import copy import json import os import subprocess from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Set, Type, Union from irctest.basecontrollers import ( BaseServerController, DirectoryBasedController, NotImplementedByController, ) from irctest.cases import BaseServerTestCase BASE_CONFIG = { "network": {"name": "ErgoTest"}, "server": { "name": "My.Little.Server", "listeners": {}, "max-sendq": "16k", "connection-limits": { "enabled": True, "cidr-len-ipv4": 32, "cidr-len-ipv6": 64, "ips-per-subnet": 1, "exempted": ["localhost"], }, "connection-throttling": { "enabled": True, "cidr-len-ipv4": 32, "cidr-len-ipv6": 64, "ips-per-subnet": 16, "duration": "10m", "max-connections": 1, "ban-duration": "10m", "ban-message": "Try again later", "exempted": ["localhost"], }, "lookup-hostnames": False, "enforce-utf8": True, "relaymsg": {"enabled": True, "separators": "/", "available-to-chanops": True}, "compatibility": { "allow-truncation": False, }, }, "accounts": { "authentication-enabled": True, "advertise-scram": True, "multiclient": { "allowed-by-default": True, "enabled": True, "always-on": "disabled", }, "registration": { "bcrypt-cost": 4, "enabled": True, "enabled-callbacks": ["none"], "verify-timeout": "120h", }, "nick-reservation": { "enabled": True, "method": "strict", }, }, "channels": {"registration": {"enabled": True}}, "datastore": {"path": None}, "limits": { "awaylen": 200, "chan-list-modes": 60, "channellen": 64, "kicklen": 390, "linelen": {"rest": 2048}, "monitor-entries": 100, "nicklen": 32, "topiclen": 390, "whowas-entries": 100, "multiline": {"max-bytes": 4096, "max-lines": 32}, }, "history": { "enabled": True, "channel-length": 128, "client-length": 128, "chathistory-maxmessages": 100, "tagmsg-storage": { "default": False, "whitelist": ["+draft/persist", "+persist"], }, }, "oper-classes": { "server-admin": { "title": "Server Admin", "capabilities": [ "oper:local_kill", "oper:local_ban", "oper:local_unban", "nofakelag", "oper:remote_kill", "oper:remote_ban", "oper:remote_unban", "oper:rehash", "oper:die", "accreg", "sajoin", "samode", "vhosts", "chanreg", "relaymsg", ], } }, "opers": { "operuser": { "class": "server-admin", "whois-line": "is a server admin", # "operpassword" "password": "$2a$04$bKb6k5A6yuFA2wx.iJtxcuT2dojHQAjHd5ZPK/I2sjJml7p4spxjG", } }, } LOGGING_CONFIG = {"logging": [{"method": "stderr", "level": "debug", "type": "*"}]} def hash_password(password: Union[str, bytes]) -> str: if isinstance(password, str): password = password.encode("utf-8") # simulate entry of password and confirmation: input_ = password + b"\n" + password + b"\n" p = subprocess.Popen( ["ergo", "genpasswd"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) out, _ = p.communicate(input_) return out.decode("utf-8") class ErgoController(BaseServerController, DirectoryBasedController): software_name = "Ergo" _port_wait_interval = 0.01 supported_sasl_mechanisms = {"PLAIN", "SCRAM-SHA-256"} supports_sts = True extban_mute_char = "m" def create_config(self) -> None: super().create_config() with self.open_file("ircd.yaml"): pass def run( self, hostname: str, port: int, *, password: Optional[str], ssl: bool, run_services: bool, valid_metadata_keys: Optional[Set[str]] = None, invalid_metadata_keys: Optional[Set[str]] = None, restricted_metadata_keys: Optional[Set[str]] = None, config: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> None: if valid_metadata_keys or invalid_metadata_keys: raise NotImplementedByController( "Defining valid and invalid METADATA keys." ) self.create_config() if config is None: config = copy.deepcopy(BASE_CONFIG) assert enable_chathistory = self.test_config.chathistory enable_roleplay = self.test_config.ergo_roleplay if enable_chathistory or enable_roleplay: config = self.addMysqlToConfig(config) if enable_roleplay: config["roleplay"] = {"enabled": True} if self.test_config.ergo_config: self.test_config.ergo_config(config) self.port = port bind_address = "" % (port,) listener_conf = None # plaintext if ssl: self.key_path = os.path.join(, "ssl.key") self.pem_path = os.path.join(, "ssl.pem") listener_conf = {"tls": {"cert": self.pem_path, "key": self.key_path}} config["server"]["listeners"][bind_address] = listener_conf # type: ignore config["datastore"]["path"] = os.path.join( # type: ignore, "ircd.db" ) if password is not None: config["server"]["password"] = hash_password(password) # type: ignore assert self.proc is None self._config_path = os.path.join(, "server.yml") self._config = config self._write_config()["ergo", "initdb", "--conf", self._config_path, "--quiet"])["ergo", "mkcerts", "--conf", self._config_path, "--quiet"]) self.proc = subprocess.Popen( ["ergo", "run", "--conf", self._config_path, "--quiet"] ) def wait_for_services(self) -> None: # Nothing to wait for, they start at the same time as Ergo. pass def registerUser( self, case: BaseServerTestCase, username: str, password: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: # XXX: Move this somewhere else when # becomes # part of the specification if not case.run_services: # Ergo does not actually need this, but other controllers do, so we # are checking it here as well for tests that aren't tested with other # controllers. raise ValueError( "Attempted to register a nick, but `run_services` it not True." ) client = case.addClient(show_io=False) case.sendLine(client, "CAP LS 302") case.sendLine(client, "NICK " + username) case.sendLine(client, "USER r e g :user") case.sendLine(client, "CAP END") while case.getRegistrationMessage(client).command != "001": pass case.getMessages(client) assert password case.sendLine(client, "NS REGISTER " + password) msg = case.getMessage(client) assert msg.params == [username, "Account created"] case.sendLine(client, "QUIT") case.assertDisconnected(client) def _write_config(self) -> None: with open(self._config_path, "w") as fd: json.dump(self._config, fd) def baseConfig(self) -> Dict: return copy.deepcopy(BASE_CONFIG) def getConfig(self) -> Dict: return copy.deepcopy(self._config) def addLoggingToConfig(self, config: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Dict: if config is None: config = self.baseConfig() config.update(LOGGING_CONFIG) return config def addMysqlToConfig(self, config: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Dict: mysql_password = os.getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD") if config is None: config = self.baseConfig() if not mysql_password: return config config["datastore"]["mysql"] = { "enabled": True, "host": "localhost", "user": "ergo", "password": mysql_password, "history-database": "ergo_history", "timeout": "3s", } config["accounts"]["multiclient"] = { "enabled": True, "allowed-by-default": True, "always-on": "disabled", } config["history"]["persistent"] = { "enabled": True, "unregistered-channels": True, "registered-channels": "opt-out", "direct-messages": "opt-out", } return config def rehash(self, case: BaseServerTestCase, config: Dict) -> None: self._config = config self._write_config() client = "operator_for_rehash" case.connectClient(nick=client, name=client) case.sendLine(client, "OPER operuser operpassword") case.sendLine(client, "REHASH") case.getMessages(client) case.sendLine(client, "QUIT") case.assertDisconnected(client) def enable_debug_logging(self, case: BaseServerTestCase) -> None: config = self.getConfig() config.update(LOGGING_CONFIG) self.rehash(case, config) def get_irctest_controller_class() -> Type[ErgoController]: return ErgoController