
180 lines
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Tests METADATA features.
from irctest import cases
from irctest.irc_utils.message_parser import Message
class MetadataTestCase(cases.BaseServerTestCase):
valid_metadata_keys = {'valid_key1', 'valid_key2'}
invalid_metadata_keys = {'invalid_key1', 'invalid_key2'}
def testInIsupport(self):
"""“If METADATA is supported, it MUST be specified in RPL_ISUPPORT
using the METADATA key.”
-- <>
self.sendLine(1, 'CAP LS 302')
self.sendLine(1, 'USER foo foo foo :foo')
self.sendLine(1, 'NICK foo')
self.sendLine(1, 'CAP END')
m = self.getMessage(1)
while m.command != '005': # RPL_ISUPPORT
m = self.getMessage(1)
self.assertIn('METADATA', {x.split('=')[0] for x in m.params[1:-1]},
fail_msg='{item} missing from RPL_ISUPPORT')
def testGetOneUnsetValid(self):
self.sendLine(1, 'METADATA * GET valid_key1')
m = self.getMessage(1)
self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='766', # ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY
fail_msg='Did not reply with 766 (ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY) to a '
'request to an unset valid METADATA key.')
def testGetTwoUnsetValid(self):
"""“Multiple keys may be given. The response will be either RPL_KEYVALUE,
ERR_KEYINVALID or ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY for every key in order.”
-- <>
self.sendLine(1, 'METADATA * GET valid_key1 valid_key2')
m = self.getMessage(1)
self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='766', # ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY
fail_msg='Did not reply with 766 (ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY) to a '
'request to two unset valid METADATA key: {msg}')
self.assertEqual(m.params[1], 'valid_key1', m,
fail_msg='Response to “METADATA * GET valid_key1 valid_key2” '
'did not respond to valid_key1 first: {msg}')
m = self.getMessage(1)
self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='766', # ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY
fail_msg='Did not reply with two 766 (ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY) to a '
'request to two unset valid METADATA key: {msg}')
self.assertEqual(m.params[1], 'valid_key2', m,
fail_msg='Response to “METADATA * GET valid_key1 valid_key2” '
'did not respond to valid_key2 as second response: {msg}')
def testListNoSet(self):
"""“This subcommand MUST list all currently-set metadata keys along
with their values. The response will be zero or more RPL_KEYVALUE
events, following by RPL_METADATAEND event.”
-- <>
self.sendLine(1, 'METADATA * LIST')
m = self.getMessage(1)
self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='762', # RPL_METADATAEND
fail_msg='Response to “METADATA * LIST” was not '
'762 (RPL_METADATAEND) but: {msg}')
def testListInvalidTarget(self):
"""“In case of invalid target RPL_METADATAEND MUST NOT be sent.”
-- <>
self.sendLine(1, 'METADATA foobar LIST')
m = self.getMessage(1)
self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='765', # ERR_TARGETINVALID
fail_msg='Response to “METADATA <invalid target> LIST” was '
'not 765 (ERR_TARGETINVALID) but: {msg}')
commands = {m.command for m in self.getMessages(1)}
self.assertNotIn('762', commands,
fail_msg='Sent “METADATA <invalid target> LIST”, got 765 '
def assertSetValue(self, target, key, value, displayable_value=None):
if displayable_value is None:
displayable_value = value
self.sendLine(1, 'METADATA {} SET {} :{}'.format(target, key, value))
m = self.getMessage(1)
self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='761', # RPL_KEYVALUE
fail_msg='Did not reply with 761 (RPL_KEYVALUE) to a valid '
'“METADATA * SET {} :{}”: {msg}',
extra_format=(key, displayable_value,))
self.assertEqual(m.params[1], 'valid_key1', m,
fail_msg='Second param of 761 after setting “{expects}” to '
'{}” is not “{expects}”: {msg}.',
self.assertEqual(m.params[3], value, m,
fail_msg='Fourth param of 761 after setting “{0}” to '
'{1}” is not “{1}”: {msg}.',
extra_format=(key, displayable_value))
m = self.getMessage(1)
self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='762', # RPL_METADATAEND
fail_msg='Did not send RPL_METADATAEND after setting '
'a valid METADATA key.')
def assertGetValue(self, target, key, value, displayable_value=None):
self.sendLine(1, 'METADATA * GET {}'.format(key))
m = self.getMessage(1)
self.assertMessageEqual(m, command='761', # RPL_KEYVALUE
fail_msg='Did not reply with 761 (RPL_KEYVALUE) to a valid '
'“METADATA * GET” when the key is set is set: {msg}')
self.assertEqual(m.params[1], key, m,
fail_msg='Second param of 761 after getting “{expects}'
'(which is set) is not “{expects}”: {msg}.')
self.assertEqual(m.params[3], value, m,
fail_msg='Fourth param of 761 after getting “{0}'
'(which is set to “{1}”) is not ”{1}”: {msg}.',
extra_format=(key, displayable_value))
def assertSetGetValue(self, target, key, value, displayable_value=None):
self.assertSetValue(target, key, value, displayable_value)
self.assertGetValue(target, key, value, displayable_value)
def testSetGetValid(self):
self.assertSetGetValue('*', 'valid_key1', 'myvalue')
def testSetGetZeroCharInValue(self):
"""“Values are unrestricted, except that they MUST be UTF-8.”
-- <>
self.assertSetGetValue('*', 'valid_key1', 'zero->\0<-zero',
def testSetGetHeartInValue(self):
"""“Values are unrestricted, except that they MUST be UTF-8.”
-- <>
heart = b'\xf0\x9f\x92\x9c'.decode()
self.assertSetGetValue('*', 'valid_key1', '->{}<-'.format(heart),
def testSetInvalidUtf8(self):
"""“Values are unrestricted, except that they MUST be UTF-8.”
-- <>
# Sending directly because it is not valid UTF-8 so Python would
# not like it
self.clients[1].conn.sendall(b'METADATA * SET valid_key1 '
b':invalid UTF-8 ->\xc3<-\r\n')
commands = {m.command for m in self.getMessages(1)}
self.assertNotIn('761', commands, # RPL_KEYVALUE
fail_msg='Setting METADATA key to a value containing invalid '
'UTF-8 was answered with 761 (RPL_KEYVALUE)')
self.clients[1].conn.sendall(b'METADATA * SET valid_key1 '
b':invalid UTF-8: \xc3\r\n')
commands = {m.command for m in self.getMessages(1)}
self.assertNotIn('761', commands, # RPL_KEYVALUE
fail_msg='Setting METADATA key to a value containing invalid '
'UTF-8 was answered with 761 (RPL_KEYVALUE)')