""" This script reads the compact workflows.yml file, and and generates files in .github/workflows/ suitable for the limited expressivity of GitHub's workflow definition language. The point is that we had/have a lot of duplications between files in .github/workflows/, so we use this script to make it easier to update them and keep them in sync. """ import enum import pathlib import yaml ROOT_PATH = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent DEFINITION_PATH = ROOT_PATH / "workflows.yml" GH_WORKFLOW_DIR = ROOT_PATH / ".github" / "workflows" class script: def __init__(self, *lines): self.data = "\n".join(lines) def script_representer(dumper, data: script): return dumper.represent_scalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", data.data, style="|") class Dumper(yaml.Dumper): pass Dumper.add_representer(script, script_representer) class VersionFlavor(enum.Enum): STABLE = "stable" """A statically defined version, that we already tested irctest on. This is ran on PRs and master, because failure guarantees it's a bug in the new irctest commit/PR.""" RELEASE = "release" """The last release of the project. This should usually pass. We don't currently use this.""" DEVEL = "devel" """The last commit of the project. This allows us to catch bugs in other software early in their development process.""" DEVEL_RELEASE = "devel_release" """Ditto, but if the project uses a specific branch for their current release series, it uses that branch instead""" def get_install_steps(*, software_config, software_id, version_flavor): name = software_config["name"] if "install_steps" in software_config: path = "placeholder" # TODO: remove this install_steps = software_config["install_steps"][version_flavor.value] if install_steps is None: return None else: ref = software_config["refs"][version_flavor.value] if ref is None: return None path = software_config["path"] install_steps = [ { "name": f"Checkout {name}", "uses": "actions/checkout@v3", "with": { "repository": software_config["repository"], "ref": ref, "path": path, }, }, *software_config.get("pre_deps", []), { "name": f"Build {name}", "run": script(software_config["build_script"]), }, ] return install_steps def get_build_job(*, software_config, software_id, version_flavor): if not software_config["separate_build_job"]: return None if "install_steps" in software_config: path = "placeholder" # TODO: remove this else: path = software_config["path"] if software_config.get("cache", True): cache = [ { "name": "Cache dependencies", "uses": "actions/cache@v3", "with": { "path": f"~/.cache\n${{ github.workspace }}/{path}\n", "key": "3-${{ runner.os }}-" + software_id + "-" + version_flavor.value, }, } ] else: cache = [] install_steps = get_install_steps( software_config=software_config, software_id=software_id, version_flavor=version_flavor, ) if install_steps is None: return None return { "runs-on": "ubuntu-22.04", "steps": [ { "name": "Create directories", "run": "cd ~/; mkdir -p .local/ go/", }, *cache, {"uses": "actions/checkout@v3"}, { "name": "Set up Python 3.11", "uses": "actions/setup-python@v4", "with": {"python-version": 3.11}, }, *install_steps, *upload_steps(software_id), ], } def get_test_job(*, config, test_config, test_id, version_flavor, jobs): if version_flavor.value in test_config.get("exclude_versions", []): return None env = "" needs = [] downloads = [] install_steps = [] for software_id in test_config.get("software", []): software_config = config["software"][software_id] env += software_config.get("env", "") + " " if "prefix" in software_config: env += ( f"PATH={software_config['prefix']}/sbin" f":{software_config['prefix']}/bin" f":$PATH " ) if software_config["separate_build_job"]: needs.append(f"build-{software_id}") downloads.append( { "name": "Download build artefacts", "uses": "actions/download-artifact@v3", "with": {"name": f"installed-{software_id}", "path": "~"}, } ) else: new_install_steps = get_install_steps( software_config=software_config, software_id=software_id, version_flavor=version_flavor, ) if new_install_steps is None: # This flavor does not need to be built return None install_steps.extend(new_install_steps) if not set(needs) <= jobs: # One of the dependencies does not exist for this flavor assert version_flavor != VersionFlavor.STABLE, set(needs) - jobs return None if downloads: unpack = [ { "name": "Unpack artefacts", "run": r"cd ~; find -name 'artefacts-*.tar.gz' -exec tar -xzf '{}' \;", }, ] else: # All the software is built in the same job, nothing to unpack unpack = [] return { "runs-on": "ubuntu-22.04", "needs": needs, "steps": [ {"uses": "actions/checkout@v3"}, { "name": "Set up Python 3.11", "uses": "actions/setup-python@v4", "with": {"python-version": 3.11}, }, *downloads, *unpack, *install_steps, { "name": "Install system dependencies", "run": "sudo apt-get install atheme-services faketime", }, { "name": "Install irctest dependencies", "run": script( "python -m pip install --upgrade pip", "pip install pytest pytest-xdist -r requirements.txt", *( software_config["extra_deps"] if "extra_deps" in software_config else [] ), ), }, { "name": "Test with pytest", "timeout-minutes": 30, "run": ( f"PYTEST_ARGS='--junit-xml pytest.xml' " f"PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH " f"{env}make {test_id}" ), }, { "name": "Publish results", "if": "always()", "uses": "actions/upload-artifact@v3", "with": { "name": f"pytest-results_{test_id}_{version_flavor.value}", "path": "pytest.xml", }, }, ], } def upload_steps(software_id): """Make a tarball (to preserve permissions) and upload""" return [ { "name": "Make artefact tarball", "run": f"cd ~; tar -czf artefacts-{software_id}.tar.gz .local/ go/", }, { "name": "Upload build artefacts", "uses": "actions/upload-artifact@v3", "with": { "name": f"installed-{software_id}", "path": "~/artefacts-*.tar.gz", # We only need it for the next step of the workflow, so let's # just delete it ASAP to avoid wasting resources "retention-days": 1, }, }, ] def generate_workflow(config: dict, version_flavor: VersionFlavor): on: dict if version_flavor == VersionFlavor.STABLE: on = {"push": None, "pull_request": None} else: # Run every saturday and sunday 8:51 UTC, and every day at 17:51 # (minute choosen at random, hours and days is so that I'm available # to fix bugs it detects) on = { "schedule": [ {"cron": "51 8 * * 6"}, {"cron": "51 8 * * 0"}, {"cron": "51 17 * * *"}, ], "workflow_dispatch": None, } jobs = {} for software_id in config["software"]: software_config = config["software"][software_id] build_job = get_build_job( software_config=software_config, software_id=software_id, version_flavor=version_flavor, ) if build_job is not None: jobs[f"build-{software_id}"] = build_job for test_id in config["tests"]: test_config = config["tests"][test_id] test_job = get_test_job( config=config, test_config=test_config, test_id=test_id, version_flavor=version_flavor, jobs=set(jobs), ) if test_job is not None: jobs[f"test-{test_id}"] = test_job jobs["publish-test-results"] = { "name": "Publish Dashboard", "needs": sorted({f"test-{test_id}" for test_id in config["tests"]} & set(jobs)), "runs-on": "ubuntu-22.04", # the build-and-test job might be skipped, we don't need to run # this job then "if": "success() || failure()", "steps": [ {"uses": "actions/checkout@v3"}, { "name": "Download Artifacts", "uses": "actions/download-artifact@v3", "with": {"path": "artifacts"}, }, { "name": "Install dashboard dependencies", "run": script( "python -m pip install --upgrade pip", "pip install defusedxml docutils -r requirements.txt", ), }, { "name": "Generate dashboard", "run": script( "shopt -s globstar", "python3 -m irctest.dashboard.format dashboard/ artifacts/**/*.xml", "echo '/ /index.xhtml' > dashboard/_redirects", ), }, { "name": "Install netlify-cli", "run": "npm i -g netlify-cli", }, { "name": "Deploy to Netlify", "run": "./.github/deploy_to_netlify.py", "env": { "NETLIFY_SITE_ID": "${{ secrets.NETLIFY_SITE_ID }}", "NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN }}", "GITHUB_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}", }, }, ], } workflow = { "name": f"irctest with {version_flavor.value} versions", "on": on, "jobs": jobs, } workflow_filename = GH_WORKFLOW_DIR / f"test-{version_flavor.value}.yml" with open(workflow_filename, "wt") as fd: fd.write("# This file was auto-generated by make_workflows.py.\n") fd.write("# Do not edit it manually, modifications will be lost.\n\n") fd.write(yaml.dump(workflow, Dumper=Dumper)) def main(): with open(DEFINITION_PATH) as fd: config = yaml.load(fd, Loader=yaml.Loader) generate_workflow(config, version_flavor=VersionFlavor.STABLE) generate_workflow(config, version_flavor=VersionFlavor.DEVEL) generate_workflow(config, version_flavor=VersionFlavor.DEVEL_RELEASE) if __name__ == "__main__": main()