#!/bin/bash # Helper functions for coloring output. info() { echo -e "\\e[36m$*\\e[0m"; } error() { echo -e "\\e[31m✗ $*\\e[0m"; } success() { echo -e "\\e[32m✔ $*\\e[0m"; } # Helper function to check if SonarQube is up and running. check_sq_is_up() { local statusCall="$(curl --silent --user admin:admin" local status="$(jq -r '.status' <<< "$statusCall")" if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then error "Failed to check if SonarQube is up and running." exit 1 fi echo $status; } info "Build scanner action..." docker build --no-cache -t sonarsource/sonarqube-scan-action . if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then error "Failed to build the scanner action." exit 1 fi success "Scanner action built." info "Find the network SonarQube is running on..." network=$(docker network ls -f 'name=github_network' --format "{{.Name}}") if [[ $network != "github_network_"* ]]; then error "Failed to find the local Docker network." exit 1 fi success "Found the network ($network)." info "Wait until SonarQube is up..." sleep 10 isUp=$(check_sq_is_up) until [[ "$isUp" == "UP" ]]; do sleep 1 isUp=$(check_sq_is_up) done success "SonarQube is up and running." info "Generate a new token..." tokenCall=$(curl --silent --user admin:admin -d "name=token" token="$(jq -r '.token' <<< "$tokenCall")" if [[ -z "$token" ]]; then error "Failed to generate a new token." exit 1 fi success "New token generated." info "Analyze project..." cd test/example-project/ docker run -v `pwd`:/github/workspace/ --workdir /github/workspace --network $network --env SONAR_TOKEN=$token --env SONAR_HOST_URL='http://sonarqube:9000' sonarsource/sonarqube-scan-action if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then error "Couldn't run the analysis." exit 1 elif [[ ! -f ".scannerwork/report-task.txt" ]]; then error "Couldn't find the report task file. Analysis failed." exit 1 fi success "Analysis successful." echo "" # new line echo "============================" echo "" # new line success "QA successful!"