersion.split('-')[0]; let version = semver.validRange(rawVersion) ? tentativeVersion : semver.coerce(tentativeVersion); core.debug(`Range version from file is '${version}'`); if (!version) { return null; } if (DISTRIBUTIONS_ONLY_MAJOR_VERSION.includes(distributionName)) { const coerceVersion = semver.coerce(version) ?? version; version = semver.major(coerceVersion).toString(); } return version.toString(); } // By convention, action expects version 8 in the format `8.*` instead of `1.8` function avoidOldNotation(content: string): string { return content.startsWith('1.') ? content.substring(2) : content; } export function convertVersionToSemver(version: number[] | string) { // Some distributions may use semver-like notation (, const versionArray = Array.isArray(version) ? version : version.split('.'); const mainVersion = versionArray.slice(0, 3).join('.'); if (versionArray.length > 3) { return `${mainVersion}+${versionArray.slice(3).join('.')}`; } return mainVersion; }