import json import os import subprocess from typing import Optional, Type from irctest import authentication, tls from irctest.basecontrollers import ( BaseClientController, DirectoryBasedController, NotImplementedByController, ) TEMPLATE_CONFIG = """ "use strict"; module.exports = {config}; """ class TheLoungeController(BaseClientController, DirectoryBasedController): software_name = "TheLounge" supported_sasl_mechanisms = { "PLAIN", "ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE", "SCRAM-SHA-256", "EXTERNAL", } supports_sts = True def create_config(self) -> None: super().create_config() with self.open_file("bot.conf"): pass with self.open_file("conf/users.conf"): pass def run( self, hostname: str, port: int, auth: Optional[authentication.Authentication], tls_config: Optional[tls.TlsConfig] = None, ) -> None: if tls_config is None: tls_config = tls.TlsConfig(enable=False, trusted_fingerprints=[]) if tls_config and tls_config.trusted_fingerprints: raise NotImplementedByController("Trusted fingerprints.") if auth and any( mech.to_string().startswith(("SCRAM-", "ECDSA-")) for mech in auth.mechanisms ): raise NotImplementedByController("ecdsa") if auth and auth.password and len(auth.password) > 300: # # Note that The Lounge truncates on 300 characters, not bytes. raise NotImplementedByController("Passwords longer than 300 chars") # Runs a client with the config given as arguments assert self.proc is None self.create_config() if auth: mechanisms = " ".join(mech.to_string() for mech in auth.mechanisms) if auth.ecdsa_key: with self.open_file("ecdsa_key.pem") as fd: fd.write(auth.ecdsa_key) else: mechanisms = "" assert with self.open_file("config.js") as fd: fd.write( TEMPLATE_CONFIG.format( config=json.dumps( dict( public=False, host=f"unix:{}/sock", # prevents binding ) ) ) ) with self.open_file("users/testuser.json") as fd: json.dump( dict( networks=[ dict( name="testnet", host=hostname, port=port, tls=tls_config.enable if tls_config else "False", sasl=mechanisms.lower(), saslAccount=auth.username if auth else "", saslPassword=auth.password if auth else "", ) ] ), fd, ) with self.open_file("users/testuser.json", "r") as fd: print("config", json.load(fd)["networks"][0]["saslPassword"]) self.proc = subprocess.Popen( [os.environ.get("THELOUNGE_BIN", "thelounge"), "start"], env={**os.environ, "THELOUNGE_HOME": str(}, ) def get_irctest_controller_class() -> Type[TheLoungeController]: return TheLoungeController