import * as glob from '@actions/glob' import * as path from 'path' import {debug, info} from '@actions/core' import {stat} from 'fs' import {dirname} from 'path' import {promisify} from 'util' const stats = promisify(stat) export interface SearchResult { filesToUpload: string[] rootDirectory: string } function getDefaultGlobOptions(): glob.GlobOptions { return { followSymbolicLinks: true, implicitDescendants: true, omitBrokenSymbolicLinks: true } } /** * If multiple paths are specific, the least common ancestor (LCA) of the search paths is used as * the delimiter to control the directory structure for the artifact. This function returns the LCA * when given an array of search paths * * Example 1: The patterns `/foo/` and `/bar/` returns `/` * * Example 2: The patterns `~/foo/bar/*` and `~/foo/voo/two/*` and `~/foo/mo/` returns `~/foo` */ function getMultiPathLCA(searchPaths: string[]): string { if (searchPaths.length < 2) { throw new Error('At least two search paths must be provided') } const commonPaths = new Array() const splitPaths = new Array() let smallestPathLength = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER // split each of the search paths using the platform specific separator for (const searchPath of searchPaths) { debug(`Using search path ${searchPath}`) const splitSearchPath = path.normalize(searchPath).split(path.sep) // keep track of the smallest path length so that we don't accidentally later go out of bounds smallestPathLength = Math.min(smallestPathLength, splitSearchPath.length) splitPaths.push(splitSearchPath) } // on Unix-like file systems, the file separator exists at the beginning of the file path, make sure to preserve it if (searchPaths[0].startsWith(path.sep)) { commonPaths.push(path.sep) } let splitIndex = 0 // function to check if the paths are the same at a specific index function isPathTheSame(): boolean { const compare = splitPaths[0][splitIndex] for (let i = 1; i < splitPaths.length; i++) { if (compare !== splitPaths[i][splitIndex]) { // a non-common index has been reached return false } } return true } // Loop over all the search paths until there is a non-common ancestor or we go out of bounds while (splitIndex < smallestPathLength) { if (!isPathTheSame()) { break } // if all are the same, add to the end result & increment the index commonPaths.push(splitPaths[0][splitIndex]) splitIndex++ } return path.join(...commonPaths) } export async function findFilesToUpload( searchPath: string, globOptions?: glob.GlobOptions ): Promise { const searchResults: string[] = [] const globber = await glob.create( searchPath, globOptions || getDefaultGlobOptions() ) const rawSearchResults: string[] = await globber.glob() /* Directories will be rejected if attempted to be uploaded. This includes just empty directories so filter any directories out from the raw search results */ for (const searchResult of rawSearchResults) { const fileStats = await stats(searchResult) // isDirectory() returns false for symlinks if using fs.lstat(), make sure to use fs.stat() instead if (!fileStats.isDirectory()) { debug(`File:${searchResult} was found using the provided searchPath`) searchResults.push(searchResult) } else { debug( `Removing ${searchResult} from rawSearchResults because it is a directory` ) } } // Calculate the root directory for the artifact using the search paths that were utilized const searchPaths: string[] = globber.getSearchPaths() if (searchPaths.length > 1) { info( `Multiple search paths detected. Calculating the least common ancestor of all paths` ) const lcaSearchPath = getMultiPathLCA(searchPaths) info( `The least common ancestor is ${lcaSearchPath}. This will be the root directory of the artifact` ) return { filesToUpload: searchResults, rootDirectory: lcaSearchPath } } /* Special case for a single file artifact that is uploaded without a directory or wildcard pattern. The directory structure is not preserved and the root directory will be the single files parent directory */ if (searchResults.length === 1 && searchPaths[0] === searchResults[0]) { return { filesToUpload: searchResults, rootDirectory: dirname(searchResults[0]) } } return { filesToUpload: searchResults, rootDirectory: searchPaths[0] } }