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2023-05-21 12:04:27 +00:00
# This file is part of the Glowtables software
# Copyright (C) 2023 Valentin Lorentz
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, as published by the
# Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.
"""Data model"""
import abc
import collections
import dataclasses
import itertools
import textwrap
from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, Iterator, NewType, Optional, TypeVar
import rdflib
Language = NewType("Language", str)
"""ISO 639-1 code"""
SparqlVariable = NewType("SparqlVariable", str)
"""A variable within a SPARQL query, without the leading ``?``."""
_TFieldValue = TypeVar("_TFieldValue")
class Field(abc.ABC, Generic[_TFieldValue]):
"""Abstract class for a table field."""
id: str
"""Unique within a table"""
display_names: dict[Language, str]
"""Localized name for the field (eg. in a table header)"""
def sort_key(self, value: _TFieldValue):
"""Function suitable as ``key`` argument to :func:`sorted`.
Defaults to the identity function."""
def sparql(
subject_var: SparqlVariable,
object_var: SparqlVariable,
new_var: Callable[[], SparqlVariable],
) -> str:
Given the SPARQL variable of a subject and object, returns SPARQL statements
which bind the ``object_var`` to the value of the field for the subject bound
to ``subject_var``.
For example, if this ``Field`` represents the `"CPU frequency"
2023-05-21 12:06:09 +00:00
<>`__, ``subject_var`` is ``a``, and
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``object_var`` is `b``, this will return::
?subject_var <> ?object_var.
Typically there is only one statement, but more statements are needed to fetch
nodes which aren't neighbors.
class LiteralField(Field[rdflib.Literal]):
"""Simplest field: its value is a literal directly on the subject"""
predicate: rdflib.URIRef
default: Optional[rdflib.Literal] = None
"""If this is not :const:`None`, allows subjects without a statement for this field;
and use this value instead when sorting.
This is only used when sorting, and isn't displayed."""
2023-05-21 12:04:27 +00:00
def sort_key(self, value: rdflib.Literal) -> Any:
"""Function suitable as ``key`` argument to :func:`sorted`.
Defaults to the identity function."""
if value is None:
if self.default is None:
raise ValueError(f"{} value is unexpectedly None")
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return self.sort_key(self.default)
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return value
def sparql(
subject_var: SparqlVariable,
object_var: SparqlVariable,
new_var: Callable[[], SparqlVariable],
) -> str:
statement = f"?{subject_var} <{self.predicate}> ?{object_var}."
if self.default is None:
return statement
return f"OPTIONAL {{ {statement} }}."
class Table:
"""A table, along with its fields description."""
fields: list[Field]
"""Ordered list of all fields of the table. Includes hidden and filter-only fields.
constraints: str
"""SPARQL statements which constrain the set of nodes used as main subject
for table entries.
The variable bound to the subject is what is defined in :attr:`subject`
(by default, ``?subject``).
id: Optional[str] = None
"""Unique within a Glowtable instance"""
display_names: dict[Language, str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
"""Localized name for the table (eg. on a page title)"""
subject: SparqlVariable = SparqlVariable("subject")
sparql_template = textwrap.dedent(
SELECT {columns}
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
field_ids = [ for field in self.fields]
if str(self.subject) in field_ids:
raise ValueError(f"{self.subject} is both subject and a field id.")
duplicate_field_ids = [
for (field_id, count) in collections.Counter(field_ids).items()
if count > 1
if duplicate_field_ids:
raise ValueError(
f"{self} has duplicate field ids: {', '.join(duplicate_field_ids)}"
def sparql(self) -> str:
"""Returns a SPARQL query suitable to get records for this table."""
def new_var(prefix: str) -> Iterator[SparqlVariable]:
for i in itertools.count():
yield SparqlVariable(f"{prefix}{i}")
subject = SparqlVariable("subject")
columns = " ".join(f"?{}" for field in self.fields)
2023-05-21 12:04:27 +00:00
statements = "\n ".join(
field.sparql(subject, SparqlVariable(, new_var(
for field in self.fields
constraints = textwrap.indent(self.constraints, " ").strip()
return self.sparql_template.format(