
190 lines
5.8 KiB

; Copyright (C) 2023 Val Lorentz
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
; terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, as published by the Free
; Software Foundation.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
; PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
; this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(ns jable.db
(:require [clojure.tools.logging :refer :all]
[clojure.data.json :as json]
[clojure.string :as str]
[jepsen [control :as c]
[db :as db]]
[jepsen.control.util :as cu]
[jepsen.control.core :as cc]
[jepsen.control.scp :as scp]
[jepsen.os.debian :as debian]))
(def sable_binaries ["auth_client" "listener_process" "sable_ircd"])
(defn fingerprint
(str/trim (slurp (str "resources/server_" node ".pem.sha1"))))
(defn network_conf
:fanout 2
:ca_file "/usr/local/etc/sable/ca_cert.pem"
:peers (map (fn [node] {:name node
:address (str node ":6668")
:fingerprint (fingerprint node)})
(def network_config_json
:opers [
:name "operuser",
; echo -n "operpassword" | openssl passwd -6 -stdin
:hash "$6$z5yA.OfGliDoi/R2$BgSsguS6bxAsPSCygDisgDw5JZuo5.88eU3Hyc7/4OaNpeKIxWGjOggeHzOl0xLiZg1vfwxXjOTFN14wG5vNI."
:alias_users [
:nick "ChanServ",
:user "ChanServ",
:host "services.",
:realname "Channel services compatibility layer",
:command_alias "CS"
:nick "NickServ",
:user "NickServ",
:host "services.",
:realname "Account services compatibility layer",
:command_alias "NS"
:default_roles {
"builtin:op" [
"op_self", "op_grant", "voice_self", "voice_grant",
"receive_op", "receive_voice", "receive_opmod",
"topic", "kick", "set_simple_mode", "set_key",
"ban_view", "ban_add", "ban_remove_any",
"quiet_view", "quiet_add", "quiet_remove_any",
"exempt_view", "exempt_add", "exempt_remove_any",
"invite_self", "invite_other",
"invex_view", "invex_add", "invex_remove_any"
"builtin:voice" [
"ban_view", "quiet_view"
:builtin:all [
"ban_view", "quiet_view"
:debug_mode true
(defn server_conf
[nodes node]
:server_id (.indexOf nodes node),
:server_name node,
:management {
:address "[::]:8888",
:client_ca "/usr/local/etc/sable/ca_cert.pem",
:authorised_fingerprints [],
:server {
:listeners [
{ :address "[::]:6667" }
:event_log {
:event_expiry 3600 ; an hour
:tls_config {
:key_file (str "/usr/local/etc/sable/server_" node ".key"),
:cert_file (str "/usr/local/etc/sable/server_" node ".pem"),
:node_config {
:listen_addr "[::]:6668",
:cert_file (str "/usr/local/etc/sable/server_" node ".pem"),
:key_file (str "/usr/local/etc/sable/server_" node ".key"),
:log {
:dir (str "/var/log/"),
:module-levels {
"sable" "trace"
:targets [
:target "stdout",
:level "trace",
:modules [ "sable" "audit" "client_listener" ],
(defn configure_node
[nodes node]
(c/exec "echo" (json/write-str (network_conf nodes)) :> "/etc/sable/network.conf")
(c/exec "echo" (json/write-str network_config_json) :> "/etc/sable/network_config.json")
(c/exec "echo" (json/write-str (server_conf nodes node)) :> "/etc/sable/server.conf"))
(def logfile "/var/log/sable_ircd.log")
(def pidfile "/var/run/sable_ircd.pid")
(defn sable
"Sable IRCd install from binaries in a local directory."
[sable_bin_path nodes]
(reify db/DB
(setup! [_ test node]
(c/exec "rm" "-rf" "/etc/sable" "/tmp/sable_upload" "/usr/local/etc/sable")
(c/exec "mkdir" "/tmp/sable_upload" "/etc/sable")
(info node "configuring Sable")
(let [remote_tmp_path (c/upload "resources/config"
(c/exec* "mv" (str remote_tmp_path "/*") "/usr/local/etc/sable/")))
(c/su (configure_node nodes node))
(info node "installing Sable from" sable_bin_path)
(let [remote_tmp_path (c/upload (map (fn [file] (str sable_bin_path file))
(c/exec* "mv" (str remote_tmp_path "/*") "/usr/local/bin/")))
{:logfile logfile
:pidfile pidfile
:chdir "/usr/local/bin/"}
"--server-conf" "/etc/sable/server.conf"
"--network-conf" "/etc/sable/network.conf"
"--bootstrap-network" "/etc/sable/network_config.json"))
(Thread/sleep 1000))
(teardown! [_ test node]
(info node "tearing down Sable")
(cu/stop-daemon! "sable_ircd" pidfile)
(c/exec "rm" "-f"
(map (fn [file] (str "/usr/local/bin/" file)) sable_binaries))
(c/exec "rm" "-rf" "/tmp/sable_upload" "/usr/local/etc/sable" "/etc/sable")
(log-files [_ test node]