from pathlib import Path import shutil import subprocess from typing import Optional, Set, Type from irctest.basecontrollers import BaseServerController, DirectoryBasedController TEMPLATE_CONFIG = """ global {{ name My.Little.Server; # IRC name of the server info "located on earth"; # A short info line }}; options {{ network_name unconfigured; allow_split_ops; # Give ops in empty channels services_name; // if you need to link more than 1 server, uncomment the following line servtype hub; }}; /* where to listen for connections */ port {{ port {port}; bind {hostname}; }}; /* allow clients to connect */ allow {{ host *@*; # Allow anyone class users; # Place them in the users class flags T; # No throttling {password_field} }}; /* connection class for users */ class {{ name users; # Class name maxusers 100; # Maximum connections pingfreq 1000; # Check idle connections every N seconds maxsendq 100000; # 100KB send buffer limit }}; /* for services */ super {{ ""; }}; /* class for services */ class {{ name services; pingfreq 60; # Idle check every minute maxsendq 5000000; # 5MB backlog buffer }}; /* our services */ connect {{ name; host *@; # unfortunately, masks aren't allowed here apasswd password; cpasswd password; class services; }}; oper {{ name operuser; host *@*; passwd operpassword; access *Aa; class users; }}; """ def initialize_entropy(directory: Path) -> None: # nb_rand_bytes = 512 // 8 # entropy_file_size = nb_rand_bytes * 4 # Not actually random; but we don't care. entropy = b"\x00" * entropy_file_size with (directory / ".ircd.entropy").open("wb") as fd: fd.write(entropy) class BahamutController(BaseServerController, DirectoryBasedController): software_name = "Bahamut" supported_sasl_mechanisms: Set[str] = set() supports_sts = False nickserv = "" def create_config(self) -> None: super().create_config() with self.open_file("server.conf"): pass def run( self, hostname: str, port: int, *, password: Optional[str], ssl: bool, run_services: bool, faketime: Optional[str], ) -> None: assert self.proc is None self.port = port self.hostname = hostname self.create_config() (unused_hostname, unused_port) = self.get_hostname_and_port() (services_hostname, services_port) = self.get_hostname_and_port() password_field = "passwd {};".format(password) if password else "" self.gen_ssl() assert # Bahamut reads some bytes from /dev/urandom on startup, which causes # GitHub Actions to sometimes freeze and timeout. # This initializes the entropy file so Bahamut does not need to do it itself. initialize_entropy( # they are hardcoded... thankfully Bahamut reads them from the CWD. shutil.copy(self.pem_path, / "ircd.crt") shutil.copy(self.key_path, / "ircd.key") with self.open_file("server.conf") as fd: fd.write( TEMPLATE_CONFIG.format( hostname=hostname, port=port, services_hostname=services_hostname, services_port=services_port, password_field=password_field, # key_path=self.key_path, # pem_path=self.pem_path, ) ) if faketime and shutil.which("faketime"): faketime_cmd = ["faketime", "-f", faketime] self.faketime_enabled = True else: faketime_cmd = [] self.proc = subprocess.Popen( [ *faketime_cmd, "ircd", "-t", # don't fork "-f", / "server.conf", ], ) if run_services: self.wait_for_port() self.services_controller = self.services_controller_class( self.test_config, self ) protocol="bahamut", server_hostname=hostname, server_port=port, ) def get_irctest_controller_class() -> Type[BahamutController]: return BahamutController