""" """ from irctest import cases from irctest.basecontrollers import NotImplementedByController from irctest.irc_utils.junkdrawer import random_name from irctest.patma import ANYDICT def _testEchoMessage(command, solo, server_time): """Generates test functions""" @cases.mark_capabilities("echo-message") def f(self): """""" self.addClient() self.sendLine(1, "CAP LS 302") capabilities = self.getCapLs(1) if "echo-message" not in capabilities: raise NotImplementedByController("echo-message") if server_time and "server-time" not in capabilities: raise NotImplementedByController("server-time") # TODO: check also without this self.sendLine( 1, "CAP REQ :echo-message{}".format(" server-time" if server_time else ""), ) self.getRegistrationMessage(1) # TODO: Remove this one the trailing space issue is fixed in Charybdis # and Mammon: # self.assertMessageMatch(m, command='CAP', # params=['*', 'ACK', 'echo-message'] + # (['server-time'] if server_time else []), # fail_msg='Did not ACK advertised capabilities: {msg}') self.sendLine(1, "USER f * * :foo") self.sendLine(1, "NICK baz") self.sendLine(1, "CAP END") self.skipToWelcome(1) self.getMessages(1) self.sendLine(1, "JOIN #chan") if not solo: capabilities = ["server-time"] if server_time else None self.connectClient("qux", capabilities=capabilities) self.sendLine(2, "JOIN #chan") # Synchronize and clean self.getMessages(1) if not solo: self.getMessages(2) self.getMessages(1) self.sendLine(1, "{} #chan :hello everyone".format(command)) m1 = self.getMessage(1) self.assertMessageMatch( m1, command=command, params=["#chan", "hello everyone"], fail_msg="Did not echo “{} #chan :hello everyone”: {msg}", extra_format=(command,), ) if not solo: m2 = self.getMessage(2) self.assertMessageMatch( m2, command=command, params=["#chan", "hello everyone"], fail_msg="Did not propagate “{} #chan :hello everyone”: " "after echoing it to the author: {msg}", extra_format=(command,), ) self.assertEqual( m1.params, m2.params, fail_msg="Parameters of forwarded and echoed " "messages differ: {} {}", extra_format=(m1, m2), ) if server_time: self.assertIn( "time", m1.tags, fail_msg="Echoed message is missing server time: {}", extra_format=(m1,), ) self.assertIn( "time", m2.tags, fail_msg="Forwarded message is missing server time: {}", extra_format=(m2,), ) return f class EchoMessageTestCase(cases.BaseServerTestCase): @cases.mark_capabilities( "batch", "labeled-response", "echo-message", "message-tags" ) def testDirectMessageEcho(self): bar = random_name("bar") self.connectClient( bar, name=bar, capabilities=["batch", "labeled-response", "echo-message", "message-tags"], skip_if_cap_nak=True, ) self.getMessages(bar) qux = random_name("qux") self.connectClient( qux, name=qux, capabilities=["batch", "labeled-response", "echo-message", "message-tags"], ) self.getMessages(qux) self.sendLine( bar, "@label=xyz;+example-client-tag=example-value PRIVMSG %s :hi there" % (qux,), ) echo = self.getMessages(bar)[0] delivery = self.getMessages(qux)[0] self.assertMessageMatch( echo, command="PRIVMSG", params=[qux, "hi there"], tags={"label": "xyz", "+example-client-tag": "example-value", **ANYDICT}, ) self.assertMessageMatch( delivery, command="PRIVMSG", params=[qux, "hi there"], tags={"+example-client-tag": "example-value", **ANYDICT}, ) # Either both messages have a msgid, or neither does self.assertEqual(delivery.tags.get("msgid"), echo.tags.get("msgid")) testEchoMessagePrivmsgNoServerTime = _testEchoMessage("PRIVMSG", False, False) testEchoMessagePrivmsgSolo = _testEchoMessage("PRIVMSG", True, True) testEchoMessagePrivmsg = _testEchoMessage("PRIVMSG", False, True) testEchoMessageNotice = _testEchoMessage("NOTICE", False, True)