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Raw Normal View History

2006-06-26 17:57:20 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Dennis Kaarsemaker
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import *
import supybot.plugins as plugins
import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
import supybot.schedule as schedule
import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
import pytz
import ical
import datetime
def _event_to_string(event, timezone):
if not timezone:
return "%s UTC: %s" % (event.startDate.strftime("%d %b %H:%M"), event.summary)
return "%s: %s" % (event.startDate.astimezone(pytz.timezone(timezone)).strftime("%d %b %H:%M"), event.summary)
def diff(delta):
s = ''
if delta.days:
if delta.days > 1:
s = 's'
return '%d day%s' % (delta.days, s)
h = ''
if delta.seconds > 7200:
s = 's'
if delta.seconds > 3600:
h = '%d hour%s ' % (int(delta.seconds/3600),s)
s = ''
seconds = delta.seconds % 3600
if seconds > 120:
s = 's'
return '%s%d minute%s' % (h,(seconds/60),s)
class Webcal(callbacks.Plugin):
"""@schedule <timezone>: display the schedule in your timezone"""
threaded = True
def __init__(self, irc):
callbacks.Privmsg.__init__(self, irc)
self.irc = irc
schedule.addPeriodicEvent(self._refresh_cache, 60 * 20, name=self.name())
schedule.addPeriodicEvent(self._autotopics, 60, name=self.name() + 'b')
self.cache = {}
def die(self):
schedule.removeEvent(self.name() + 'b')
def reset(self):
def _filter(self, event, channel, now):
#channel = '#ubuntu-meeting' # Testing hack
if channel.lower() not in event.raw_data.lower():
return False
delta = event.endDate - now
return delta.days >= 0 or (delta.days == -1 and abs(delta).seconds < 30 * 60)
def _gettopic(self, url, channel, do_update=False, only_update=False, timezone = None, no_topic=False):
if do_update or url not in self.cache.keys():
data = utils.web.getUrl(url)
parser = ical.ICalReader(data)
#parser = ical.ICalReader(ical.sample)
self.cache[url] = parser.events
if not only_update:
now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
events = filter(lambda x: self._filter(x,channel,now),self.cache[url])[:6]
preamble = ''
if len(events):
# The standard slack of 30 minutes after the meeting will be an
# error if there are 2 conscutive meetings.
if len(events) > 1 and events[1].startDate < now:
events = events[1:]
ev0 = events[0]
delta = abs(ev0.startDate - now)
if ev0.startDate < now or (delta.days == 0 and delta.seconds < 10 * 60):
preamble = 'Current meeting: %s | ' % ev0.summary.replace('Meeting','').strip()
events = events[1:]
events = map(lambda x: _event_to_string(x,timezone), events)
template = self.registryValue('topic', channel)
newtopic = ' | '.join(events).replace(' Meeting','')
if '%s' in template and not no_topic:
newtopic = template % str(newtopic)
return preamble + newtopic
def _nextmeeting(self, url, channel, timezone):
if url not in self.cache.keys():
data = utils.web.getUrl(url)
parser = ical.ICalReader(data)
#parser = ical.ICalReader(ical.sample)
self.cache[url] = parser.events
now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
events = filter(lambda x: self._filter(x,channel,now),self.cache[url])[:6]
preamble = ''
if len(events):
# The standard slack of 30 minutes after the meeting will be an
# error if there are 2 conscutive meetings.
if len(events) > 1 and events[1].startDate < now:
events = events[1:]
ev0 = events[0]
delta = abs(ev0.startDate - now)
if ev0.startDate < now or (delta.days == 0 and delta.seconds < 10 * 60):
return ' - Current meeting: %s ' % ev0.summary.replace('Meeting','').strip()
return ' - Next meeting: %s in %s' % (ev0.summary.replace('Meeting',''), diff(delta))
return ''
def _autotopics(self):
if not self.irc:
for c in self.irc.state.channels:
url = self.registryValue('url', c)
if url:
newtopic = self._gettopic(url, c)
if newtopic and not (newtopic.strip() == self.irc.state.getTopic(c).strip()):
self.irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.topic(c, newtopic))
def _refresh_cache(self):
if not self.lastIrc:
for c in self.lastIrc.state.channels:
url = self.registryValue('url', c)
if url:
self._gettopic(url, c, True, true)
def topic(self, irc, msg, args):
url = self.registryValue('url', msg.args[0])
if not url:
newtopic = self._gettopic(url, msg.args[0], True)
if not (newtopic.strip() == irc.state.getTopic(msg.args[0]).strip()):
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.topic(msg.args[0], newtopic))
topic = wrap(topic)
def _tzfilter(self, tz, ud):
if tz == ud:
return True
pos = tz.find('/')
while not (pos == -1):
if tz[pos+1:] == ud:
return True
pos = tz.find('/',pos+1)
return False
def schedule(self, irc, msg, args, tz):
""" Retrieve the date/time of scheduled meetings in a specific timezone """
if not tz:
tz = 'utc'
if irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]):
c = msg.args[0]
c = self.registryValue('defaultChannel')
if not c:
url = self.registryValue('url', c)
if not url:
tzs = filter(lambda x: self._tzfilter(x.lower(),tz.lower()), pytz.all_timezones)
if not tzs or 'gmt' in tz.lower():
irc.error('Unknown timezone: %s - Full list: http://bugbot.ubuntulinux.nl/timezones.html' % tz)
irc.reply('Schedule for %s: %s' % (tzs[0],self._gettopic(url, c, timezone=tzs[0], no_topic=True)))
schedule = wrap(schedule, [additional('text')])
def now(self, irc, msg, args, tz):
""" Display the current time """
now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
if not tz:
tz = 'utc'
#irc.reply('Current time in UTC: %s' % now.strftime("%B %d %Y, %H:%M:%S"))
tzs = filter(lambda x: self._tzfilter(x.lower(),tz.lower()), pytz.all_timezones)
if not tzs or 'gmt' in tz.lower():
irc.error('Unknown timezone: %s - Full list: http://bugbot.ubuntulinux.nl/timezones.html' % tz)
if irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]):
c = msg.args[0]
c = self.registryValue('defaultChannel')
if not c:
#c = "#ubuntu-meeting"
url = self.registryValue('url', c)
if not url:
meeting = ''
meeting = self._nextmeeting(url, c, tzs[0])
irc.reply('Current time in %s: %s%s' % (tzs[0],now.astimezone(pytz.timezone(tzs[0])).strftime("%B %d %Y, %H:%M:%S"),meeting))
now = wrap(now, [additional('text')])
time = now
def doTopic(self, irc, msg):
url = self.registryValue('url', msg.args[0])
if not url:
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(msg.nick, "The topic of %s is managed by me and filled with the contents of %s - please don't change manually" % (msg.args[0],url)))
Class = Webcal