
145 lines
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Tests section 4.1 of RFC 1459.
from irctest import cases
from irctest import authentication
from irctest.irc_utils.message_parser import Message
from irctest.basecontrollers import NotImplementedByController
from irctest.client_mock import ConnectionClosed
class PasswordedConnectionRegistrationTestCase(cases.BaseServerTestCase):
password = 'testpassword'
@cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification('RFC1459', 'RFC2812')
def testPassBeforeNickuser(self):
self.sendLine(1, 'PASS {}'.format(self.password))
self.sendLine(1, 'NICK foo')
self.sendLine(1, 'USER username * * :Realname')
m = self.getRegistrationMessage(1)
self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='001',
fail_msg='Did not get 001 after correct PASS+NICK+USER: {msg}')
@cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification('RFC1459', 'RFC2812')
def testNoPassword(self):
self.sendLine(1, 'NICK foo')
self.sendLine(1, 'USER username * * :Realname')
m = self.getRegistrationMessage(1)
self.assertNotEqual(m.command, '001',
msg='Got 001 after NICK+USER but missing PASS')
@cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification('RFC1459', 'RFC2812')
def testPassAfterNickuser(self):
"""“The password can and must be set before any attempt to register
the connection is made.”
-- <>
“The optional password can and MUST be set before any attempt to
register the connection is made.
Currently this requires that user send a PASS command before
sending the NICK/USER combination.”
-- <>
self.sendLine(1, 'NICK foo')
self.sendLine(1, 'USER username * * :Realname')
self.sendLine(1, 'PASS {}'.format(self.password))
m = self.getRegistrationMessage(1)
self.assertNotEqual(m.command, '001',
'Got 001 after PASS sent after NICK+USER')
class ConnectionRegistrationTestCase(cases.BaseServerTestCase):
def testQuitDisconnects(self):
"""“The server must close the connection to a client which sends a
QUIT message.”
-- <>
self.sendLine(1, 'QUIT')
with self.assertRaises(ConnectionClosed):
self.getMessages(1) # Fetch remaining messages
def testQuitErrors(self):
"""“A client session is terminated with a quit message. The server
acknowledges this by sending an ERROR message to the client.”
-- <>
self.sendLine(1, 'QUIT')
commands = {m.command for m in self.getMessages(1)}
except ConnectionClosed:
assert False, 'Connection closed without ERROR.'
self.assertIn('ERROR', commands,
fail_msg='Did not receive ERROR as a reply to QUIT.')
def testNickCollision(self):
"""A user connects and requests the same nickname as an already
registered user.
self.sendLine(2, 'NICK foo')
self.sendLine(2, 'USER username * * :Realname')
m = self.getRegistrationMessage(2)
self.assertNotEqual(m.command, '001',
'Received 001 after registering with the nick of a '
'registered user.')
def testEarlyNickCollision(self):
"""Two users register simultaneously with the same nick."""
self.sendLine(1, 'NICK foo')
self.sendLine(2, 'NICK foo')
self.sendLine(1, 'USER username * * :Realname')
self.sendLine(2, 'USER username * * :Realname')
m1 = self.getRegistrationMessage(1)
m2 = self.getRegistrationMessage(2)
self.assertNotEqual((m1.command, m2.command), ('001', '001'),
'Two concurrently registering requesting the same nickname '
'both got 001.')
@cases.SpecificationSelector.requiredBySpecification('IRCv3.1', 'IRCv3.2')
def testIrc301CapLs(self):
"""IRCv3.1: “The LS subcommand is used to list the capabilities
supported by the server. The client should send an LS subcommand with
no other arguments to solicit a list of all capabilities.”
-- <>
IRCv3.2: “Servers MUST NOT send messages described by this document if
the client only supports version 3.1.”
-- <>
self.sendLine(1, 'CAP LS')
m = self.getRegistrationMessage(1)
self.assertNotEqual(m.params[2], '*', m,
fail_msg='Server replied with multi-line CAP LS to a '
'“CAP LS” (ie. IRCv3.1) request: {msg}')
self.assertFalse(any('=' in cap for cap in m.params[2].split()),
'Server replied with a name-value capability in '
'CAP LS reply as a response to “CAP LS” (ie. IRCv3.1) '
'request: {}'.format(m))
def testEmptyCapList(self):
"""“If no capabilities are active, an empty parameter must be sent.”
-- <>
self.sendLine(1, 'CAP LIST')
m = self.getRegistrationMessage(1)
self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='CAP', params=['*', 'LIST', ''],
fail_msg='Sending “CAP LIST” as first message got a reply '
'that is not “CAP * LIST :”: {msg}')