""" The WHOIS command (`Modern `__) TODO: cross-reference RFC 1459 and RFC 2812 """ import pytest from irctest import cases from irctest.numerics import ( ERR_NOSUCHNICK, RPL_AWAY, RPL_ENDOFWHOIS, RPL_WHOISACCOUNT, RPL_WHOISACTUALLY, RPL_WHOISCHANNELS, RPL_WHOISHOST, RPL_WHOISIDLE, RPL_WHOISMODES, RPL_WHOISOPERATOR, RPL_WHOISREGNICK, RPL_WHOISSECURE, RPL_WHOISSERVER, RPL_WHOISSPECIAL, RPL_WHOISUSER, RPL_YOUREOPER, ) from irctest.patma import ANYSTR, StrRe class _WhoisTestMixin(cases.BaseServerTestCase): def _testWhoisNumerics(self, authenticate, away, oper): if oper and self.controller.software_name == "Charybdis": pytest.xfail("charybdis uses RPL_WHOISSPECIAL instead of RPL_WHOISOPERATOR") if authenticate: self.connectClient("nick1") self.controller.registerUser(self, "val", "sesame") self.connectClient( "nick2", account="val", password="sesame", capabilities=["sasl"] ) else: self.connectClient("nick1") self.connectClient("nick2") self.sendLine(2, "JOIN #chan1") self.sendLine(2, "JOIN #chan2") if away: self.sendLine(2, "AWAY :I'm on a break") self.getMessages(2) self.getMessages(1) if oper: self.sendLine(1, "OPER operuser operpassword") self.assertIn( RPL_YOUREOPER, [m.command for m in self.getMessages(1)], fail_msg="OPER failed", ) self.getMessages(1) # make sure we did get all oper-up messages self.sendLine(1, "WHOIS nick2") messages = [] for _ in range(10): messages.extend(self.getMessages(1)) if RPL_ENDOFWHOIS in (m.command for m in messages): break last_message = messages.pop() self.assertMessageMatch( last_message, command=RPL_ENDOFWHOIS, params=["nick1", "nick2", ANYSTR], fail_msg=( f"Expected RPL_ENDOFWHOIS ({RPL_ENDOFWHOIS}) as last message, " f"got {{msg}}" ), ) unexpected_messages = [] # Straight from the Modern spec for m in messages: if m.command == RPL_AWAY and away: self.assertMessageMatch(m, params=["nick1", "nick2", "I'm on a break"]) elif m.command == RPL_WHOISREGNICK and authenticate: self.assertMessageMatch(m, params=["nick1", "nick2", ANYSTR]) elif m.command == RPL_WHOISUSER: self.assertMessageMatch( m, params=["nick1", "nick2", ANYSTR, ANYSTR, "*", ANYSTR] ) elif m.command == RPL_WHOISCHANNELS: self.assertMessageMatch( m, params=[ "nick1", "nick2", # trailing space was required by the RFCs, and Modern explicitly # allows it StrRe("(@#chan1 @#chan2|@#chan2 @#chan1) ?"), ], ) elif m.command == RPL_WHOISSPECIAL: services_controller = self.controller.services_controller if ( services_controller is not None and services_controller.software_name == "Dlk-Services" ): continue # Technically allowed, but it's a bad style to use this without # explicit configuration by the operators. assert False, "RPL_WHOISSPECIAL in use with default configuration" elif m.command == RPL_WHOISSERVER: self.assertMessageMatch( m, params=["nick1", "nick2", "My.Little.Server", ANYSTR] ) elif m.command == RPL_WHOISOPERATOR: # TODO: unlikely to ever send this, we should oper up nick2 first self.assertMessageMatch(m, params=["nick1", "nick2", ANYSTR]) elif m.command == RPL_WHOISIDLE: self.assertMessageMatch( m, params=["nick1", "nick2", StrRe("[0-9]+"), StrRe("[0-9]+"), ANYSTR], ) elif m.command == RPL_WHOISACCOUNT and authenticate: self.assertMessageMatch(m, params=["nick1", "nick2", "val", ANYSTR]) elif m.command == RPL_WHOISACTUALLY: host_re = "[0-9a-z_:.-]+" if len(m.params) == 4: # Most common self.assertMessageMatch( m, params=[ "nick1", "nick2", StrRe(host_re), ANYSTR, ], ) elif len(m.params) == 5: # eg. Hybrid, Unreal self.assertMessageMatch( m, params=[ "nick1", "nick2", StrRe(r"(~?username|\*)@" + host_re), StrRe(host_re), ANYSTR, ], ) elif len(m.params) == 3: # eg. Plexus4 self.assertMessageMatch( m, params=[ "nick1", "nick2", ANYSTR, ], ) else: assert ( False ), f"Unexpected number of params for RPL_WHOISACTUALLY: {m.params}" elif m.command == RPL_WHOISHOST: self.assertMessageMatch(m, params=["nick1", "nick2", ANYSTR]) elif m.command == RPL_WHOISMODES: self.assertMessageMatch(m, params=["nick1", "nick2", ANYSTR]) elif m.command == RPL_WHOISSECURE: # TODO: unlikely to ever send this, we should oper up nick2 first self.assertMessageMatch(m, params=["nick1", "nick2", ANYSTR]) else: unexpected_messages.append(m) self.assertEqual( unexpected_messages, [], fail_msg="Unexpected numeric messages: {got}" ) class WhoisTestCase(_WhoisTestMixin, cases.BaseServerTestCase): @pytest.mark.parametrize( "server", ["", "My.Little.Server", "coolNick"], ids=["no-target", "target_server", "target-nick"], ) @cases.mark_specifications("RFC2812") def testWhoisUser(self, server): """Test basic WHOIS behavior""" nick = "coolNick" username = "myusernam" # may be truncated if longer than this realname = "My User Name" self.addClient() self.sendLine(1, f"NICK {nick}") self.sendLine(1, f"USER {username} 0 * :{realname}") self.skipToWelcome(1) self.connectClient("otherNick") self.getMessages(2) self.sendLine(2, f"WHOIS {server} {nick}") messages = self.getMessages(2) whois_user = messages[0] self.assertMessageMatch( whois_user, command=RPL_WHOISUSER, # " * :" params=[ "otherNick", nick, StrRe("~?" + username), ANYSTR, ANYSTR, realname, ], ) # dumb regression test for oragono/oragono#355: self.assertNotIn( whois_user.params[3], [nick, username, "~" + username, realname] ) @cases.mark_specifications("RFC2812") @cases.xfailIfSoftware(["Sable"], "https://github.com/Libera-Chat/sable/issues/101") def testWhoisMissingUser(self): """Test WHOIS on a nonexistent nickname.""" self.connectClient("qux", name="qux") self.sendLine("qux", "WHOIS bar") messages = self.getMessages("qux") self.assertEqual(len(messages), 2) self.assertMessageMatch( messages[0], command=ERR_NOSUCHNICK, params=["qux", "bar", ANYSTR], ) self.assertMessageMatch( messages[1], command=RPL_ENDOFWHOIS, params=["qux", "bar", ANYSTR], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "away,oper", [(False, False), (True, False), (False, True)], ids=["normal", "away", "oper"], ) @cases.mark_specifications("Modern") def testWhoisNumerics(self, away, oper): """Tests all numerics are in the exhaustive list defined in the Modern spec. """ self._testWhoisNumerics(oper=oper, authenticate=False, away=away) @cases.mark_services class ServicesWhoisTestCase(_WhoisTestMixin, cases.BaseServerTestCase): @pytest.mark.parametrize("oper", [False, True], ids=["normal", "oper"]) @cases.skipUnlessHasMechanism("PLAIN") @cases.mark_specifications("Modern") def testWhoisNumerics(self, oper): """Tests all numerics are in the exhaustive list defined in the Modern spec, on an authenticated user. """ self._testWhoisNumerics(oper=oper, authenticate=True, away=False) @cases.mark_specifications("Ergo") def testInvisibleWhois(self): """Test interaction between MODE +i and RPL_WHOISCHANNELS.""" self.connectClient("userOne") self.joinChannel(1, "#xyz") self.connectClient("userTwo") self.getMessages(2) self.sendLine(2, "WHOIS userOne") commands = {m.command for m in self.getMessages(2)} self.assertIn( RPL_WHOISCHANNELS, commands, "RPL_WHOISCHANNELS should be sent for a non-invisible nick", ) self.getMessages(1) self.sendLine(1, "MODE userOne +i") message = self.getMessage(1) self.assertEqual( message.command, "MODE", "Expected MODE reply, but received {}".format(message.command), ) self.assertEqual( message.params, ["userOne", "+i"], "Expected user set +i, but received {}".format(message.params), ) self.getMessages(2) self.sendLine(2, "WHOIS userOne") commands = {m.command for m in self.getMessages(2)} self.assertNotIn( RPL_WHOISCHANNELS, commands, "RPL_WHOISCHANNELS should not be sent for an invisible nick" "unless the user is also a member of the channel", ) self.sendLine(2, "JOIN #xyz") self.sendLine(2, "WHOIS userOne") commands = {m.command for m in self.getMessages(2)} self.assertIn( RPL_WHOISCHANNELS, commands, "RPL_WHOISCHANNELS should be sent for an invisible nick" "if the user is also a member of the channel", ) self.sendLine(2, "PART #xyz") self.getMessages(2) self.getMessages(1) self.sendLine(1, "MODE userOne -i") message = self.getMessage(1) self.assertEqual( message.command, "MODE", "Expected MODE reply, but received {}".format(message.command), ) self.assertEqual( message.params, ["userOne", "-i"], "Expected user set -i, but received {}".format(message.params), ) self.sendLine(2, "WHOIS userOne") commands = {m.command for m in self.getMessages(2)} self.assertIn( RPL_WHOISCHANNELS, commands, "RPL_WHOISCHANNELS should be sent for a non-invisible nick", ) @cases.skipUnlessHasMechanism("PLAIN") @cases.mark_specifications("ircdocs") def testWhoisAccount(self): """Test numeric 330, RPL_WHOISACCOUNT. """ self.controller.registerUser(self, "shivaram", "sesame") self.connectClient( "netcat", account="shivaram", password="sesame", capabilities=["sasl"] ) self.getMessages(1) self.connectClient("curious") self.sendLine(2, "WHOIS netcat") messages = self.getMessages(2) # 330 RPL_WHOISACCOUNT whoisaccount = [message for message in messages if message.command == "330"] self.assertEqual(len(whoisaccount), 1, messages) params = whoisaccount[0].params # : self.assertEqual(len(params), 4) self.assertEqual(params[:3], ["curious", "netcat", "shivaram"]) self.sendLine(1, "WHOIS curious") messages = self.getMessages(2) whoisaccount = [message for message in messages if message.command == "330"] self.assertEqual(len(whoisaccount), 0)