import contextlib import functools import socket import ssl import tempfile import time from typing import ( Any, Callable, Container, Dict, Generic, Hashable, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast, ) import pytest from . import basecontrollers, client_mock, patma, runner, tls from .authentication import Authentication from .basecontrollers import TestCaseControllerConfig from .exceptions import ConnectionClosed from .irc_utils import capabilities, message_parser from .irc_utils.message_parser import Message from .irc_utils.sasl import sasl_plain_blob from .numerics import ( ERR_BADCHANNELKEY, ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN, ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN, ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS, RPL_HELLO, ) from .specifications import Capabilities, IsupportTokens, Specifications __tracebackhide__ = True # Hide from pytest tracebacks on test failure. CHANNEL_JOIN_FAIL_NUMERICS = frozenset( [ ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS, ERR_BADCHANNELKEY, ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN, ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN, ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK, ] ) # typevar for decorators TCallable = TypeVar("TCallable", bound=Callable) TClass = TypeVar("TClass", bound=Type) # typevar for the client name used by tests (usually int or str) TClientName = TypeVar("TClientName", bound=Union[Hashable, int]) TController = TypeVar("TController", bound=basecontrollers._BaseController) # general-purpose typevar T = TypeVar("T") class ChannelJoinException(Exception): def __init__(self, code: str, params: List[str]): super().__init__(f"Failed to join channel ({code}): {params}") self.code = code self.params = params class _IrcTestCase(Generic[TController]): """Base class for test cases. It implements various `assert*` method that look like unittest's, but is actually based on the `assert` statement so derived classes are pytest-style rather than unittest-style. It also calls setUp() and tearDown() like unittest would.""" # Will be set by controllerClass: Type[TController] show_io: bool controller: TController __new__ = object.__new__ # pytest won't collect Generic subclasses otherwise @staticmethod def config() -> TestCaseControllerConfig: """Some configuration to pass to the controllers. For example, Oragono only enables its MySQL support if config()["chathistory"]=True. """ return TestCaseControllerConfig() def setUp(self) -> None: if self.controllerClass is not None: self.controller = self.controllerClass(self.config()) if self.show_io: print("---- new test ----") def tearDown(self) -> None: pass def setup_method(self, method: Callable) -> None: self.setUp() def teardown_method(self, method: Callable) -> None: self.tearDown() def assertMessageMatch(self, msg: Message, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Helper for partially comparing a message. Takes the message as first arguments, and comparisons to be made as keyword arguments. Uses patma.match_list on the params argument. """ error = self.messageDiffers(msg, **kwargs) if error: raise AssertionError(error) def messageEqual(self, msg: Message, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """Boolean negation of `messageDiffers` (returns a boolean, not an optional string).""" return not self.messageDiffers(msg, **kwargs) def messageDiffers( self, msg: Message, params: Optional[List[Union[str, None, patma.Operator]]] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[ Dict[Union[str, patma.Operator], Union[str, patma.Operator, None]] ] = None, nick: Optional[str] = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), prefix: Union[None, str, patma.Operator] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[str]: """Returns an error message if the message doesn't match the given arguments, or None if it matches.""" for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): if getattr(msg, key) != value: fail_msg = ( fail_msg or "expected {param} to be {expects}, got {got}: {msg}" ) return fail_msg.format( *extra_format, got=getattr(msg, key), expects=value, param=key, msg=msg, ) if prefix is not None and not patma.match_string(msg.prefix, prefix): fail_msg = ( fail_msg or "expected prefix to match {expects}, got {got}: {msg}" ) return fail_msg.format( *extra_format, got=msg.prefix, expects=prefix, msg=msg ) if params is not None and not patma.match_list(list(msg.params), params): fail_msg = ( fail_msg or "expected params to match {expects}, got {got}: {msg}" ) return fail_msg.format( *extra_format, got=msg.params, expects=params, msg=msg ) if tags is not None and not patma.match_dict(msg.tags, tags): fail_msg = fail_msg or "expected tags to match {expects}, got {got}: {msg}" return fail_msg.format(*extra_format, got=msg.tags, expects=tags, msg=msg) if nick is not None: got_nick = msg.prefix.split("!")[0] if msg.prefix else None if nick != got_nick: fail_msg = ( fail_msg or "expected nick to be {expects}, got {got} instead: {msg}" ) return fail_msg.format( *extra_format, got=got_nick, expects=nick, param=key, msg=msg ) return None def assertIn( self, member: Any, container: Union[Iterable[Any], Container[Any]], msg: Optional[str] = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), ) -> None: if fail_msg: msg = fail_msg.format(*extra_format, item=member, list=container, msg=msg) assert member in container, msg # type: ignore def assertNotIn( self, member: Any, container: Union[Iterable[Any], Container[Any]], msg: Optional[str] = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), ) -> None: if fail_msg: msg = fail_msg.format(*extra_format, item=member, list=container, msg=msg) assert member not in container, msg # type: ignore def assertEqual( self, got: T, expects: T, msg: Any = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), ) -> None: if fail_msg: msg = fail_msg.format(*extra_format, got=got, expects=expects, msg=msg) assert got == expects, msg def assertNotEqual( self, got: T, expects: T, msg: Any = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), ) -> None: if fail_msg: msg = fail_msg.format(*extra_format, got=got, expects=expects, msg=msg) assert got != expects, msg def assertGreater( self, got: T, expects: T, msg: Any = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), ) -> None: if fail_msg: msg = fail_msg.format(*extra_format, got=got, expects=expects, msg=msg) assert got >= expects, msg # type: ignore def assertGreaterEqual( self, got: T, expects: T, msg: Any = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), ) -> None: if fail_msg: msg = fail_msg.format(*extra_format, got=got, expects=expects, msg=msg) assert got >= expects, msg # type: ignore def assertLess( self, got: T, expects: T, msg: Any = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), ) -> None: if fail_msg: msg = fail_msg.format(*extra_format, got=got, expects=expects, msg=msg) assert got < expects, msg # type: ignore def assertLessEqual( self, got: T, expects: T, msg: Any = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), ) -> None: if fail_msg: msg = fail_msg.format(*extra_format, got=got, expects=expects, msg=msg) assert got <= expects, msg # type: ignore def assertTrue( self, got: T, msg: Any = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), ) -> None: if fail_msg: msg = fail_msg.format(*extra_format, got=got, msg=msg) assert got, msg def assertFalse( self, got: T, msg: Any = None, fail_msg: Optional[str] = None, extra_format: Tuple = (), ) -> None: if fail_msg: msg = fail_msg.format(*extra_format, got=got, msg=msg) assert not got, msg @contextlib.contextmanager def assertRaises(self, exception: Type[Exception]) -> Iterator[None]: with pytest.raises(exception): yield class BaseClientTestCase(_IrcTestCase[basecontrollers.BaseClientController]): """Basic class for client tests. Handles spawning a client and exchanging messages with it.""" conn: Optional[socket.socket] nick: Optional[str] = None user: Optional[List[str]] = None server: socket.socket protocol_version = Optional[str] acked_capabilities = Optional[Set[str]] __new__ = object.__new__ # pytest won't collect Generic[] subclasses otherwise def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() self.conn = None self._setUpServer() def tearDown(self) -> None: if self.conn: try: self.conn.sendall(b"QUIT :end of test.") except BrokenPipeError: pass # client already disconnected except OSError: pass # the conn was already closed by the test, or something self.controller.kill() if self.conn: self.conn_file.close() self.conn.close() self.server.close() def _setUpServer(self) -> None: """Creates the server and make it listen.""" self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.server.bind(("", 0)) # Bind any free port self.server.listen(1) # Used to check if the client is alive from time to time self.server.settimeout(1) def acceptClient( self, tls_cert: Optional[str] = None, tls_key: Optional[str] = None, server: Optional[socket.socket] = None, ) -> None: """Make the server accept a client connection. Blocking.""" server = server or self.server assert server # Wait for the client to connect while True: try: (self.conn, addr) = server.accept() except socket.timeout: self.controller.check_is_alive() else: break if tls_cert is None and tls_key is None: pass else: assert ( tls_cert and tls_key ), "tls_cert must be provided if and only if tls_key is." with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( "at" ) as certfile, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("at") as keyfile: certfile.write(tls_cert) keyfile.write(tls_key) context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) context.load_cert_chain(, self.conn = context.wrap_socket(self.conn, server_side=True) self.conn_file = self.conn.makefile(newline="\r\n", encoding="utf8") def getLine(self) -> str: line = self.conn_file.readline() if self.show_io: print("{:.3f} C: {}".format(time.time(), line.strip())) return line def getMessage( self, *args: Any, filter_pred: Optional[Callable[[Message], bool]] = None ) -> Message: """Gets a message and returns it. If a filter predicate is given, fetches messages until the predicate returns a False on a message, and returns this message.""" while True: line = self.getLine(*args) if not line: raise ConnectionClosed() msg = message_parser.parse_message(line) if not filter_pred or filter_pred(msg): return msg def sendLine(self, line: str) -> None: assert self.conn self.conn.sendall(line.encode()) if not line.endswith("\r\n"): self.conn.sendall(b"\r\n") if self.show_io: print("{:.3f} S: {}".format(time.time(), line.strip())) def readCapLs( self, auth: Optional[Authentication] = None, tls_config: tls.TlsConfig = None ) -> None: (hostname, port) = self.server.getsockname() hostname=hostname, port=port, auth=auth, tls_config=tls_config ) self.acceptClient() m = self.getMessage() self.assertEqual(m.command, "CAP", "First message is not CAP LS.") if m.params == ["LS"]: self.protocol_version = 301 elif m.params == ["LS", "302"]: self.protocol_version = 302 elif m.params == ["END"]: self.protocol_version = None else: raise AssertionError("Unknown CAP params: {}".format(m.params)) def userNickPredicate(self, msg: Message) -> bool: """Predicate to be used with getMessage to handle NICK/USER transparently.""" if msg.command == "NICK": self.assertEqual(len(msg.params), 1, msg=msg) self.nick = msg.params[0] return False elif msg.command == "USER": self.assertEqual(len(msg.params), 4, msg=msg) self.user = msg.params return False else: return True def negotiateCapabilities( self, caps: List[str], cap_ls: bool = True, auth: Optional[Authentication] = None, ) -> Optional[Message]: """Performes a complete capability negociation process, without ending it, so the caller can continue the negociation.""" if cap_ls: self.readCapLs(auth) if not self.protocol_version: # No negotiation. return None self.sendLine("CAP * LS :{}".format(" ".join(caps))) capability_names = frozenset(capabilities.cap_list_to_dict(caps)) self.acked_capabilities = set() while True: m = self.getMessage(filter_pred=self.userNickPredicate) if m.command != "CAP": return m self.assertGreater(len(m.params), 0, m) if m.params[0] == "REQ": self.assertEqual(len(m.params), 2, m) requested = frozenset(m.params[1].split()) if not requested.issubset(capability_names): self.sendLine( "CAP {} NAK :{}".format(self.nick or "*", m.params[1][0:100]) ) else: self.sendLine( "CAP {} ACK :{}".format(self.nick or "*", m.params[1]) ) self.acked_capabilities.update(requested) # type: ignore else: return m class BaseServerTestCase( _IrcTestCase[basecontrollers.BaseServerController], Generic[TClientName] ): """Basic class for server tests. Handles spawning a server and exchanging messages with it.""" show_io: bool # set by password: Optional[str] = None ssl = False valid_metadata_keys: Set[str] = set() invalid_metadata_keys: Set[str] = set() server_support: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] run_services = False __new__ = object.__new__ # pytest won't collect Generic[] subclasses otherwise def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() self.server_support = None (self.hostname, self.port) = self.controller.get_hostname_and_port() self.hostname, self.port, password=self.password, valid_metadata_keys=self.valid_metadata_keys, invalid_metadata_keys=self.invalid_metadata_keys, ssl=self.ssl, run_services=self.run_services, ) self.clients: Dict[TClientName, client_mock.ClientMock] = {} def tearDown(self) -> None: self.controller.kill() for client in list(self.clients): self.removeClient(client) def addClient( self, name: Optional[TClientName] = None, show_io: Optional[bool] = None ) -> TClientName: """Connects a client to the server and adds it to the dict. If 'name' is not given, uses the lowest unused non-negative integer.""" self.controller.wait_for_port() if self.run_services: self.controller.wait_for_services() if not name: used_ids: List[int] = [ int(name) for name in self.clients if isinstance(name, (int, str)) ] new_name = max(used_ids + [0]) + 1 name = cast(TClientName, new_name) show_io = show_io if show_io is not None else self.show_io self.clients[name] = client_mock.ClientMock(name=name, show_io=show_io) self.clients[name].connect(self.hostname, self.port) return name def removeClient(self, name: TClientName) -> None: """Disconnects the client, without QUIT.""" assert name in self.clients self.clients[name].disconnect() del self.clients[name] def getMessages(self, client: TClientName, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Message]: return self.clients[client].getMessages(**kwargs) def getMessage(self, client: TClientName, **kwargs: Any) -> Message: return self.clients[client].getMessage(**kwargs) def getRegistrationMessage(self, client: TClientName) -> Message: """Filter notices, do not send pings.""" while True: msg = self.getMessage( client, synchronize=False, filter_pred=lambda m: m.command not in ("NOTICE", RPL_HELLO), ) if msg.command == "PING": # Hi Unreal self.sendLine(client, "PONG :" + msg.params[0]) else: return msg def sendLine(self, client: TClientName, line: Union[str, bytes]) -> None: return self.clients[client].sendLine(line) def getCapLs( self, client: TClientName, as_list: bool = False ) -> Union[List[str], Dict[str, Optional[str]]]: """Waits for a CAP LS block, parses all CAP LS messages, and return the dict capabilities, with their values. If as_list is given, returns the raw list (ie. key/value not split) in case the order matters (but it shouldn't).""" caps = [] while True: m = self.getRegistrationMessage(client) self.assertMessageMatch(m, command="CAP") self.assertEqual(m.params[1], "LS", fail_msg="Expected CAP * LS, got {got}") if m.params[2] == "*": caps.extend(m.params[3].split()) else: caps.extend(m.params[2].split()) if not as_list: return capabilities.cap_list_to_dict(caps) return caps def assertDisconnected(self, client: TClientName) -> None: try: self.getMessages(client) self.getMessages(client) except (socket.error, ConnectionClosed): del self.clients[client] return else: raise AssertionError("Client not disconnected.") def skipToWelcome(self, client: TClientName) -> List[Message]: """Skip to the point where we are registered """ result = [] while True: m = self.getMessage(client, synchronize=False) result.append(m) if m.command == "001": return result elif m.command == "PING": # Hi, Unreal self.sendLine(client, "PONG :" + m.params[0]) def requestCapabilities( self, client: TClientName, capabilities: List[str], skip_if_cap_nak: bool = False, ) -> None: self.sendLine(client, "CAP REQ :{}".format(" ".join(capabilities))) m = self.getRegistrationMessage(client) try: self.assertMessageMatch( m, command="CAP", fail_msg="Expected CAP ACK, got: {msg}" ) self.assertEqual( m.params[1], "ACK", m, fail_msg="Expected CAP ACK, got: {msg}" ) except AssertionError: if skip_if_cap_nak: raise runner.CapabilityNotSupported(" or ".join(capabilities)) else: raise def authenticateClient( self, client: TClientName, account: str, password: str ) -> None: self.sendLine(client, "AUTHENTICATE PLAIN") m = self.getRegistrationMessage(client) self.assertMessageMatch(m, command="AUTHENTICATE", params=["+"]) self.sendLine(client, sasl_plain_blob(account, password)) m = self.getRegistrationMessage(client) self.assertIn(m.command, ["900", "903"], str(m)) def connectClient( self, nick: str, name: TClientName = None, capabilities: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_if_cap_nak: bool = False, show_io: Optional[bool] = None, account: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ident: str = "username", ) -> List[Message]: """Connections a new client, does the cap negotiation and connection registration, and skips to the end of the MOTD. Returns the list of all messages received after registration, just like `skipToWelcome`.""" client = self.addClient(name, show_io=show_io) if capabilities: self.sendLine(client, "CAP LS 302") self.getCapLs(client) self.requestCapabilities(client, capabilities, skip_if_cap_nak) if password is not None: if "sasl" not in (capabilities or ()): raise ValueError("Used 'password' option without sasl capbilitiy") self.authenticateClient(client, account or nick, password) self.sendLine(client, "NICK {}".format(nick)) self.sendLine(client, "USER %s * * :Realname" % (ident,)) if capabilities: self.sendLine(client, "CAP END") welcome = self.skipToWelcome(client) self.sendLine(client, "PING foo") # Skip all that happy welcoming stuff self.server_support = {} while True: m = self.getMessage(client) if m.command == "PONG": break elif m.command == "005": for param in m.params[1:-1]: if "=" in param: (key, value) = param.split("=") self.server_support[key] = value else: self.server_support[param] = None welcome.append(m) return welcome def joinClient(self, client: TClientName, channel: str) -> None: self.sendLine(client, "JOIN {}".format(channel)) received = {m.command for m in self.getMessages(client)} self.assertIn( "366", received, fail_msg="Join to {} failed, {item} is not in the set of " "received responses: {list}", extra_format=(channel,), ) def joinChannel(self, client: TClientName, channel: str) -> None: self.sendLine(client, "JOIN {}".format(channel)) # wait until we see them join the channel joined = False while not joined: for msg in self.getMessages(client): if ( msg.command == "JOIN" and 0 < len(msg.params) and msg.params[0].lower() == channel.lower() ): joined = True break elif msg.command in CHANNEL_JOIN_FAIL_NUMERICS: raise ChannelJoinException(msg.command, msg.params) _TSelf = TypeVar("_TSelf", bound="OptionalityHelper") _TReturn = TypeVar("_TReturn") class OptionalityHelper(Generic[TController]): controller: TController def checkSaslSupport(self) -> None: if self.controller.supported_sasl_mechanisms: return raise runner.NotImplementedByController("SASL") def checkMechanismSupport(self, mechanism: str) -> None: if mechanism in self.controller.supported_sasl_mechanisms: return raise runner.OptionalSaslMechanismNotSupported(mechanism) @staticmethod def skipUnlessHasMechanism( mech: str, ) -> Callable[[Callable[..., _TReturn]], Callable[..., _TReturn]]: # Just a function returning a function that takes functions and # returns functions, nothing to see here. # If Python didn't have such an awful syntax for callables, it would be: # str -> ((TSelf -> TReturn) -> (TSelf -> TReturn)) def decorator(f: Callable[..., _TReturn]) -> Callable[..., _TReturn]: @functools.wraps(f) def newf(self: _TSelf, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> _TReturn: self.checkMechanismSupport(mech) return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return newf return decorator @staticmethod def skipUnlessHasSasl(f: Callable[..., _TReturn]) -> Callable[..., _TReturn]: @functools.wraps(f) def newf(self: _TSelf, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> _TReturn: self.checkSaslSupport() return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return newf def mark_services(cls: TClass) -> TClass: cls.run_services = True return # type: ignore def mark_specifications( *specifications_str: str, deprecated: bool = False, strict: bool = False ) -> Callable[[TCallable], TCallable]: specifications = frozenset( Specifications.from_name(s) if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in specifications_str ) if None in specifications: raise ValueError("Invalid set of specifications: {}".format(specifications)) def decorator(f: TCallable) -> TCallable: for specification in specifications: f = getattr(pytest.mark, specification.value)(f) if strict: f = pytest.mark.strict(f) if deprecated: f = pytest.mark.deprecated(f) return f return decorator def mark_capabilities( *capabilities_str: str, deprecated: bool = False, strict: bool = False ) -> Callable[[TCallable], TCallable]: capabilities = frozenset( Capabilities.from_name(c) if isinstance(c, str) else c for c in capabilities_str ) if None in capabilities: raise ValueError("Invalid set of capabilities: {}".format(capabilities)) def decorator(f: TCallable) -> TCallable: for capability in capabilities: f = getattr(pytest.mark, capability.value)(f) # Support for any capability implies IRCv3 f = pytest.mark.IRCv3(f) return f return decorator def mark_isupport( *tokens_str: str, deprecated: bool = False, strict: bool = False ) -> Callable[[TCallable], TCallable]: tokens = frozenset( IsupportTokens.from_name(c) if isinstance(c, str) else c for c in tokens_str ) if None in tokens: raise ValueError("Invalid set of isupport tokens: {}".format(tokens)) def decorator(f: TCallable) -> TCallable: for token in tokens: f = getattr(pytest.mark, token.value)(f) return f return decorator