import base64 import dataclasses import gzip import hashlib import importlib from pathlib import Path import re import sys from typing import ( IO, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, ) import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from defusedxml.ElementTree import parse as parse_xml import docutils.core NETLIFY_CHAR_BLACKLIST = frozenset('":<>|*?\r\n#') """Characters not allowed in output filenames""" @dataclasses.dataclass class CaseResult: module_name: str class_name: str test_name: str job: str success: bool skipped: bool system_out: Optional[str] details: Optional[str] = None type: Optional[str] = None message: Optional[str] = None def output_filename(self): test_name = self.test_name if len(test_name) > 50 or set(test_name) & NETLIFY_CHAR_BLACKLIST: # File name too long or otherwise invalid. This should be good enough: m = re.match(r"(?P\w+?)\[(?P.+)\]", test_name) assert m, "File name is too long but has no parameter." test_name = f'{"function_name")}[{md5sum("params"))}]' return f"{self.job}_{self.module_name}.{self.class_name}.{test_name}.txt" TK = TypeVar("TK") TV = TypeVar("TV") def md5sum(text: str) -> str: return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.md5(text.encode()).digest()).decode() def group_by(list_: Iterable[TV], key: Callable[[TV], TK]) -> Dict[TK, List[TV]]: groups: Dict[TK, List[TV]] = {} for value in list_: groups.setdefault(key(value), []).append(value) return groups def iter_job_results(job_file_name: Path, job: ET.ElementTree) -> Iterator[CaseResult]: (suite,) = job.getroot() for case in suite: if "name" not in case.attrib: continue success = True skipped = False details = None system_out = None extra = {} for child in case: if child.tag == "skipped": success = True skipped = True details = None extra = child.attrib elif child.tag in ("failure", "error"): success = False skipped = False details = child.text extra = child.attrib elif child.tag == "system-out": assert ( system_out is None # for some reason, skipped tests have two system-out; # and the second one contains test teardown or child.text.startswith(system_out.rstrip()) ), ("Duplicate system-out tag", repr(system_out), repr(child.text)) system_out = child.text else: assert False, child (module_name, class_name) = case.attrib["classname"].rsplit(".", 1) m = re.match( r"(.*/)?pytest[ -]results[ _](?P.*)" r"[ _][(]?(stable|release|devel|devel_release)[)]?/pytest.xml(.gz)?", str(job_file_name), ) assert m, job_file_name yield CaseResult( module_name=module_name, class_name=class_name, test_name=case.attrib["name"],"name"), success=success, skipped=skipped, details=details, system_out=system_out, **extra, ) def rst_to_element(s: str) -> ET.Element: html = docutils.core.publish_parts(s, writer_name="xhtml")["html_body"] htmltree = ET.fromstring(html) return htmltree def append_docstring(element: ET.Element, obj: object) -> None: if obj.__doc__ is None: return element.append(rst_to_element(obj.__doc__)) def build_module_html( jobs: List[str], results: List[CaseResult], module_name: str ) -> ET.Element: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) root = ET.Element("html") head = ET.SubElement(root, "head") ET.SubElement(head, "title").text = module_name ET.SubElement(head, "link", rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="./style.css") body = ET.SubElement(root, "body") ET.SubElement(body, "h1").text = module_name append_docstring(body, module) results_by_class = group_by(results, lambda r: r.class_name) table = ET.SubElement(body, "table") table.set("class", "test-matrix") job_row = ET.Element("tr") ET.SubElement(job_row, "th") # column of case name for job in jobs: cell = ET.SubElement(job_row, "th") ET.SubElement(ET.SubElement(cell, "div"), "span").text = job cell.set("class", "job-name") for (class_name, class_results) in results_by_class.items(): # Header row: class name header_row = ET.SubElement(table, "tr") th = ET.SubElement(header_row, "th", colspan=str(len(jobs) + 1)) row_anchor = f"{class_name}" section_header = ET.SubElement( ET.SubElement(th, "h2"), "a", href=f"#{row_anchor}", id=row_anchor, ) section_header.text = class_name append_docstring(th, getattr(module, class_name)) # Header row: one column for each implementation table.append(job_row) # One row for each test: results_by_test = group_by(class_results, key=lambda r: r.test_name) for (test_name, test_results) in results_by_test.items(): row_anchor = f"{class_name}.{test_name}" if len(row_anchor) >= 50: # Too long; give up on generating readable URL # TODO: only hash test parameter row_anchor = md5sum(row_anchor) row = ET.SubElement(table, "tr", id=row_anchor) cell = ET.SubElement(row, "th") cell.set("class", "test-name") cell_link = ET.SubElement(cell, "a", href=f"#{row_anchor}") cell_link.text = test_name results_by_job = group_by(test_results, key=lambda r: r.job) for job_name in jobs: cell = ET.SubElement(row, "td") try: (result,) = results_by_job[job_name] except KeyError: cell.set("class", "deselected") cell.text = "d" continue text: Optional[str] if result.skipped: cell.set("class", "skipped") if result.type == "pytest.skip": text = "s" else: text = result.type elif result.success: cell.set("class", "success") if result.type: # dead code? text = result.type else: text = "." else: cell.set("class", "failure") if result.type: # dead code? text = result.type else: text = "f" if result.system_out: # There is a log file; link to it. a = ET.SubElement(cell, "a", href=f"./{result.output_filename()}") a.text = text or "?" else: cell.text = text or "?" return root def write_html_pages( output_dir: Path, results: List[CaseResult] ) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Returns the list of (module_name, file_name).""" output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) results_by_module = group_by(results, lambda r: r.module_name) # used as columns jobs = list(sorted({r.job for r in results})) pages = [] for (module_name, module_results) in results_by_module.items(): root = build_module_html(jobs, module_results, module_name) file_name = f"{module_name}.xhtml" write_xml_file(output_dir / file_name, root) pages.append((module_name, file_name)) return pages def write_test_outputs(output_dir: Path, results: List[CaseResult]) -> None: """Writes stdout files of each test.""" for result in results: if result.system_out is None: continue output_file = output_dir / result.output_filename() with"wt") as fd: fd.write(result.system_out) def write_html_index(output_dir: Path, pages: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None: root = ET.Element("html") head = ET.SubElement(root, "head") ET.SubElement(head, "title").text = "irctest dashboard" ET.SubElement(head, "link", rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="./style.css") body = ET.SubElement(root, "body") ET.SubElement(body, "h1").text = "irctest dashboard" dl = ET.SubElement(body, "dl") dl.set("class", "module-index") for (module_name, file_name) in sorted(pages): module = importlib.import_module(module_name) link = ET.SubElement(ET.SubElement(dl, "dt"), "a", href=f"./{file_name}") link.text = module_name append_docstring(ET.SubElement(dl, "dd"), module) write_xml_file(output_dir / "index.xhtml", root) def write_assets(output_dir: Path) -> None: css_path = output_dir / "style.css" source_css_path = Path(__file__).parent / "style.css" with"wt") as fd: with as source_fd: fd.write( def write_xml_file(filename: Path, root: ET.Element) -> None: # Hacky: ET expects the namespace to be present in every tag we create instead; # but it would be excessively verbose. root.set("xmlns", "") # Serialize s = ET.tostring(root) with"wb") as fd: fd.write(s) def parse_xml_file(filename: Path) -> ET.ElementTree: fd: IO if filename.suffix == ".gz": with, "rb") as fd: # type: ignore return parse_xml(fd) # type: ignore else: with open(filename) as fd: return parse_xml(fd) # type: ignore def main(output_path: Path, filenames: List[Path]) -> int: results = [ result for filename in filenames for result in iter_job_results(filename, parse_xml_file(filename)) ] pages = write_html_pages(output_path, results) write_html_index(output_path, pages) write_test_outputs(output_path, results) write_assets(output_path) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": (_, output_path, *filenames) = sys.argv exit(main(Path(output_path), list(map(Path, filenames))))