""" """ from irctest import cases from irctest.client_mock import NoMessageException from irctest.basecontrollers import NotImplementedByController from irctest.numerics import ( RPL_MONLIST, RPL_ENDOFMONLIST, RPL_MONONLINE, RPL_MONOFFLINE, ) class MonitorTestCase(cases.BaseServerTestCase): def check_server_support(self): if "MONITOR" not in self.server_support: raise NotImplementedByController("MONITOR") def assertMononline(self, client, nick, m=None): if not m: m = self.getMessage(client) self.assertMessageEqual( m, command="730", # RPL_MONONLINE fail_msg="Sent non-730 (RPL_MONONLINE) message after " "monitored nick “{}” connected: {msg}", extra_format=(nick,), ) self.assertEqual( len(m.params), 2, m, fail_msg="Invalid number of params of RPL_MONONLINE: {msg}", ) self.assertEqual( m.params[1].split("!")[0], "bar", fail_msg="730 (RPL_MONONLINE) with bad target after “{}” " "connects: {msg}", extra_format=(nick,), ) def assertMonoffline(self, client, nick, m=None): if not m: m = self.getMessage(client) self.assertMessageEqual( m, command="731", # RPL_MONOFFLINE fail_msg="Did not reply with 731 (RPL_MONOFFLINE) to " "“MONITOR + {}”, while “{}” is offline: {msg}", extra_format=(nick, nick), ) self.assertEqual( len(m.params), 2, m, fail_msg="Invalid number of params of RPL_MONOFFLINE: {msg}", ) self.assertEqual( m.params[1].split("!")[0], "bar", fail_msg="731 (RPL_MONOFFLINE) reply to “MONITOR + {}” " "with bad target: {msg}", extra_format=(nick,), ) @cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification("IRCv3.2") def testMonitorOneDisconnected(self): """“If any of the targets being added are online, the server will generate RPL_MONONLINE numerics listing those targets that are online.” -- """ self.connectClient("foo") self.check_server_support() self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + bar") self.assertMonoffline(1, "bar") self.connectClient("bar") self.assertMononline(1, "bar") self.sendLine(2, "QUIT :bye") try: self.getMessages(2) except ConnectionResetError: pass self.assertMonoffline(1, "bar") @cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification("IRCv3.2") def testMonitorOneConnection(self): self.connectClient("foo") self.check_server_support() self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + bar") self.getMessages(1) self.connectClient("bar") self.assertMononline(1, "bar") @cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification("IRCv3.2") def testMonitorOneConnected(self): """“If any of the targets being added are offline, the server will generate RPL_MONOFFLINE numerics listing those targets that are online.” -- """ self.connectClient("foo") self.check_server_support() self.connectClient("bar") self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + bar") self.assertMononline(1, "bar") self.sendLine(2, "QUIT :bye") try: self.getMessages(2) except ConnectionResetError: pass self.assertMonoffline(1, "bar") @cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification("IRCv3.2") def testMonitorOneConnectionWithQuit(self): self.connectClient("foo") self.check_server_support() self.connectClient("bar") self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + bar") self.assertMononline(1, "bar") self.sendLine(2, "QUIT :bye") try: self.getMessages(2) except ConnectionResetError: pass self.assertMonoffline(1, "bar") self.connectClient("bar") self.assertMononline(1, "bar") @cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification("IRCv3.2") def testMonitorConnectedAndDisconnected(self): """“If any of the targets being added are online, the server will generate RPL_MONONLINE numerics listing those targets that are online. If any of the targets being added are offline, the server will generate RPL_MONOFFLINE numerics listing those targets that are online.” -- """ self.connectClient("foo") self.check_server_support() self.connectClient("bar") self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + bar,baz") m1 = self.getMessage(1) m2 = self.getMessage(1) commands = {m1.command, m2.command} self.assertEqual( commands, {"730", "731"}, fail_msg="Did not send one 730 (RPL_MONONLINE) and one " "731 (RPL_MONOFFLINE) after “MONITOR + bar,baz” when “bar” " "is online and “baz” is offline. Sent this instead: {}", extra_format=((m1, m2)), ) if m1.command == "731": (m1, m2) = (m2, m1) self.assertEqual( len(m1.params), 2, m1, fail_msg="Invalid number of params of RPL_MONONLINE: {msg}", ) self.assertEqual( len(m2.params), 2, m2, fail_msg="Invalid number of params of RPL_MONONLINE: {msg}", ) self.assertEqual( m1.params[1].split("!")[0], "bar", m1, fail_msg="730 (RPL_MONONLINE) with bad target after " "“MONITOR + bar,baz” and “bar” is connected: {msg}", ) self.assertEqual( m2.params[1].split("!")[0], "baz", m2, fail_msg="731 (RPL_MONOFFLINE) with bad target after " "“MONITOR + bar,baz” and “baz” is disconnected: {msg}", ) @cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification("IRCv3.2") def testUnmonitor(self): self.connectClient("foo") self.check_server_support() self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + bar") self.getMessages(1) self.connectClient("bar") self.assertMononline(1, "bar") self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR - bar") self.assertEqual( self.getMessages(1), [], fail_msg="Got messages after “MONITOR - bar”: {got}", ) self.sendLine(2, "QUIT :bye") try: self.getMessages(2) except ConnectionResetError: pass self.assertEqual( self.getMessages(1), [], fail_msg="Got messages after disconnection of unmonitored " "nick: {got}", ) @cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification("IRCv3.2") def testMonitorForbidsMasks(self): """“The MONITOR implementation also enhances user privacy by disallowing subscription to hostmasks, allowing users to avoid nick-change stalking.” -- “For this specification, ‘target’ MUST be a valid nick as determined by the IRC daemon.” -- """ self.connectClient("foo") self.check_server_support() self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + *!username@localhost") self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + *!username@") try: m = self.getMessage(1) self.assertNotEqual( m.command, "731", m, fail_msg="Got 731 (RPL_MONOFFLINE) after adding a monitor " "on a mask: {msg}", ) except NoMessageException: pass self.connectClient("bar") try: m = self.getMessage(1) except NoMessageException: pass else: raise AssertionError( "Got message after client whose MONITORing " "was requested via hostmask connected: {}".format(m) ) @cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification("IRCv3.2") def testTwoMonitoringOneRemove(self): """Tests the following scenario: * foo MONITORs qux * bar MONITORs qux * bar unMONITORs qux * qux connects. """ self.connectClient("foo") self.check_server_support() self.connectClient("bar") self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + qux") self.sendLine(2, "MONITOR + qux") self.getMessages(1) self.getMessages(2) self.sendLine(2, "MONITOR - qux") l = self.getMessages(2) self.assertEqual( l, [], fail_msg="Got response to “MONITOR -”: {}", extra_format=(l,) ) self.connectClient("qux") self.getMessages(3) l = self.getMessages(1) self.assertNotEqual( l, [], fail_msg="Received no message after MONITORed client " "connects." ) l = self.getMessages(2) self.assertEqual( l, [], fail_msg="Got response to unmonitored client: {}", extra_format=(l,) ) @cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification("IRCv3.2") def testMonitorList(self): def checkMonitorSubjects(messages, client_nick, expected_targets): # collect all the RPL_MONLIST nicks into a set: result = set() for message in messages: if message.command == RPL_MONLIST: self.assertEqual(message.params[0], client_nick) result.update(message.params[1].split(",")) # finally, RPL_ENDOFMONLIST should be sent self.assertEqual(messages[-1].command, RPL_ENDOFMONLIST) self.assertEqual(messages[-1].params[0], client_nick) self.assertEqual(result, expected_targets) self.connectClient("bar") self.check_server_support() self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR L") checkMonitorSubjects(self.getMessages(1), "bar", set()) self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + qux") self.getMessages(1) self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR L") checkMonitorSubjects( self.getMessages(1), "bar", { "qux", }, ) self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + bazbat") self.getMessages(1) self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR L") checkMonitorSubjects( self.getMessages(1), "bar", { "qux", "bazbat", }, ) self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR - qux") self.getMessages(1) self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR L") checkMonitorSubjects( self.getMessages(1), "bar", { "bazbat", }, ) @cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification("IRCv3.2") def testNickChange(self): # see oragono issue #1076: nickname changes must trigger RPL_MONOFFLINE self.connectClient("bar") self.check_server_support() self.sendLine(1, "MONITOR + qux") self.getMessages(1) self.connectClient("baz") self.getMessages(2) self.assertEqual(self.getMessages(1), []) self.sendLine(2, "NICK qux") self.getMessages(2) mononline = self.getMessages(1)[0] self.assertEqual(mononline.command, RPL_MONONLINE) self.assertEqual(len(mononline.params), 2, mononline.params) self.assertIn(mononline.params[0], ("bar", "*")) self.assertEqual(mononline.params[1].split("!")[0], "qux") # no numerics for a case change self.sendLine(2, "NICK QUX") self.getMessages(2) self.assertEqual(self.getMessages(1), []) self.sendLine(2, "NICK bazbat") self.getMessages(2) monoffline = self.getMessages(1)[0] # should get RPL_MONOFFLINE with the current unfolded nick self.assertEqual(monoffline.command, RPL_MONOFFLINE) self.assertEqual(len(monoffline.params), 2, monoffline.params) self.assertIn(monoffline.params[0], ("bar", "*")) self.assertEqual(monoffline.params[1].split("!")[0], "QUX")