
59 lines
2.0 KiB

import * as cheerio from 'cheerio';
import * as core from '@actions/core'
import { fetchPullRequest } from './fetchPullRequest';
* The main function for the action.
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves when the action is complete.
export async function run(): Promise<void> {
try {
const repo: string = core.getInput('repository')
const prNumber: string = core.getInput('pr-number')
fetchPullRequest(repo, parseInt(prNumber))
.then(function (response) {
const $ = cheerio.load(response.data)
const sidebarContext = '.sidebar-assignee'
const codeownerSelector = 'button[id*="codeowner-"]'
const pendingCodeOwnerSelector = 'tool-tip[for*="review-"]'
// Codeowners
const codeowner: Array<String> = $(codeownerSelector, sidebarContext).map((i, x) => $(x).attr('id')?.split('-')[1].trim()).toArray()
const countCodeowner: number = codeowner.length
if (countCodeowner < 1) {
core.notice("No code owners detected in the pull request.")
return core.ExitCode.Success
// Pending
const pending: Array<String> = []
$(pendingCodeOwnerSelector, sidebarContext).map(function () {
const name = $(this).text().split(' ')[$(this).text().split(' ').length - 1].trim()
if (codeowner.indexOf(name) != -1) { //TODO Find out what the approved message is
const countPending: number = pending.length
if (countPending < countCodeowner) {
core.setFailed("Code owners pending approval: " + pending.sort())
core.setOutput('approved', codeowner)
core.setOutput('approved-count', countCodeowner - countPending)
core.setOutput('pending', pending)
core.setOutput('pending-count', countPending)
.catch(function (err: Error) {
if (err instanceof Error) core.setFailed(err.message)
catch {