Bugtracker/plugin.py: Update Trac class to use the "Tab-delimited Text" source rather than screen-scraping

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Terence Simpson 2009-04-18 07:54:05 +01:00
parent 45f51e064c
commit 46a4ea34d2

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@ -681,35 +681,39 @@ class Mantis(IBugtracker):
s = 'Could not parse data returned by %s bugtracker: %s' % (self.description, e)
raise BugtrackerError, s
# For trac based trackers we also need to do some screenscraping - should be
# doable unless a certain track instance uses weird templates.
# For trac based trackers we get the tab-separated-values format.
# The other option is a comma-separated-values format, but if the description
# has commas, things get tricky.
# This should be more robust than the screen-scraping done previously.
class Trac(IBugtracker):
def get_bug(self, id):
url = "%s/%d" % (self.url, id)
def get_bug(self, id): # This is still a little rough, but it works :)
bug_url = "%s/%d" % (self.url, id)
bugdata = utils.web.getUrl(url)
raw = utils.web.getUrl("%s?format=tab" % bug_url)
except Exception, e:
# Hacketiehack
if 'HTTP Error 500' in str(e):
raise BugNotFoundError
s = 'Could not parse data returned by %s: %s' % (self.description, e)
raise BugtrackerError, s
# Make sure all the variables are set, just incase the HTML doesn't contain them
raw = raw.replace("\r\n", '\n')
(headers, rest) = raw.split('\n', 1)
headers = headers.strip().split('\t')
rest = rest.strip().split('\t')
title = status = package = severity = assignee = "Unknown"
for l in bugdata.split("\n"):
if 'class="summary' in l:
title = l[l.find('>')+1:l.find('</')]
if 'class="status"' in l:
status = l[l.find('>(')+2:l.find(')')]
if 'headers="h_component"' in l:
package = l[l.find('>')+1:l.find('</')]
if 'headers="h_severity"' in l:
severity = l[l.find('>')+1:l.find('</')]
if 'headers="h_stage"' in l:
severity = l[l.find('>')+1:l.find('</')]
if 'headers="h_owner"' in l:
assignee = l[l.find('>')+1:l.find('</')]
return [(id, package, title, severity, status, assignee, "%s/%s" % (self.url, id))]
if "summary" in headers:
title = rest[headers.index("summary")]
if "status" in headers:
status = rest[headers.index("status")]
if "component" in headers:
package = rest[headers.index("component")]
if "severity" in headers:
severity = rest[headers.index("severity")]
if "owner" in headers:
assingee = rest[headers.index("owner")]
if severity == "Unknown" and "priority" in headers:
severity = rest[headers.index("priority")]
return [(id, package, title, severity, status, assignee, bug_url)]
class WikiForms(IBugtracker):
def get_bug(self, id):