import time import socket import unittest import functools import collections from . import authentication from . import optional_extensions from .irc_utils import message_parser from .irc_utils import capabilities class _IrcTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for test cases.""" controllerClass = None # Will be set by def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.controller = self.controllerClass() if self.show_io: print('---- new test ----') def getLine(self): raise NotImplementedError() def getMessages(self, *args): lines = self.getLines(*args) return map(message_parser.parse_message, lines) def getMessage(self, *args, filter_pred=None): """Gets a message and returns it. If a filter predicate is given, fetches messages until the predicate returns a False on a message, and returns this message.""" while True: line = self.getLine(*args) msg = message_parser.parse_message(line) if not filter_pred or filter_pred(msg): return msg def assertMessageEqual(self, msg, subcommand=None, subparams=None, target=None, **kwargs): """Helper for partially comparing a message. Takes the message as first arguments, and comparisons to be made as keyword arguments. Deals with subcommands (eg. `CAP`) if any of `subcommand`, `subparams`, and `target` are given.""" for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): with self.subTest(key=key): self.assertEqual(getattr(msg, key), value, msg) if subcommand is not None or subparams is not None: self.assertGreater(len(msg.params), 2, msg) msg_target = msg.params[0] msg_subcommand = msg.params[1] msg_subparams = msg.params[2:] if subcommand: with self.subTest(key='subcommand'): self.assertEqual(msg_subcommand, subcommand, msg) if subparams is not None: with self.subTest(key='subparams'): self.assertEqual(msg_subparams, subparams, msg) class BaseClientTestCase(_IrcTestCase): """Basic class for client tests. Handles spawning a client and exchanging messages with it.""" nick = None user = None def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.conn = None self._setUpServer() def tearDown(self): if self.conn: self.conn.sendall(b'QUIT :end of test.') self.controller.kill() if self.conn: self.conn_file.close() self.conn.close() self.server.close() def _setUpServer(self): """Creates the server and make it listen.""" self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.server.bind(('', 0)) # Bind any free port self.server.listen(1) def acceptClient(self): """Make the server accept a client connection. Blocking.""" (self.conn, addr) = self.server.accept() self.conn_file = self.conn.makefile(newline='\r\n', encoding='utf8') def getLine(self): line = self.conn_file.readline() if self.show_io: print('{:.3f} C: {}'.format(time.time(), line.strip())) return line def sendLine(self, line): ret = self.conn.sendall(line.encode()) assert ret is None if not line.endswith('\r\n'): ret = self.conn.sendall(b'\r\n') assert ret is None if self.show_io: print('{:.3f} S: {}'.format(time.time(), line.strip())) class ClientNegociationHelper: """Helper class for tests handling capabilities negociation.""" def readCapLs(self, auth=None): (hostname, port) = self.server.getsockname() hostname=hostname, port=port, auth=auth, ) self.acceptClient() m = self.getMessage() self.assertEqual(m.command, 'CAP', 'First message is not CAP LS.') if m.params == ['LS']: self.protocol_version = 301 elif m.params == ['LS', '302']: self.protocol_version = 302 elif m.params == ['END']: self.protocol_version = None else: raise AssertionError('Unknown CAP params: {}' .format(m.params)) def userNickPredicate(self, msg): """Predicate to be used with getMessage to handle NICK/USER transparently.""" if msg.command == 'NICK': self.assertEqual(len(msg.params), 1, msg) self.nick = msg.params[0] return False elif msg.command == 'USER': self.assertEqual(len(msg.params), 4, msg) self.user = msg.params return False else: return True def negotiateCapabilities(self, caps, cap_ls=True, auth=None): """Performes a complete capability negociation process, without ending it, so the caller can continue the negociation.""" if cap_ls: self.readCapLs(auth) if not self.protocol_version: # No negotiation. return self.sendLine('CAP * LS :{}'.format(' '.join(caps))) capability_names = frozenset(capabilities.cap_list_to_dict(caps)) self.acked_capabilities = set() while True: m = self.getMessage(filter_pred=self.userNickPredicate) if m.command != 'CAP': return m self.assertGreater(len(m.params), 0, m) if m.params[0] == 'REQ': self.assertEqual(len(m.params), 2, m) requested = frozenset(m.params[1].split()) if not requested.issubset(capability_names): self.sendLine('CAP {} NAK :{}'.format( self.nick or '*', m.params[1][0:100])) else: self.sendLine('CAP {} ACK :{}'.format( self.nick or '*', m.params[1])) self.acked_capabilities.update(requested) else: return m Client = collections.namedtuple('Client', 'conn conn_file') class BaseServerTestCase(_IrcTestCase): """Basic class for server tests. Handles spawning a server and exchanging messages with it.""" def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.find_hostname_and_port(), self.port) self.clients = {} def tearDown(self): self.controller.kill() for client in list(self.clients): self.removeClient(client) def find_hostname_and_port(self): """Find available hostname/port to listen on.""" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("",0)) (self.hostname, self.port) = s.getsockname() s.close() def addClient(self, name=None): """Connects a client to the server and adds it to the dict. If 'name' is not given, uses the lowest unused non-negative integer.""" if not name: name = max(map(int, list(self.clients)+[0]))+1 conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) conn.connect((self.hostname, self.port)) conn_file = conn.makefile(newline='\r\n', encoding='utf8') self.clients[name] = Client(conn=conn, conn_file=conn_file) if self.show_io: print('{:.3f} {}: connects to server.'.format(time.time(), name)) return name def removeClient(self, name): """Disconnects the client, without QUIT.""" assert name in self.clients if self.show_io: print('{:.3f} {}: disconnects from server.'.format(time.time(), name)) self.clients[name].conn.close() del self.clients[name] def getLines(self, client): data = b'' conn = self.clients[client].conn try: conn.setblocking(False) while True: time.sleep(0.1) # TODO: do better than this (use ping?) new_data = conn.recv(4096) # May raise BlockingIOError if not new_data: raise BlockingIOError data += new_data except BlockingIOError: for line in data.decode().split('\r\n'): if line and self.show_io: print('{:.3f} S -> {}: {}'.format(time.time(), client, line.strip())) yield line + '\r\n' finally: conn.setblocking(True) # required for readline() def getLine(self, client): assert client in self.clients line = self.clients[client].conn_file.readline() if self.show_io: print('{:.3f} S -> {}: {}'.format(time.time(), client, line.strip())) return line def sendLine(self, client, line): ret = self.clients[client].conn.sendall(line.encode()) assert ret is None if not line.endswith('\r\n'): ret = self.clients[client].conn.sendall(b'\r\n') assert ret is None if self.show_io: print('{:.3f} {} -> S: {}'.format(time.time(), client, line.strip())) def getCapLs(self, client, as_list=False): """Waits for a CAP LS block, parses all CAP LS messages, and return the dict capabilities, with their values. If as_list is given, returns the raw list (ie. key/value not split) in case the order matters (but it shouldn't).""" caps = [] while True: m = self.getMessage(client, filter_pred=lambda m:m.command != 'NOTICE') self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='CAP', subcommand='LS') if m.params[2] == '*': caps.extend(m.params[3].split()) else: caps.extend(m.params[2].split()) if not as_list: caps = capabilities.cap_list_to_dict(caps) return caps def assertDisconnected(self, client): try: self.getLines(client) self.sendLine(client, 'PING foo') while True: l = self.getLine(client) self.assertNotEqual(line, '') m = message_parser.parse_message(l) self.assertNotEqual(m.command, 'PONG', 'Client not disconnected.') except socket.error: del self.clients[client] return else: raise AssertionError('Client not disconnected.') class OptionalityHelper: def checkMechanismSupport(self, mechanism): if mechanism in self.controller.supported_sasl_mechanisms: return raise optional_extensions.OptionalSaslMechanismNotSupported(mechanism) def skipUnlessHasMechanism(mech): def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def newf(self): self.checkMechanismSupport(mech) return f(self) return newf return decorator