use a config option for store when we last checked for ban review.

That way we can skip bans already reviewed.
This commit is contained in:
Elián Hanisch 2010-03-30 13:32:28 -03:00
parent 82a5cd7d08
commit 7c042b4a79
2 changed files with 24 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -52,3 +52,9 @@ conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker.commentRequest.forward, 'channels',
"List of channels/nicks to forward the request if the op that set the ban/quiet"\
" is in the forward list."))
# temp config
conf.registerGlobalValue(Bantracker, 'reviewTime',
registry.Integer(0, "", ))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Bantracker, 'reviewAfterTime',
registry.Integer(2, "", ))

View File

@ -381,27 +381,35 @@ class Bantracker(callbacks.Plugin):
irc.reply(s, to=ban.who, private=True)
def reviewBans(self, irc):
self.log.debug('Checking for bans that need review ...')
now = time.mktime(time.gmtime())
lastreview = self.registryValue('reviewTime')
reviewAfterTime = self.registryValue('reviewAfterTime') * 60 # time in mins
if not lastreview:
lastreview = now
for channel, bans in self.bans.iteritems():
for ban in bans:
age = now - ban.when
self.log.debug(' channel %s ban %s (%s)', channel, ban.mask, age)
# FIXME doesn't check if op is not online
# FIXME doesn't mark if the review was sent
if age > 120: # lets use mins for now
banTime = now - ban.when
reviewTime = lastreview - ban.when
self.log.debug(' channel %s ban %s (%s/%s/%s)', channel, ban.mask, reviewTime,
reviewAfterTime, banTime)
if reviewTime <= reviewAfterTime < banTime:
op = ban.who
# ban.who can be a nick or IRC hostmask
if ircutils.isUserHostmask(op):
op = op[:op.find('!')]
s = "Please review ban '%s' in %s" %(ban.mask, channel)
# FIXME doesn't check if op is not online
msg = ircmsgs.privmsg(op, s)
elif banTime < reviewAfterTime:
# the bans left are even more recent
self.setRegistryValue('reviewTime', now) # update last time reviewed
except Exception, e:
# I need to catch exceptions as they are silenced
self.log.error('Except: %s' %e)
self.log.debug('Except: %s' %e)
def doLog(self, irc, channel, s):
if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel):