import supybot.utils as utils from supybot.commands import * import supybot.plugins as plugins import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks import random, re, time, commands, urllib2 import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs _bofhfile = '/home/dennis/ubugtu/plugins/Mess/bofh.txt' _bofhdata = [x.strip() for x in open(_bofhfile).readlines()] _42file = '/home/dennis/ubugtu/plugins/Mess/42.txt' _42data = [x.strip() for x in open(_42file).readlines()] _ballfile = '/home/dennis/ubugtu/plugins/Mess/ball.txt' _balldata = [x.strip() for x in open(_ballfile).readlines()] class Mess(callbacks.PluginRegexp): """Random Mess plugin""" threaded = True regexps = ['hugme','r42','ball'] hugs = ["hugs %s","gives %s a big hug","gives %s a sloppy wet kiss", "huggles %s","squeezes %s","humps %s"] regex = re.compile('.*?


', re.DOTALL) entre = re.compile('&(\S*?);') jre1 = ('', re.compile('current-rating.*?width.*?(.*?)', re.DOTALL)) jre2 = ('', re.compile('


', re.DOTALL)) mgurl = ('', re.compile(r'wishtable">(.*?)(.*?) 5: count = 5 if count < 1: count = 1 t = u' '.join([x.__call__([u"\u2680",u"\u2681",u"\u2682",u"\u2683",u"\u2684",u"\u2685"]) for x in [random.choice]*count]) irc.reply(t) dice = wrap(dice, [additional('int')]) def hugme(self, irc, msg, match): r""".*hug.*ubugtu""" irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.action(msg.args[0], self.hugs[random.randint(0,len(self.hugs)-1)] % msg.nick)) def ok(self, channel, offensive = False): if not channel.startswith('#'): delay = 5 else: if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel): return False if offensive and not self.registryValue('offensive', channel): return False delay = self.registryValue('delay', channel) if channel not in self.time.keys(): self.time[channel] = time.time() return True if self.time[channel] < time.time() - delay: self.time[channel] = time.time() return True return False def fact(self,who,count=0): # The website is buggy, mysql errors rear their ugly head a lot. So we # retry up to 5 times :) if count > 5: return try: fact = utils.web.getUrl('' % who) reo = val = while entity = if entity in entities: val = self.entre.sub(entities[entity], val) else: val = self.entre.sub('?', val) val = val.replace('
','').replace('\n','').replace('\r','') _val = val.lower() for word in self.badwords: if word in _val: raise RuntimeError return val except: time.sleep(1) return self.fact(who,count+1) def t(self, irc, msg, args): """ Display a mr T. fact """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return f = self.fact('mrt') if f: irc.reply(f) t = wrap(t) def chuck(self, irc, msg, args): """ Display a Chuck Norris fact """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return f = self.fact('chuck') if f: irc.reply(f) chuck = wrap(chuck) def vin(self, irc, msg, args): """ Display a Vin Diesel fact """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return f = self.fact('vin') if f: irc.reply(f) vin = wrap(vin) hre = re.compile('(.*?)',re.DOTALL) hre2 = re.compile('<.*?>') def hamster(self, irc, msg, args): """ Bob sez! """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return try: data = utils.web.getUrl("") except: return # Find correct data data = data = self.hre2.sub('',data) irc.reply(data.strip()) hamster = wrap(hamster) def fortune(self, irc, msg, args): """ Display a fortune cookie """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return f = commands.getoutput('fortune -s') f.replace('\t',' ') f = f.split('\n') for l in f: if l: irc.reply(l) fortune = wrap(fortune) def ofortune(self, irc, msg, args): """ Display a possibly offensive fortune cookie """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0], True): return f = commands.getoutput('fortune -so') f.replace('\t',' ') f = f.split('\n') for l in f: if l: irc.reply(l) ofortune = wrap(ofortune) #def bash(self, irc, msg, args): # """ Display a quote """ # if not self.ok(msg.args[0], True): return # b = utils.web.getUrl('') # r = [] # infirst = False # for line in b.split('\n'): # if '#' in line and 'X' in line: # if infirst: # if len(r) < 6: # bw = False # for w in self.badwords: # if w in ''.join(r): # bw = True # break # if not bw: # for l in r: # if l: # irc.reply(l) # return # r = [] # infirst = True # elif infirst: # r.append(line.strip()) # irc.reply('hmm, weird') #bash = wrap(bash) def bofh(self, irc, msg, args, num): """ Display a BOFH excuse """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return if num and num >= 1 and num <= len(_bofhdata): i = num else: i = random.randint(0,len(_bofhdata)-1) irc.reply("BOFH excuse #%d: %s" % (i, _bofhdata[i])) bofh = wrap(bofh, [additional('int')]) def r42(self, irc, msg, match): """^@42$""" if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return #if num and num >= 1 and num <= len(_bofhdata): # i = num #else: i = random.randint(0,len(_42data)-1) irc.reply(_42data[i]) def ball(self, irc, msg, match): """^magic 8ball.*\?$""" if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return i = random.randint(0,len(_balldata)-1) irc.reply(_balldata[i]) def bauer(self, irc, msg, args, count=0): """ Display a Jack Bauer fact """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return f = self._bauer() if f: irc.reply(f) bauer = wrap(bauer) def macgyver(self, irc, msg, args, count=0): """ Display a macgyver fact """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return f = self._macgyver() if f: irc.reply(f) macgyver = wrap(macgyver) mcgyver = macgyver def bruce(self, irc, msg, args, count=0): """ Display a bruce fact """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return f = self._bruce() if f: irc.reply(f) bruce = wrap(bruce) def futurama(self, irc, msg, args): """ Display a futurama quote """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0]): return u = urllib2.urlopen('') h = [x for x in u.headers.headers if x.startswith('X') and not x.startswith('X-Powered-By')][0] irc.reply(h[2:-2].replace(' ',' "',1) + '"') futurama = wrap(futurama) def yourmom(self, irc, msg, args): """ Your mom hates IRC """ if not self.ok(msg.args[0], True): return data = utils.web.getUrl('') irc.reply(data[data.find('


')].strip()) yourmom = wrap(yourmom) def bush(self, irc,msg,args): """Yes, bush needs help....""" if not self.ok(msg.args[0], True): return data = utils.web.getUrl('') data = data[data.find('')+1:] irc.reply(data.replace("\n",'')) bush = wrap(bush) def _bauer(self,count=0): # if self.i % 2 == 0: # (url, re) = self.jre1 # else: # (url, re) = self.jre2 # self.i += 1 (url, re) = self.jre2 if count > 5: return try: fact = utils.web.getUrl(url) reo = val = while entity = if entity in entities: val = self.entre.sub(entities[entity], val) else: val = self.entre.sub('?', val) _val = val.lower() for word in self.badwords: if word in _val: raise RuntimeError return val except: time.sleep(1) return self._bauer(count+1) def _macgyver(self,count=0): (url, rx) = self.mgurl if count > 5: return try: fact = utils.web.getUrl(url) reo = val ='


','').replace('"','"').replace(' ',' ') val = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', val).strip() while entity = print entity if entity in entities: val = self.entre.sub(entities[entity], val) else: val = self.entre.sub('?', val) _val = val.lower() for word in self.badwords: if word in _val: raise RuntimeError return val except: time.sleep(1) return self._macgyver(count+1) def _bruce(self,count=0): (url, rx) = self.bsurl if count > 5: return try: fact = utils.web.getUrl(url) reo = val ='


','').replace('"','"').replace(' ',' ') val = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', val).strip() while entity = print entity if entity in entities: val = self.entre.sub(entities[entity], val) else: val = self.entre.sub('?', val) _val = val.lower() for word in self.badwords: if word in _val: raise RuntimeError return val except: time.sleep(1) return self._bruce(count+1) Class = Mess