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2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
# Based on the standard log plugin
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import *
import supybot.plugins as plugins
import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
import supybot.conf as conf
import sqlite, pytz, cPickle, datetime, time
db = '/home/dennis/ubugtu/data/bans.db'
tz = 'Europe/Amsterdam'
def now():
return cPickle.dumps(datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone(tz)))
def db_run(query, parms, expect_result = False, expect_id = False):
con = sqlite.connect(db)
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute(query, parms)
data = None
if expect_result: data = cur.fetchall()
if expect_id: data = con.insert_id()
return data
class Bantracker(callbacks.Plugin):
"""This plugin has no commands"""
noIgnore = True
def __init__(self, irc):
self.__parent = super(Bantracker, self)
self.lastMsgs = {}
self.lastStates = {}
self.logs = {}
def __call__(self, irc, msg):
# I don't know why I put this in, but it doesn't work, because it
# doesn't call doNick or doQuit.
# if msg.args and irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]):
super(self.__class__, self).__call__(irc, msg)
if irc in self.lastMsgs:
if irc not in self.lastStates:
self.lastStates[irc] = irc.state.copy()
self.lastStates[irc].addMsg(irc, self.lastMsgs[irc])
# We must make sure this always gets updated.
self.lastMsgs[irc] = msg
def reset(self):
def doLog(self, irc, channel, s):
if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel):
channel = ircutils.toLower(channel)
if channel not in self.logs.keys():
self.logs[channel] = []
format = conf.supybot.log.timestampFormat()
if format:
s = time.strftime(format) + " " + ircutils.stripFormatting(s)
self.logs[channel] = self.logs[channel][-199:] + [s.strip()]
def doKickban(self, irc, channel, nick, target, kickmsg = None):
if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel):
n = now()
id = db_run("INSERT INTO bans (channel, mask, operator, time, log) values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
(channel, target, nick, n, '\n'.join(self.logs[channel])), expect_id=True)
if kickmsg and id and not (kickmsg == nick):
db_run("INSERT INTO comments (ban_id, who, comment, time) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (id, nick, kickmsg, n))
def doUnban(self, irc, channel, nick, mask):
if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel):
data = db_run("SELECT MAX(id) FROM bans where channel=%s and mask=%s", (channel, mask), expect_result=True)
if len(data) and not (data[0][0] == None):
db_run("UPDATE bans SET removal=%s , removal_op=%s WHERE id=%s", (now(), nick, int(data[0][0])))
def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg):
(recipients, text) = msg.args
for channel in recipients.split(','):
if irc.isChannel(channel):
nick = msg.nick or irc.nick
if ircmsgs.isAction(msg):
self.doLog(irc, channel,
'* %s %s\n' % (nick, ircmsgs.unAction(msg)))
self.doLog(irc, channel, '<%s> %s\n' % (nick, text))
def doNotice(self, irc, msg):
(recipients, text) = msg.args
for channel in recipients.split(','):
if irc.isChannel(channel):
self.doLog(irc, channel, '-%s- %s\n' % (msg.nick, text))
def doNick(self, irc, msg):
oldNick = msg.nick
newNick = msg.args[0]
for (channel, c) in irc.state.channels.iteritems():
if newNick in c.users:
self.doLog(irc, channel,
'*** %s is now known as %s\n' % (oldNick, newNick))
def doJoin(self, irc, msg):
for channel in msg.args[0].split(','):
self.doLog(irc, channel,
'*** %s has joined %s\n' % (msg.nick or msg.prefix, channel))
def doKick(self, irc, msg):
if len(msg.args) == 3:
(channel, target, kickmsg) = msg.args
(channel, target) = msg.args
kickmsg = ''
if kickmsg:
self.doLog(irc, channel,
'*** %s was kicked by %s (%s)\n' % (target, msg.nick, kickmsg))
self.doLog(irc, channel,
'*** %s was kicked by %s\n' % (target, msg.nick))
self.doKickban(irc, channel, msg.nick, target, kickmsg)
def doPart(self, irc, msg):
for channel in msg.args[0].split(','):
self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s has left %s %s\n' % (msg.nick, channel, msg.args[1]))
if msg.args[1].startswith('requested by'):
args = msg.args[1].split()
self.doKickban(irc, channel, args[2].replace(':',''), msg.nick, ' '.join(args[3:])[1:-1].strip())
def doMode(self, irc, msg):
channel = msg.args[0]
if irc.isChannel(channel) and msg.args[1:]:
self.doLog(irc, channel,
'*** %s sets mode: %s %s\n' %
(msg.nick or msg.prefix, msg.args[1],
' '.join(msg.args[2:])))
if 'b' in msg.args[1] or 'd' in msg.args[1]:
i = 2
plusmin = False
for c in msg.args[1]:
if c == '-': plusmin = False
elif c == '+': plusmin = True
if c == 'b':
if plusmin: self.doKickban(irc, channel, msg.nick, msg.args[i])
else: self.doUnban(irc,channel, msg.nick, msg.args[i])
i += 1
if c == 'd':
if plusmin: self.doKickban(irc, channel, msg.nick, msg.args[i] + ' (realname)')
else: self.doUnban(irc,channel, msg.nick, msg.args[i] + ' (realname)')
i += 1
def doTopic(self, irc, msg):
if len(msg.args) == 1:
return # It's an empty TOPIC just to get the current topic.
channel = msg.args[0]
self.doLog(irc, channel,
'*** %s changes topic to "%s"\n' % (msg.nick, msg.args[1]))
def doQuit(self, irc, msg):
for (channel, chan) in self.lastStates[irc].channels.iteritems():
if msg.nick in chan.users:
self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s has quit IRC\n' % msg.nick)
def outFilter(self, irc, msg):
# Gotta catch my own messages *somehow* :)
# Let's try this little trick...
if msg.command in ('PRIVMSG', 'NOTICE'):
# Other messages should be sent back to us.
m = ircmsgs.IrcMsg(msg=msg, prefix=irc.prefix)
self(irc, m)
return msg
Class = Bantracker