import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import path from 'path'; import BaseDistribution from '../base-distribution'; import {NodeInputs, INodeVersion, INodeVersionInfo} from '../base-models'; interface INodeRelease extends tc.IToolRelease { lts?: string; } export default class OfficialBuilds extends BaseDistribution { constructor(nodeInfo: NodeInputs) { super(nodeInfo); } public async setupNodeJs() { let manifest: tc.IToolRelease[] | undefined; let nodeJsVersions: INodeVersion[] | undefined; const osArch = this.translateArchToDistUrl(this.nodeInfo.arch); if (this.isLtsAlias(this.nodeInfo.versionSpec)) {'Attempt to resolve LTS alias from manifest...'); // No try-catch since it's not possible to resolve LTS alias without manifest manifest = await this.getManifest(); this.nodeInfo.versionSpec = this.resolveLtsAliasFromManifest( this.nodeInfo.versionSpec, this.nodeInfo.stable, manifest ); } if (this.isLatestSyntax(this.nodeInfo.versionSpec)) { nodeJsVersions = await this.getNodeJsVersions(); const versions = this.filterVersions(nodeJsVersions); this.nodeInfo.versionSpec = this.evaluateVersions(versions);'getting latest node version...'); } if (this.nodeInfo.checkLatest) {'Attempt to resolve the latest version from manifest...'); const resolvedVersion = await this.resolveVersionFromManifest( this.nodeInfo.versionSpec, this.nodeInfo.stable, osArch, manifest ); if (resolvedVersion) { this.nodeInfo.versionSpec = resolvedVersion;`Resolved as '${resolvedVersion}'`); } else { `Failed to resolve version ${this.nodeInfo.versionSpec} from manifest` ); } } let toolPath = this.findVersionInHostedToolCacheDirectory(); if (toolPath) {`Found in cache @ ${toolPath}`); this.addToolPath(toolPath); return; } let downloadPath = ''; try {`Attempting to download ${this.nodeInfo.versionSpec}...`); const versionInfo = await this.getInfoFromManifest( this.nodeInfo.versionSpec, this.nodeInfo.stable, osArch, manifest ); if (versionInfo) { `Acquiring ${versionInfo.resolvedVersion} - ${versionInfo.arch} from ${versionInfo.downloadUrl}` ); downloadPath = await tc.downloadTool( versionInfo.downloadUrl, undefined, this.nodeInfo.auth ); if (downloadPath) { toolPath = await this.extractArchive(downloadPath, versionInfo); } } else { 'Not found in manifest. Falling back to download directly from Node' ); } } catch (err) { // Rate limit? if ( err instanceof tc.HTTPError && (err.httpStatusCode === 403 || err.httpStatusCode === 429) ) { `Received HTTP status code ${err.httpStatusCode}. This usually indicates the rate limit has been exceeded` ); } else { as Error).message); } core.debug((err as Error).stack ?? 'empty stack');'Falling back to download directly from Node'); } if (!toolPath) { toolPath = await this.downloadDirectlyFromNode(); } if (this.osPlat != 'win32') { toolPath = path.join(toolPath, 'bin'); } core.addPath(toolPath); } protected addToolPath(toolPath: string) { if (this.osPlat != 'win32') { toolPath = path.join(toolPath, 'bin'); } core.addPath(toolPath); } protected async downloadDirectlyFromNode() { const nodeJsVersions = await this.getNodeJsVersions(); const versions = this.filterVersions(nodeJsVersions); const evaluatedVersion = this.evaluateVersions(versions); if (!evaluatedVersion) { throw new Error( `Unable to find Node version '${this.nodeInfo.versionSpec}' for platform ${this.osPlat} and architecture ${this.nodeInfo.arch}.` ); } const toolName = this.getNodejsDistInfo(evaluatedVersion); try { const toolPath = await this.downloadNodejs(toolName); return toolPath; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof tc.HTTPError && error.httpStatusCode === 404) { `Node version ${this.nodeInfo.versionSpec} for platform ${this.osPlat} and architecture ${this.nodeInfo.arch} was found but failed to download. ` + 'This usually happens when downloadable binaries are not fully updated at ' + 'To resolve this issue you may either fall back to the older version or try again later.' ); } throw error; } } protected evaluateVersions(versions: string[]): string { let version = ''; if (this.isLatestSyntax(this.nodeInfo.versionSpec)) {`getting latest node version...`); return versions[0]; } version = super.evaluateVersions(versions); return version; } protected getDistributionUrl(): string { return ``; } private getManifest(): Promise { core.debug('Getting manifest from actions/node-versions@main'); return tc.getManifestFromRepo( 'actions', 'node-versions', this.nodeInfo.auth, 'main' ); } private resolveLtsAliasFromManifest( versionSpec: string, stable: boolean, manifest: INodeRelease[] ): string { const alias = versionSpec.split('lts/')[1]?.toLowerCase(); if (!alias) { throw new Error( `Unable to parse LTS alias for Node version '${versionSpec}'` ); } core.debug(`LTS alias '${alias}' for Node version '${versionSpec}'`); // Supported formats are `lts/`, `lts/*`, and `lts/-n`. Where asterisk means highest possible LTS and -n means the nth-highest. const n = Number(alias); const aliases = Object.fromEntries( manifest .filter(x => x.lts && x.stable === stable) .map(x => [x.lts!.toLowerCase(), x]) .reverse() ); const numbered = Object.values(aliases); const release = alias === '*' ? numbered[numbered.length - 1] : n < 0 ? numbered[numbered.length - 1 + n] : aliases[alias]; if (!release) { throw new Error( `Unable to find LTS release '${alias}' for Node version '${versionSpec}'.` ); } core.debug( `Found LTS release '${release.version}' for Node version '${versionSpec}'` ); return release.version.split('.')[0]; } private async resolveVersionFromManifest( versionSpec: string, stable: boolean, osArch: string, manifest: tc.IToolRelease[] | undefined ): Promise { try { const info = await this.getInfoFromManifest( versionSpec, stable, osArch, manifest ); return info?.resolvedVersion; } catch (err) {'Unable to resolve version from manifest...'); core.debug((err as Error).message); } } private async getInfoFromManifest( versionSpec: string, stable: boolean, osArch: string, manifest: tc.IToolRelease[] | undefined ): Promise { let info: INodeVersionInfo | null = null; if (!manifest) { core.debug('No manifest cached'); manifest = await this.getManifest(); } const rel = await tc.findFromManifest( versionSpec, stable, manifest, osArch ); if (rel && rel.files.length > 0) { info = {}; info.resolvedVersion = rel.version; info.arch = rel.files[0].arch; info.downloadUrl = rel.files[0].download_url; info.fileName = rel.files[0].filename; } return info; } private isLtsAlias(versionSpec: string): boolean { return versionSpec.startsWith('lts/'); } private isLatestSyntax(versionSpec): boolean { return ['current', 'latest', 'node'].includes(versionSpec); } }