import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as cache from '@actions/cache'; import * as exec from '@actions/exec'; import {getCacheDistributor} from '../src/cache-distributions/cache-factory'; describe('restore-cache', () => { const pipFileLockHash = '67d817abcde9c72da0ed5b8f235647cb14638b9ff9d742b42e4406d2eb16fe3c'; const requirementsHash = 'd8110e0006d7fb5ee76365d565eef9d37df1d11598b912d3eb66d398d57a1121'; const requirementsLinuxHash = '2d0ff7f46b0e120e3d3294db65768b474934242637b9899b873e6283dfd16d7c'; // core spy let infoSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let warningSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let debugSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let saveSatetSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let getStateSpy: jest.SpyInstance; // cache spy let restoreCacheSpy: jest.SpyInstance; // exec spy let getExecOutputSpy: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = process.env['RUNNER_OS'] ?? 'linux'; infoSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'info'); infoSpy.mockImplementation(input => undefined); warningSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'warning'); warningSpy.mockImplementation(input => undefined); debugSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'debug'); debugSpy.mockImplementation(input => undefined); saveSatetSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'saveState'); saveSatetSpy.mockImplementation(input => undefined); getStateSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'getState'); getStateSpy.mockImplementation(input => undefined); getExecOutputSpy = jest.spyOn(exec, 'getExecOutput'); getExecOutputSpy.mockImplementation((input: string) => { if (input.includes('pip')) { return {stdout: 'pip', stderr: '', exitCode: 0}; } return {stdout: '', stderr: 'Error occured', exitCode: 2}; }); restoreCacheSpy = jest.spyOn(cache, 'restoreCache'); restoreCacheSpy.mockImplementation( (cachePaths: string[], primaryKey: string, restoreKey?: string) => { return primaryKey; } ); }); describe('Validate provided package manager', () => { it.each(['npm', 'pip2', 'pip21', 'pip21.3', 'pipenv32'])( 'Throw an error because %s is not supported', async packageManager => { expect(() => getCacheDistributor(packageManager, '3.8.12', undefined) ).toThrowError(`Caching for '${packageManager}' is not supported`); } ); }); describe('Restore dependencies', () => { it.each([ ['pip', '3.8.12', undefined, requirementsHash], ['pip', '3.8.12', '**/requirements-linux.txt', requirementsLinuxHash], [ 'pip', '3.8.12', '__tests__/data/requirements-linux.txt', requirementsLinuxHash ], ['pip', '3.8.12', '__tests__/data/requirements.txt', requirementsHash], ['pipenv', '3.9.1', undefined, pipFileLockHash], ['pipenv', '3.9.12', '__tests__/data/requirements.txt', requirementsHash] ])( 'restored dependencies for %s by primaryKey', async (packageManager, pythonVersion, dependencyFile, fileHash) => { const cacheDistributor = await getCacheDistributor( packageManager, pythonVersion, dependencyFile ); await cacheDistributor.restoreCache(); expect(infoSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Cache restored from key: setup-python-${process.env['RUNNER_OS']}-python-${pythonVersion}-${packageManager}-${fileHash}` ); } ); it.each([ ['pip', '3.8.12', 'requirements-linux.txt', 'requirements-linux.txt'], ['pip', '3.8.12', 'requirements.txt', 'requirements.txt'], ['pipenv', '3.9.12', 'requirements.txt', 'requirements.txt'] ])( 'Should throw an error because dependency file is not found', async ( packageManager, pythonVersion, dependencyFile, cacheDependencyPath ) => { const cacheDistributor = await getCacheDistributor( packageManager, pythonVersion, dependencyFile ); await expect(cacheDistributor.restoreCache()).rejects.toThrowError( `No file in ${process.cwd()} matched to [${cacheDependencyPath .split('\n') .join(',')}], make sure you have checked out the target repository` ); } ); }); describe('Dependencies changed', () => { it.each([ ['pip', '3.8.12', undefined, pipFileLockHash], ['pip', '3.8.12', '**/requirements-linux.txt', pipFileLockHash], [ 'pip', '3.8.12', '__tests__/data/requirements-linux.txt', pipFileLockHash ], ['pip', '3.8.12', '__tests__/data/requirements.txt', pipFileLockHash], ['pipenv', '3.9.1', undefined, requirementsHash], ['pipenv', '3.9.12', '__tests__/data/requirements.txt', requirementsHash] ])( 'restored dependencies for %s by primaryKey', async (packageManager, pythonVersion, dependencyFile, fileHash) => { restoreCacheSpy.mockImplementation( (cachePaths: string[], primaryKey: string, restoreKey?: string) => { return primaryKey !== fileHash && restoreKey ? pipFileLockHash : ''; } ); const cacheDistributor = await getCacheDistributor( packageManager, pythonVersion, dependencyFile ); await cacheDistributor.restoreCache(); let result = ''; if (packageManager !== 'pipenv') { result = `Cache restored from key: ${fileHash}`; } else { result = 'pipenv cache is not found'; } expect(infoSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(result); } ); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.clearAllMocks(); }); });