
196 lines
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2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker
# Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Terence Simpson
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
import sys
# This needs to be set to the location of the commoncgi.py file
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
from commoncgi import *
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
### Variables
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
# Directory containing the factoid database
datadir = '/home/bot/'
# Database filename (without the .db extention)
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
default_database = 'ubuntu'
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
### Nothing below this line should be edited unless you know what you're doing ###
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
databases = [x for x in os.listdir(datadir)]
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
# Initialize
database = default_database
order_by = 'popularity DESC'
page = 0
search = ''
factoids = []
total = 0
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
2010-03-29 08:02:17 +00:00
class Factoid:
def __init__(self, name, value, author, added, popularity):
self.name, self.value, self._author, self._added, self.popularity = (name, value, author, added, popularity)
def author(self):
if '!' in self._author:
return self._author[:self._author.find('!')]
return self._author
def added(self):
if '.' in self._added:
return self._added[:self._added.find('.')]
return self._added
def __iter__(self):
yield self.name
yield self.value
yield self.author
yield self.added
yield self.popularity
class Log:
def __init__(self, author, added):
self._author, self._added = (author, added)
def author(self):
if '!' in self._author:
return self._author[:self._author.find('!')]
return self._author
def added(self):
if '.' in self._added:
return self._added[:self._added.find('.')]
return self._added
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
# Read POST
if 'db' in form:
database = form['db'].value
if database not in databases:
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
database = default_database
con = sqlite.connect(os.path.join(datadir, database + '.db'))
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
cur = con.cursor()
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
try: page = int(form['page'].value)
except: pass
if 'order' in form:
if form['order'].value in ('added DESC', 'added ASC', 'name DESC', 'name ASC', 'popularity DESC','popularity ASC'):
order_by = form['order'].value
if 'search' in form:
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
search = form['search'].value
# Select factoids
if search:
2007-06-08 18:51:18 +00:00
keys = [urllib2.unquote(x.strip()) for x in search.split() if len(x.strip()) >=2][:5]
if not keys:
keys = ['']
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
query1 = "SELECT name, value, author, added, popularity FROM facts WHERE name NOT LIKE '%-also' AND ("
query2 = "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM facts WHERE "
bogus = False
for k in keys:
k = repr('%' + k + '%')
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
if bogus:
query1 += ' OR '
query2 += ' OR '
query1 += "name LIKE %s OR VAlUE LIKE %s" % (k, k)
query2 += "name LIKE %s OR VAlUE LIKE %s" % (k, k)
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
query1 += ') ORDER BY %s LIMIT %d, %d' % (order_by, NUM_PER_PAGE*page, NUM_PER_PAGE)
2010-03-29 08:02:17 +00:00
factoids = [Factoid(x) for x in cur.fetchall()]
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
total = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
cur.execute("SELECT name, value, author, added, popularity FROM facts WHERE value NOT LIKE '<alias>%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%-also' ORDER BY %s LIMIT %d, %d" % (order_by, page*NUM_PER_PAGE, NUM_PER_PAGE))
2010-03-29 08:02:17 +00:00
factoids = [Factoid(*x) for x in cur.fetchall()]
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
cur.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM facts WHERE value NOT LIKE '<alias>%%'""")
total = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
# Pagination links
npages = int(math.ceil(total / float(NUM_PER_PAGE)))
print '&middot;'
for i in range(npages):
print '<a href="factoids.cgi?db=%s&search=%s&order=%s&page=%s">%d</a> &middot;' % (database, search, order_by, i, i+1)
print '<br />Order by<br />&middot;';
print ' <a href="factoids.cgi?db=%s&search=%s&order=%s&page=0">%s</a> &middot;' % (database, search, 'name ASC', 'Name +')
print ' <a href="factoids.cgi?db=%s&search=%s&order=%s&page=0">%s</a> &middot;' % (database, search, 'name DESC', 'Name -')
print ' <a href="factoids.cgi?db=%s&search=%s&order=%s&page=0">%s</a> &middot;' % (database, search, 'popularity ASC', 'Popularity +')
print ' <a href="factoids.cgi?db=%s&search=%s&order=%s&page=0">%s</a> &middot;' % (database, search, 'popularity DESC', 'Popularity -')
print ' <a href="factoids.cgi?db=%s&search=%s&order=%s&page=0">%s</a> &middot;' % (database, search, 'added ASC', 'Date added +')
print ' <a href="factoids.cgi?db=%s&search=%s&order=%s&page=0">%s</a> &middot;' % (database, search, 'added DESC', 'Date added -')
2010-03-29 08:02:17 +00:00
print '''
<table cellspacing="0">
<th style="width: 10%;">Factoid</th>
<th style="width: 70%;">Value</th>
<th style="width: 20%;">Author</th>
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00
url_re = re.compile('(?P<url>(https?://\S+|www\S+))')
def q(x):
x = str(x).replace('&','&amp;').replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;').replace('\n','<br />')
return url_re.sub(link, x)
def link(match):
url = match.group('url')
txt = url
if len(txt) > 30:
txt = txt[:20] + '&hellip;' + txt[-10:]
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, txt)
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
i = 0
2010-03-29 08:02:17 +00:00
for fact in factoids:
name = fact.name
cur.execute("SELECT value FROM facts WHERE name = %s", fact.name + '-also')
more = cur.fetchall()
if len(more):
2010-03-29 08:02:17 +00:00
name += ' $hr$' + ' $hr$'.join([x[0] for x in more])
cur.execute("SELECT name FROM facts WHERE value LIKE %s", '<alias> ' + fact.name)
name += ' \n' + ' \n'.join([x[0] for x in cur.fetchall()])
data = [ q(x) for x in fact ]
cur.execute("SELECT author, added FROM log WHERE name = %s ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", fact.name)
edit = [Log(*x) for x in cur.fetchall()]
# edit = [Log(author, added) for (author, added) in cur.fetchall()]
if edit:
2010-03-29 08:02:17 +00:00
log = edit[0]
data[3] += "<br />Last edited by %s<br />Last modified: %s" % (q(log.author), q(log.added))
data[3] += "<br />Never edited"
fact.name = name
sys.stdout.write(' <tr')
if i % 2: sys.stdout.write(' class="bg2"')
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
i += 1
2010-03-29 08:02:17 +00:00
print '''>
<td>%s<br />
Added on: %s<br />
Requested %s times</td>
</tr>''' % tuple(data)
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
2010-03-29 08:02:17 +00:00
print '''
2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
2007-02-10 21:47:18 +00:00