import * as glob from '@actions/glob'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as exec from '@actions/exec'; import * as child_process from 'child_process'; import utils from 'util'; import * as path from 'path'; import os from 'os'; import CacheDistributor from './cache-distributor'; import {getLinuxInfo, IS_LINUX, IS_WINDOWS} from '../utils'; import {CACHE_DEPENDENCY_BACKUP_PATH} from './constants'; class PipCache extends CacheDistributor { private cacheDependencyBackupPath: string = CACHE_DEPENDENCY_BACKUP_PATH; constructor( private pythonVersion: string, cacheDependencyPath: string = '**/requirements.txt' ) { super('pip', cacheDependencyPath); } protected async getCacheGlobalDirectories() { let exitCode = 1; let stdout = ''; let stderr = ''; // Add temporary fix for Windows // On windows it is necessary to execute through an exec // because the getExecOutput gives a non zero code or writes to stderr for pip 22.0.2, // or spawn must be started with the shell option enabled for getExecOutput // Related issue: if (IS_WINDOWS) { const execPromisify = utils.promisify(child_process.exec); ({stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr} = await execPromisify('pip cache dir')); } else { ({ stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr, exitCode: exitCode } = await exec.getExecOutput('pip cache dir')); } if (exitCode && stderr) { throw new Error( `Could not get cache folder path for pip package manager` ); } let resolvedPath = stdout.trim(); if (resolvedPath.includes('~')) { resolvedPath = path.join(os.homedir(), resolvedPath.slice(1)); } core.debug(`global cache directory path is ${resolvedPath}`); return [resolvedPath]; } protected async computeKeys() { const hash = (await glob.hashFiles(this.cacheDependencyPath)) || (await glob.hashFiles(this.cacheDependencyBackupPath)); let primaryKey = ''; let restoreKey = ''; if (IS_LINUX) { const osInfo = await getLinuxInfo(); primaryKey = `${this.CACHE_KEY_PREFIX}-${process.env['RUNNER_OS']}-${osInfo.osVersion}-${osInfo.osName}-python-${this.pythonVersion}-${this.packageManager}-${hash}`; restoreKey = `${this.CACHE_KEY_PREFIX}-${process.env['RUNNER_OS']}-${osInfo.osVersion}-${osInfo.osName}-python-${this.pythonVersion}-${this.packageManager}`; } else { primaryKey = `${this.CACHE_KEY_PREFIX}-${process.env['RUNNER_OS']}-python-${this.pythonVersion}-${this.packageManager}-${hash}`; restoreKey = `${this.CACHE_KEY_PREFIX}-${process.env['RUNNER_OS']}-python-${this.pythonVersion}-${this.packageManager}`; } return { primaryKey, restoreKey: [restoreKey] }; } } export default PipCache;