import contextlib import fcntl import functools from pathlib import Path import shutil import subprocess import textwrap from typing import Callable, ContextManager, Iterator, Optional, Type from irctest.basecontrollers import BaseServerController, DirectoryBasedController TEMPLATE_CONFIG = """ include "modules.default.conf"; include "operclass.default.conf"; {extras} include "help/help.conf"; me {{ name "My.Little.Server"; info "test server"; sid "001"; }} admin {{ "Bob Smith"; "bob"; ""; }} class clients {{ pingfreq 90; maxclients 1000; sendq 200k; recvq 8000; }} class servers {{ pingfreq 60; connfreq 15; /* try to connect every 15 seconds */ maxclients 10; /* max servers */ sendq 20M; }} allow {{ mask *; class clients; maxperip 50; {password_field} }} listen {{ ip {hostname}; port {port}; }} listen {{ ip {tls_hostname}; port {tls_port}; options {{ tls; }} tls-options {{ certificate "{pem_path}"; key "{key_path}"; }}; }} /* Special SSL/TLS servers-only port for linking */ listen {{ ip {services_hostname}; port {services_port}; options {{ serversonly; }} }} link {{ incoming {{ mask *; }} password "password"; class servers; }} ulines {{; }} set {{ sasl-server; kline-address ""; network-name "ExampleNET"; default-server ""; help-channel "#Help"; cloak-keys {{ "aaaA1"; "bbbB2"; "cccC3"; }} options {{ identd-check; // Disable it, so it doesn't prefix idents with a tilde }} anti-flood {{ // Prevent throttling, especially which // triggers anti-flood with its very long lines unknown-users {{ nick-flood 255:10; lag-penalty 1; lag-penalty-bytes 10000; }} }} modes-on-join "+H 100:1d"; // Enables CHATHISTORY {set_v6only} }} tld {{ mask *; motd "{empty_file}"; botmotd "{empty_file}"; rules "{empty_file}"; }} files {{ tunefile "{empty_file}"; }} oper "operuser" {{ password "operpassword"; mask *; class clients; operclass netadmin; }} """ SET_V6ONLY = """ // Remove RPL_WHOISSPECIAL used to advertise security groups whois-details { security-groups { everyone none; self none; oper none; } } plaintext-policy { server warn; // oper warn; // } anti-flood { everyone { connect-flood 255:10; } } """ def _filelock(path: Path) -> Callable[[], ContextManager]: """Alternative to :cls:`multiprocessing.Lock` that works with pytest-xdist""" @contextlib.contextmanager def f() -> Iterator[None]: with open(path, "a") as fd: fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX) yield return f _UNREALIRCD_BIN = shutil.which("unrealircd") if _UNREALIRCD_BIN: _UNREALIRCD_PREFIX = Path(_UNREALIRCD_BIN).parent.parent # Try to keep that lock file specific to this Unrealircd instance _LOCK_PATH = _UNREALIRCD_PREFIX / "irctest-unrealircd-startstop.lock" else: # unrealircd not found; we are probably going to crash later anyway... _LOCK_PATH = Path("/tmp/irctest-unrealircd-startstop.lock") _STARTSTOP_LOCK = _filelock(_LOCK_PATH) """ Unreal cleans its tmp/ directory after each run, which prevents multiple processes from starting/stopping at the same time. """ @functools.lru_cache() def installed_version() -> int: output = subprocess.check_output(["unrealircd", "-v"], universal_newlines=True) if output.startswith("UnrealIRCd-5."): return 5 elif output.startswith("UnrealIRCd-6."): return 6 else: assert False, f"unexpected version: {output}" class UnrealircdController(BaseServerController, DirectoryBasedController): software_name = "UnrealIRCd" supported_sasl_mechanisms = {"PLAIN"} supports_sts = False extban_mute_char = "quiet" if installed_version() >= 6 else "q" software_version = installed_version() def create_config(self) -> None: super().create_config() with self.open_file("server.conf"): pass def run( self, hostname: str, port: int, *, password: Optional[str], ssl: bool, run_services: bool, faketime: Optional[str], ) -> None: assert self.proc is None self.port = port self.hostname = hostname self.create_config() if installed_version() >= 6: extras = textwrap.dedent( """ include "snomasks.default.conf"; loadmodule "cloak_md5"; """ ) set_v6only = SET_V6ONLY else: extras = "" set_v6only = "" with self.open_file("empty.txt") as fd: fd.write("\n") password_field = 'password "{}";'.format(password) if password else "" (services_hostname, services_port) = self.get_hostname_and_port() (unused_hostname, unused_port) = self.get_hostname_and_port() self.gen_ssl() if ssl: (tls_hostname, tls_port) = (hostname, port) (hostname, port) = (unused_hostname, unused_port) else: # Unreal refuses to start without TLS enabled (tls_hostname, tls_port) = (unused_hostname, unused_port) assert with self.open_file("unrealircd.conf") as fd: fd.write( TEMPLATE_CONFIG.format( hostname=hostname, port=port, services_hostname=services_hostname, services_port=services_port, tls_hostname=tls_hostname, tls_port=tls_port, password_field=password_field, key_path=self.key_path, pem_path=self.pem_path, / "empty.txt", set_v6only=set_v6only, extras=extras, ) ) if faketime and shutil.which("faketime"): faketime_cmd = ["faketime", "-f", faketime] self.faketime_enabled = True else: faketime_cmd = [] with _STARTSTOP_LOCK(): self.proc = subprocess.Popen( [ *faketime_cmd, "unrealircd", "-t", "-F", # BOOT_NOFORK "-f", / "unrealircd.conf", ], # stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) self.wait_for_port() if run_services: self.services_controller = self.services_controller_class( self.test_config, self ) protocol="unreal4", server_hostname=services_hostname, server_port=services_port, ) def kill_proc(self) -> None: assert self.proc with _STARTSTOP_LOCK(): self.proc.kill() self.proc.wait(5) # wait for it to actually die self.proc = None def get_irctest_controller_class() -> Type[UnrealircdController]: return UnrealircdController