Report new bugs, auto-lookup packages if !foo fails

This commit is contained in:
Dennis Kaarsemaker 2006-09-07 23:22:26 +02:00
parent db1a8939eb
commit 4b5931194b
4 changed files with 74 additions and 385 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Bugtracker, 'bugSnarfer',
will have their information reported into the channel."""))
conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Bugtracker, 'bugReporter',
registry.String('', """Report new bugs (experimental)"""))
conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Bugtracker, 'bugReporter_closed',
registry.String('', """Report new bugs (experimental)"""))
conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Bugtracker, 'replyNoBugtracker',
registry.String('I don\'t have a bugtracker %s.', """Determines the phrase
to use when notifying the user that there is no information about that

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ class Bugtracker(callbacks.PluginRegexp):
print "Reporting new bugs"
tracker = self.db['malone']
bugs = {}
fixed = {}
for c in irc.state.channels:
dir = self.registryValue('bugReporter', channel=c)
if not dir:
@ -122,8 +123,6 @@ class Bugtracker(callbacks.PluginRegexp):
if dir not in bugs:
print "Reloading info from %s" % dir
bugs[dir] = {}
latest = int(open(os.path.join(dir,'latest_bug')).read())
print "Previous latest: %d" % latest
for file in os.listdir(os.path.join(dir,'Maildir','new')):
print "Checking %s" % file
fd = open(os.path.join(dir,'Maildir','new',file))
@ -133,26 +132,30 @@ class Bugtracker(callbacks.PluginRegexp):
component = ''
data = []
for line in _data:
#print line, data
print line
if line[0] in ' \t':
data[-1] += '%s ' % line.strip()
data.append('%s ' % line.strip())
print data
for line in data:
if line.startswith('X-Launchpad-Bug:') and not component:
print line
if 'component' in line:
component = line[line.find('component=')+10:]
component = component[:component.find(';')]
if component == 'None':
component = ''
print component
if line.startswith('Reply-To:'):
print line
bug = int(line.split()[2])
if bug > latest and bug not in bugs[dir]:
if bug > 58184 and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir,str(int(bug/1000)),str(bug))):
print "New bug: %d" % bug
fd2 = open(os.path.join(dir,str(int(bug/1000)),str(bug)),'w')
if bug not in bugs[dir]:
if component:
bugs[dir][bug] = self.get_bug(tracker, bug).replace('"','(%s) "' % component, 1)
@ -161,14 +164,10 @@ class Bugtracker(callbacks.PluginRegexp):
print "Unable to get bug %d" % b
pass # Ignore errors. Iz wrong mail
if bugs[dir]:
latest = max(bugs[dir].keys())
print latest, bugs
fd = open(os.path.join(dir,'latest_bug'),'w')
fd.write('%d' % latest)
print "New bugs in %s (%s): %s" % (c, dir, str(bugs[dir].keys()))
# Now show them
for b in sorted(bugs[dir].keys()):
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(c,'New bug: #%s' % bugs[dir][b][bugs[dir][b].find('bug ')+4:]))

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
Insert a description of your plugin here, with any notes, etc. about using it.
This plugin is developed as factoid and package info plugin but has grown a few
extra functions that are a bit out of place.

View File

@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ fallback = ('ubuntu', '#ubuntu')
datadir = '/home/dennis/ubugtu/data/facts'
aptdir = '/home/dennis/ubugtu/data/apt'
relaychannel = '#ubuntu-ops'
# Keep 'distros' in search order!
distros = ('dapper','breezy','edgy','hoary','warty','dapper-seveas','breezy-seveas','dapper-buntudot')
distros = ('dapper','breezy','edgy','hoary','warty','dapper-commercial','dapper-seveas','breezy-seveas','dapper-imbrandon','edgy-imbrandon')
# Keep 'earchistros' in search order!
searchdistros = ('dapper','dapper-commercial','dapper-seveas','dapper-imbrandon')
defaultdistro = 'dapper'
# Simple wrapper class for factoids
@ -154,6 +155,10 @@ class Encyclopedia(callbacks.Plugin):
if ' is ' in text.lower() or text.lower().endswith(' is'):
return # Bad hack attempt :)
text = '%s =~ s/^/<deleted>/' % text[7:]
if text.lower().startswith('unforget '):
if ' is ' in text.lower() or text.lower().endswith(' is'):
return # Bad hack attempt :)
text = '%s =~ s/^<deleted>//' % text[9:]
if ' is<sed>' in text:
text = text.replace('is<sed>','=~',1)
elif ' is <sed>' in text:
@ -293,7 +298,7 @@ class Encyclopedia(callbacks.Plugin):
irc.error("That person could not be found in any channel you're in")
factoids = get_factoids(db, text, channel, resolve = not display_info, info = display_info)
factoids = get_factoids(db, text.lower(), channel, resolve = not display_info, info = display_info)
replied = False
for key in ('channel_primary', 'global_primary'):
if getattr(factoids, key):
@ -398,17 +403,22 @@ def findpkg(pkg,filelookup=True):
def pkginfo(pkg):
_pkg = ''.join([x for x in pkg.strip().split(None,1)[0] if x.isalnum() or x in '.-'])
distro = defaultdistro
distro = None
if len(pkg.strip().split()) > 1:
distro = ''.join([x for x in pkg.strip().split(None,2)[1] if x.isalnum() or x in '-.'])
if distro not in distros:
distro = defaultdistro
if not distro:
checkdists = searchdistros
elif distro not in distros:
checkdists = [defaultdistro]
checkdists = [distro]
pkg = _pkg
for distro in checkdists:
data = commands.getoutput(aptcommand % (distro, distro, distro, 'show', pkg))
data2 = commands.getoutput(aptcommand % (distro, distro, distro, 'showsrc', pkg))
if not data or 'E: No packages found' in data:
return 'Package %s does not exist in %s' % (pkg, distro)
maxp = {'Version': '0'}
packages = [x.strip() for x in data.split('\n\n')]
for p in packages:
@ -437,6 +447,9 @@ def pkginfo(pkg):
return("%s: %s. In component %s, is %s. Version %s (%s), package size %s kB, installed size %s kB%s" %
(maxp['Package'], maxp['Description'].split('\n')[0], component(maxp['Section']),
maxp['Priority'], maxp['Version'], distro, int(maxp['Size'])/1024, maxp['Installed-Size'], archs))
if len(checkdists) > 1:
return 'Package %s does not exist in any distro I know' % pkg
return 'Package %s does not exist in %s' % (pkg, distro)
def component(arg):
if '/' in arg: return arg[:arg.find('/')]
@ -509,330 +522,4 @@ def capab(prefix, capability):
return False
## # Capability check
## def _precheck(self, irc, msg, capability=None, timeout=None, withnick=False):
## channel = msg.args[0].lower()
## inchannel = channel.startswith('#')
## excl = msg.args[1].startswith('!')
## wn = msg.args[1].startswith('ubotu')
## if inchannel and not (excl or (withnick and wn)):
## return False
## if msg.args[1].strip()[0] == '%': # FIXME: replywhenaddressed.chars oslt
## return False
## for c in irc.callbacks:
## comm = msg.args[1].split()[0]
## if c.isCommandMethod(comm) and not c.isDisabled(comm):
## return False
## if capability:
## try:
## _ = ircdb.users.getUser(msg.prefix)
## if not ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, capability):
## raise KeyError, "Bogus error to trigger the log"
## except KeyError:
## irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg('#ubuntu-ops', "In %s, %s said: %s" % (msg.args[0], msg.nick, msg.args[1])))
## irc.reply("Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops. Thank you for your attention to detail",private=True)
## lfd = open('/home/dennis/public_html/botlogs/lock','a')
## fcntl.lockf(lfd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
## fd = open('/home/dennis/public_html/botlogs/%s.log' %'%Y-%m-%d'),'a')
## fd.write("%s %-20s %-16s %s\n" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),msg.args[0], msg.nick, msg.args[1]))
## fd.close()
## fcntl.lockf(lfd,fcntl.LOCK_UN)
## lfd.close()
## os.chmod('/home/dennis/public_html/botlogs/%s.log' %'%Y-%m-%d'),0644)
## return False
## if timeout:
## for key in self.times.keys():
## if self.times[key] < time.time() - 15:
## self.times.pop(key)
## if timeout in self.times:
## return False
## self.times[timeout] = time.time()
## db = self.registryValue('database',channel)
## if not db:
## db,channel = fallback
## if channel not in self.databases:
## self.databases[channel] = sqlite.connect(os.path.join(datadir, '%s.db' % db))
## self.databases[channel].name = db
## return self.databases[channel]
## def searchfactoid(self, irc, msg, match):
## r"^!?search\s+(?P<query>.+)"
## db = self._precheck(irc, msg, timeout=(msg.args[0],'query')))
## if not db: return
## cur = db.cursor()
## query = '%%%s%%' %'query').replace('%','').replace('*','%')
## try:
## cur.execute("SELECT name FROM facts WHERE (value LIKE %s OR name LIKE %s ) AND value NOT LIKE '<alias>%%'", (query, query))
## data = cur.fetchall()
## all = [x[0] for x in data]
## cur.execute("SELECT value FROM facts WHERE name LIKE %s AND value LIKE '<alias>%%'", query)
## data = cur.fetchall()
## all += [x[0][7:].strip() for x in data]
## all = list(set(all))
## if len(all) > 10:
## irc.reply("Found: %s (and %d more)" % (', '.join(all[:10]), len(all)-10))
## elif len(all):
## irc.reply("Found: %s" % ', '.join(all))
## else:
## irc.reply("Found nothing")
## except:
## irc.error('An error occured (code 561)')
## def showfactoid(self, irc, msg, match):
## r"^(!?ubotu\S?\s+|!)?(?P<noalias>-)?\s*(tell\s+(?P<nick>\S+)\s+about\s+)?(?P<factoid>\S.*?)(>\s*(?P<nick2>\S+).*)?$"
## withnick = bool( and msg.args[1].startswith('ubotu')
## db = self._precheck(irc, msg, withnick=True, timeout=(msg.args[0],'nick'),'factoid'),'nick2')))
## if not db: return
## to = channel = msg.args[0]
## if channel[0] != '#':
## to = msg.nick
## cur = db.cursor()
## retmsg = ''
## noalias ='noalias')
## factoid ='factoid').lower().strip()
## if ' is ' in or \
## '=~' in or \
## '<sed>' in or \
## factoid.startswith('forget ') or \
## factoid.startswith('info ') or \
## factoid.startswith('find ') or \
## factoid.startswith('search ') or \
## factoid.startswith('seen'):
## return
## #if channel.startswith('#'):
## if True:
## nick ='nick')
## if'nick2'): nick ='nick2')
## if nick == 'me': nick = msg.nick
## if nick:
## if nick.lower() == 'ubotu':
## irc.error("You lose.")
## return
## for chan in irc.state.channels:
## if nick in irc.state.channels[chan].users and\
## msg.nick in irc.state.channels[chan].users:
## retmsg = '%s wants you to know: ' % msg.nick
## to = nick
## break
## else:
## irc.error("That person could not be found in any channel you're in")
## return
## # Retrieve factoid
## try:
## factoid = get_factoid(db, factoid, channel)
## if not factoid:
## irc.reply('I know nothing about %s - try searching' % ('factoid'),
## return
## # Output factoid
## if noalias:
## if not self._precheck(irc, msg, timeout=(to,,1),withnick=True):
## return
## cur.execute("SELECT name FROM facts WHERE value = %s", '<alias> ' +
## data = cur.fetchall()
## if(len(data)):
## #irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(to, "%s aliases: %s" % (, ', '.join([x[0].strip() for x in data]))))
## aliases = "%s aliases: %s" % (, ', '.join([x[0].strip() for x in data]))
## else:
## if factoid.value.strip().startswith('<alias>'):
## aliases = "%s is %s" % (, factoid.value.strip())
## else:
## aliases = "%s has no aliases" %
## authorinfo = "Added by %s on %s" % (['!')], factoid.added[:factoid.added.find('.')])
## irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(to,"%s - %s" % (aliases, authorinfo)))
## else:
## factoid = resolve_alias(db,factoid,channel)
## # Do timing
## if not self._precheck(irc, msg, timeout=(to,,2),withnick=True):
## return
## cur.execute("UPDATE FACTS SET popularity = %d WHERE name = %s", factoid.popularity+1,
## db.commit()
## if factoid.value.startswith('<reply>'):
## irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(to, '%s%s' % (retmsg, factoid.value[7:].strip())))
## else:
## irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(to, '%s%s is %s' % (retmsg,, factoid.value.strip())))
## # Now look for the -also factoid, but don't error on it
## factoid = get_factoid(db, + '-also', channel)
## if not factoid:
## return
## if noalias:
## if not self._precheck(irc, msg, timeout=(to,,1)):
## return
## cur.execute("SELECT name FROM facts WHERE value = %s", '<alias> ' +
## data = cur.fetchall()
## if(len(data)):
## aliases = "%s aliases: %s" % (, ', '.join([x[0].strip() for x in data]))
## else:
## if factoid.value.strip().startswith('<alias>'):
## aliases = "%s is %s" % (, factoid.value.strip())
## else:
## aliases = "%s has no aliases" %
## authorinfo = "Added by %s on %s" % (['!')], factoid.added[:factoid.added.find('.')])
## irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(to,"%s - %s" % (aliases, authorinfo)))
## else:
## factoid = resolve_alias(db,factoid,channel)
## # Do timing
## if not self._precheck(irc, msg, timeout=(to,
## return
## cur.execute("UPDATE FACTS SET popularity = %d WHERE name = %s", factoid.popularity+1,
## db.commit()
## irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(to, '%s%s' % (retmsg, factoid.value.strip())))
## except:
## raise
## irc.error('An error occured (code 813)')
## def addfactoid(self, irc, msg, match):
## r"^!?(?P<no>no,?\s+)?(?P<factoid>\S.*?)\s+is\s+(?P<also>also\s+)?(?P<fact>\S.*)"
## factoid ='factoid').lower().strip()
## fact ='fact').strip()
## if '<sed>' in or \
## '=~' in or \
## factoid.startswith('forget') or \
## factoid.startswith('info') or \
## factoid.startswith('find') or \
## factoid.startswith('search'):
## return
## db = self._precheck(irc, msg, capability='editfactoids', timeout=(msg.args[0],
## if not db: return
## channel = msg.args[0]
## cur = db.cursor()
## if'also'):
## factoid = get_factoid(db,'factoid'), channel)
## if not factoid:
## irc.reply('I know nothing about %s yet' %'factoid'))
## return
## factoid = + '-also'
## try:
## # See if the alias exists and resolve it...
## old_factoid = get_factoid(db, factoid, channel)
## if old_factoid:
## if not fact.startswith('<alias>'):
## old_factoid = resolve_alias(db, old_factoid, channel)
## # Unresolvable alias
## if not
## irc.reply(old_factoid.value)
## return
## if'no'):
## if fact.startswith('<alias>'):
## cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM facts WHERE value = %s", '<alias> ' + factoid)
## num = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
## if num:
## irc.reply("Can't turn factoid with aliases into an alias")
## return
## alias_factoid = get_factoid(db, fact[7:].lower().strip(), channel)
## if not alias_factoid:
## alias_factoid = Factoid('','Error: unresolvable <alias>','','',0)
## else:
## alias_factoid = resolve_alias(db, alias_factoid, channel)
## if not
## irc.reply(alias_factoid.value)
## return
## fact = '<alias> %s' %
## fact = fact.lower()
## cur.execute("""UPDATE facts SET value=%s, author=%s, added=%s WHERE name=%s""",
## (fact, msg.prefix, str(,
## db.commit()
## irc.reply("I'll remember that")
## else:
## irc.reply('%s is already known...' % factoid)
## else:
## if fact.lower().startswith('<alias>'):
## old_factoid = get_factoid(db, fact[7:].lower().strip(), channel)
## if not old_factoid:
## old_factoid = Factoid('','Error: unresolvable <alias>','','',0)
## else:
## old_factoid = resolve_alias(db, old_factoid, channel)
## if not
## irc.reply(old_factoid.value)
## return
## fact = '<alias> %s' %
## fact = fact.lower()
## cur.execute("""INSERT INTO facts (name, value, author, added) VALUES
## (%s, %s, %s, %s)""", (factoid, fact, msg.prefix, str(
## db.commit()
## irc.reply("I'll remember that")
## except:
## irc.error('An error occured (code 735)')
## def editfactoid(self, irc, msg, match):
## r"^!?(?P<factoid>.*?)\s*(=~|(\s+is\s*)<sed>)\s*s?(?P<regex>.*)"
## db = self._precheck(irc, msg, capability='editfactoids', timeout=(msg.args[0],
## if not db: return
## channel = msg.args[0]
## cur = db.cursor()
## factoid ='factoid').lower().strip()
## regex ='regex').strip()
## if factoid.startswith('forget') or \
## factoid.startswith('info') or \
## factoid.startswith('find') or \
## factoid.startswith('search'): return
## # Store factoid if nonexistant or 'no' is given
## try:
## # See if the alias exists and resolve it...
## factoid = get_factoid(db, factoid, channel)
## if factoid:
## factoid = resolve_alias(db, factoid, channel)
## # Unresolvable alias
## if not
## irc.reply(old_factoid.value)
## return
## delim = regex[0]
## if regex[-1] != delim:
## irc.reply("Missing end delimiter")
## return
## data = regex.split(delim)[1:-1]
## if len(data) != 2:
## irc.reply("You used the delimiter too often. Maybe try another one?")
## return
## regex, change = data
## if '<alias>' in change.lower():
## irc.reply("Can't turn factoids into aliases this way")
## return
## try:
## regex = re.compile(regex)
## except:
## irc.reply("Malformed regex")
## return
## newval = regex.sub(change, factoid.value, 1)
## if newval != factoid.value:
## cur.execute("""UPDATE facts SET value=%s, author=%s, added=%s WHERE name=%s""",
## (newval, msg.prefix, str(,
## db.commit()
## irc.reply("I'll remember that")
## else:
## irc.reply("No changes, not saving")
## else:
## irc.reply('I know nothing about %s' %'factoid'))
## except:
## irc.error('An error occured (code 735)')
## def deletefactoid(self, irc, msg, match):
## r"^!?forget\s+(?P<factoid>\S.*)"
## db = self._precheck(irc, msg, capability='editfactoids', timeout=(msg.args[0],'factoid')))
## if not db: return
## channel = msg.args[0]
## cur = db.cursor()
## try:
## cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM facts WHERE value = %s", '<alias> ' +'factoid'))
## num = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
## if num:
## irc.reply("Can't forget factoids with aliases")
## else:
## cur.execute("DELETE FROM facts WHERE name = %s",'factoid'))
## cur.execute("DELETE FROM facts WHERE name = %s",'factoid') + '-also')
## db.commit()
## irc.reply("I've forgotten it")
## except:
## raise
## irc.error('An error occured (code 124)')
Class = Encyclopedia