### # Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### # Based on the standard supybot logging plugin, which has the following # copyright: # # Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### from supybot.commands import * import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.ircdb as ircdb import sqlite, pytz, cPickle, datetime, time, random, md5 tz = 'UTC' def now(): return cPickle.dumps(datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone(tz))) def capab(user, capability): try: if capability in list(user.capabilities): return True else: return False except: return False def hostmaskPatternEqual(pattern, hostmask): if pattern.count('!') not in (1, 2) or pattern.count('@') != 1: return False if pattern.count('!') == 2: pattern = "!".join(pattern.split('!')[:-1]) return ircutils.hostmaskPatternEqual(pattern, hostmask) def dequeue(parent, irc): global queue queue.dequeue(parent, irc) class MsgQueue(object): def __init__(self): self.msgcache = [] def queue(self, msg): if msg not in self.msgcache: self.msgcache.append(msg) def clear(self): self.msgcache = [] def dequeue(self, parent, irc): parent.thread_timer.cancel() parent.thread_timer = threading.Timer(30.0, dequeue, args=(parent, irc)) if len(self.msgcache) == 0: parent.thread_timer.start() return msg = self.msgcache.pop(0) irc.queueMsg(msg) parent.thread_timer.start() queue = MsgQueue() class Ban(object): """Hold my bans""" def __init__(self, args=None, **kwargs): object.__init__(self) if args: self.mask = args[2] self.who = args[3] self.when = args[4] else: self.mask = kwargs['mask'] self.who = kwargs['who'] self.when = kwargs['when'] self.ascwhen = time.asctime(time.gmtime(float(self.when))) def __tuple__(self): return (self.mask, self.who, self.ascwhen) def __iter__(self): return self.__tuple__().__iter__() def __str__(self): return "%s by %s on %s" % tuple(self) def __repr__(self): return '<%s object "%s" at 0x%x>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self, id(self)) class Bantracker(callbacks.Plugin): """Plugin to manage bans. Use 'mark' to add a bantracker entry manually, 'btlogin' to log into the bantracker, 'bansearch' to search the bantracker for bans and 'banlog' print the last 5 lines for ban entries See '@list Bantracker' and '@help ' for other commands""" noIgnore = True def __init__(self, irc): self.__parent = super(Bantracker, self) self.__parent.__init__(irc) self.lastMsgs = {} self.lastStates = {} self.logs = {} self.nicks = {} self.bans = {} self.thread_timer = threading.Timer(30.0, dequeue, args=(self,irc)) self.thread_timer.start() db = self.registryValue('database') if db: self.db = sqlite.connect(db) else: self.db = None self.get_bans(irc) self.get_nicks(irc) def get_nicks(self, irc): for (channel, c) in irc.state.channels.iteritems(): for nick in list(c.users): if not nick in self.nicks: self.nicks[nick] = self.nick_to_host(irc, nick) def get_bans(self, irc): global queue for channel in irc.state.channels.keys(): if channel not in self.bans: self.bans[channel] = [] queue.queue(ircmsgs.mode(channel, 'b')) def sendWhois(self, irc, nick): irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.whois(nick, nick)) def do311(self, irc, msg): """/whois""" nick = msg.args[1].lower() mask = "%s!%s@%s" % (nick, msg.args[2].lower(), msg.args[3].lower()) self.nicks[nick] = mask def do314(self, irc, msg): """/whowas""" nick = msg.args[1].lower() mask = "%s!%s@%s" % (nick, msg.args[2].lower(), msg.args[3].lower()) if not nick in self.nicks: self.nicks[nick] = mask def do401(self, irc, msg): """/whois faild""" irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.IrcMsg(prefix="", command='WHOWAS', args=(msg.args[1],), msg=msg)) def do406(self, irc, msg): """/whowas faild""" self.log.info("Host lookup faild") def do367(self, irc, msg): """Got ban""" if msg.args[1] not in self.bans.keys(): self.bans[msg.args[1]] = [] self.bans[msg.args[1]].append(Ban(msg.args)) def nick_to_host(self, irc, target): target = target.lower() if ircutils.isUserHostmask(target): return target elif target in self.nicks: return self.nicks[target] else: try: return irc.state.nickToHostmask(target) except: self.sendWhois(irc, target) if target in self.nicks: return self.nicks[target] else: return "%s!*@*" % target def die(self): global queue if self.db: self.db.close() self.thread_timer.cancel() queue.clear() def reset(self): global queue if self.db: self.db.close() queue.clear() self.logs.clear() self.lastMsgs.clear() self.lastStates.clear() self.nicks.clear() def __call__(self, irc, msg): try: super(self.__class__, self).__call__(irc, msg) if irc in self.lastMsgs: if irc not in self.lastStates: self.lastStates[irc] = irc.state.copy() self.lastStates[irc].addMsg(irc, self.lastMsgs[irc]) finally: self.lastMsgs[irc] = msg def db_run(self, query, parms, expect_result = False, expect_id = False): if not self.db: self.log.error("Bantracker database not open") return n_tries = 0 try: cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute(query, parms) except: if n_tries > 5: print "Tried more than 5 times, aborting" raise n_tries += 1 time.sleep(1) data = None if expect_result: data = cur.fetchall() if expect_id: data = self.db.insert_id() self.db.commit() return data def doLog(self, irc, channel, s): if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel): return channel = ircutils.toLower(channel) if channel not in self.logs.keys(): self.logs[channel] = [] format = conf.supybot.log.timestampFormat() if format: s = time.strftime(format, time.gmtime()) + " " + ircutils.stripFormatting(s) self.logs[channel] = self.logs[channel][-199:] + [s.strip()] def doKickban(self, irc, channel, nick, target, kickmsg = None): if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel): return n = now() id = self.db_run("INSERT INTO bans (channel, mask, operator, time, log) values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (channel, target, nick, n, '\n'.join(self.logs[channel])), expect_id=True) if kickmsg and id and not (kickmsg == nick): self.db_run("INSERT INTO comments (ban_id, who, comment, time) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (id, nick, kickmsg, n)) if channel not in self.bans: self.bans[channel] = [] self.bans[channel].append(Ban(mask=target, who=nick, when=time.mktime(time.gmtime()))) def doUnban(self, irc, channel, nick, mask): if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel): return data = self.db_run("SELECT MAX(id) FROM bans where channel=%s and mask=%s", (channel, mask), expect_result=True) if len(data) and not (data[0][0] == None): self.db_run("UPDATE bans SET removal=%s , removal_op=%s WHERE id=%s", (now(), nick, int(data[0][0]))) if not channel in self.bans: self.bans[channel] = [] idx = None for ban in self.bans[channel]: if ban.mask == mask: idx = self.bans[channel].index(ban) break if idx != None: del self.bans[channel][idx] def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg): (recipients, text) = msg.args for channel in recipients.split(','): if irc.isChannel(channel): nick = msg.nick or irc.nick if ircmsgs.isAction(msg): self.doLog(irc, channel, '* %s %s\n' % (nick, ircmsgs.unAction(msg))) else: self.doLog(irc, channel, '<%s> %s\n' % (nick, text)) def doNotice(self, irc, msg): (recipients, text) = msg.args for channel in recipients.split(','): if irc.isChannel(channel): self.doLog(irc, channel, '-%s- %s\n' % (msg.nick, text)) def doNick(self, irc, msg): oldNick = msg.nick newNick = msg.args[0] for (channel, c) in irc.state.channels.iteritems(): if newNick in c.users: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s is now known as %s\n' % (oldNick, newNick)) if oldNick in self.nicks: del self.nicks[oldNick] nick = newNick.lower() hostmask = nick + "!".join(msg.prefix.lower().split('!')[1:]) self.nicks[nick] = hostmask def doJoin(self, irc, msg): global queue for channel in msg.args[0].split(','): self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s has joined %s\n' % (msg.nick or msg.prefix, channel)) if not channel in self.bans.keys(): self.bans[channel] = [] queue.queue(ircmsgs.mode(channel, 'b')) nick = msg.nick.lower() or msg.prefix.lower().split('!', 1)[0] self.nicks[nick] = msg.prefix.lower() def doKick(self, irc, msg): if len(msg.args) == 3: (channel, target, kickmsg) = msg.args else: (channel, target) = msg.args kickmsg = '' if kickmsg: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s was kicked by %s (%s)\n' % (target, msg.nick, kickmsg)) else: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s was kicked by %s\n' % (target, msg.nick)) self.doKickban(irc, channel, msg.nick, target, kickmsg) def doPart(self, irc, msg): for channel in msg.args[0].split(','): self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s (%s) has left %s (%s)\n' % (msg.nick, msg.prefix, channel, msg.args[1])) if msg.args[1].startswith('requested by'): args = msg.args[1].split() self.doKickban(irc, channel, args[2].replace(':',''), msg.nick, ' '.join(args[3:])[1:-1].strip()) def doMode(self, irc, msg): channel = msg.args[0] if irc.isChannel(channel) and msg.args[1:]: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s sets mode: %s %s\n' % (msg.nick or msg.prefix, msg.args[1], ' '.join(msg.args[2:]))) if 'b' in msg.args[1] or 'd' in msg.args[1]: i = 2 plusmin = False for c in msg.args[1]: if c == '-': plusmin = False elif c == '+': plusmin = True else: if c == 'b': if plusmin: self.doKickban(irc, channel, msg.nick, msg.args[i]) else: self.doUnban(irc,channel, msg.nick, msg.args[i]) i += 1 if c == 'd': if plusmin: self.doKickban(irc, channel, msg.nick, msg.args[i] + ' (realname)') else: self.doUnban(irc,channel, msg.nick, msg.args[i] + ' (realname)') i += 1 def doTopic(self, irc, msg): if len(msg.args) == 1: return # It's an empty TOPIC just to get the current topic. channel = msg.args[0] self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s changes topic to "%s"\n' % (msg.nick, msg.args[1])) def doQuit(self, irc, msg): for (channel, chan) in self.lastStates[irc].channels.iteritems(): if msg.nick in chan.users: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s has quit IRC (%s)\n' % (msg.nick, msg.args[0])) def outFilter(self, irc, msg): # Gotta catch my own messages *somehow* :) # Let's try this little trick... if msg.command in ('PRIVMSG', 'NOTICE'): # Other messages should be sent back to us. m = ircmsgs.IrcMsg(msg=msg, prefix=irc.prefix) self(irc, m) return msg def check_auth(self, irc, msg, args, cap='bantracker'): if not msg.tagged('identified'): irc.error(conf.supybot.replies.incorrectAuthentication()) return False try: user = ircdb.users.getUser(msg.prefix[:msg.prefix.find('!')].lower()) except: irc.error(conf.supybot.replies.incorrectAuthentication()) return False if not capab(user, cap): irc.error(conf.supybot.replies.noCapability() % cap) return False return user def btlogin(self, irc, msg, args): """takes no arguments Sends you a message with a link to login to the bantracker. """ user = self.check_auth(irc, msg, args) if not user: return user.addAuth(msg.prefix) ircdb.users.setUser(user, flush=False) if not capab(user, 'bantracker'): irc.error(conf.supybot.replies.noCapability() % 'bantracker') return if not self.registryValue('bansite'): irc.error("No bansite set, please set supybot.plugins.Bantracker.bansite") return sessid = md5.new('%s%s%d' % (msg.prefix, time.time(), random.randint(1,100000))).hexdigest() self.db_run("INSERT INTO sessions (session_id, user, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %d);", ( sessid, msg.prefix[:msg.prefix.find('!')], int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) ) ) irc.reply('Log in at %s/bans.cgi?sess=%s' % (self.registryValue('bansite'), sessid), private=True) btlogin = wrap(btlogin) def mark(self, irc, msg, args, channel, target, kickmsg): """[] [] Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if was kicked from with the comment , if is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, is only needed when send in /msg """ user = self.check_auth(irc, msg, args) if not user: return if not channel: irc.error(' must be given if not in a channel') return channels = [] for chan in irc.state.channels.keys(): channels.append(chan) if not channel in channels: irc.error('Not in that channel') return if not kickmsg: kickmsg = '**MARK**' else: kickmsg = "**MARK** - %s" % kickmsg hostmask = self.nick_to_host(irc, target) self.doLog(irc, channel.lower(), '*** %s requested a mark for %s\n' % (msg.nick, target)) self.doKickban(irc, channel.lower(), msg.nick, hostmask, kickmsg) irc.replySuccess() mark = wrap(mark, [optional('channel'), 'something', additional('text')]) def sort_bans(self, channel=None): data = self.db_run("SELECT mask, removal, channel, id FROM bans", (), expect_result=True) if channel: data = [i for i in data if i[2] == channel] bans = [(i[0], i[3]) for i in data if i[1] == None and '%' not in i[0]] mutes = [(i[0], i[3]) for i in data if i[1] == None and '%' in i[0]] return mutes + bans def get_banId(self, mask, channel): data = self.db_run("SELECT MAX(id) FROM bans WHERE mask=%s AND channel=%s", (mask, channel), True)[0] if not data[0]: return return int(data[0]) def getBans(self, hostmask, channel): match = [] if channel: if channel in self.bans and self.bans[channel]: for b in self.bans[channel]: if hostmaskPatternEqual(b.mask, hostmask): match.append((b.mask, self.get_banId(b.mask,channel))) data = self.sort_bans(channel) for e in data: if hostmaskPatternEqual(e[0], hostmask): if (e[0], e[1]) not in match: match.append((e[0], e[1])) else: for c in self.bans: for b in self.bans[c]: if hostmaskPatternEqual(b.mask, hostmask): match.append((b.mask, self.get_banId(b.mask,c))) data = self.sort_bans() for e in data: if hostmaskPatternEqual(e[0], hostmask): if (e[0], e[1]) not in match: match.append((e[0], e[1])) return match def bansearch(self, irc, msg, args, target, channel): """ [] Search bans database for a ban on nick/host, if channel is not given search all channel bans. """ def format_entry(entry): ret = list(entry[:-1]) t = cPickle.loads(entry[-1]).astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC')).strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S") ret.append(t) return tuple(ret) user = self.check_auth(irc, msg, args) if not user: return hostmask = self.nick_to_host(irc, target) data = self.sort_bans(channel) if 'owner' in list(user.capabilities) or 'admin' in list(user.capabilities): if len(queue.msgcache) > 0: irc.reply("Warning: still syncing (%i)" % len(queue.msgcache)) hostmask = self.nick_to_host(irc, target) match = self.getBans(hostmask, channel) if not match: irc.reply("No matches found for %s in %s" % (hostmask, True and channel or "any channel")) return ret = [] for m in match: ret.append(format_entry(self.db_run("SELECT mask, operator, channel, time FROM bans WHERE id=%d", m[1], expect_result=True)[0])) if m[1]: ret.append((format_entry(self.db_run("SELECT mask, operator, channel, time FROM bans WHERE id=%d", m[1], expect_result=True)[0]), m[1])) if not ret: done = [] for c in self.bans: for b in self.bans[c]: for m in match: if m[0] == b.mask: if not c in done: irc.reply("Match %s in %s" % (b, c)) done.append(c) return for i in ret: irc.reply("Match: %s by %s in %s on %s (ID: %s)" % (i[0] + (i[1],))) if 'botmsg' in list(user.capabilities): if target.split('!', 1)[0] != '*': irc.reply("%s/bans.cgi?log=%s&mark=%s" % (self.registryValue('bansite'), i[1], target.split('!')[0]), private=True) else: irc.reply("%s/bans.cgi?log=%s" % (self.registryValue('bansite'), i[1]), private=True) bansearch = wrap(bansearch, ['something', optional('anything', default=None)]) def banlog(self, irc, msg, args, target, channel): """ [] Prints the last 5 messages from the nick/host logged before a ban/mute, the nick/host has to have an active ban/mute against it. If channel is not given search all channel bans. """ if not self.check_auth(irc, msg, args): return if len(queue.msgcache) > 0: irc.reply("Warning: still syncing (%i)" % len(queue.msgcache)) hostmask = self.nick_to_host(irc, target) target = target.split('!', 1)[0] match = self.getBans(hostmask, channel) if not match: irc.reply("No matches found for %s (%s) in %s" % (target, hostmask, True and channel or "any channel")) return ret = [] for m in match: if m[1]: ret.append((self.db_run("SELECT log, channel FROM bans WHERE id=%d", m[1], expect_result=True), m[1])) sent = [] if not ret: irc.reply("No matches in tracker") for logs in ret: log = logs[0] id = logs[1] lines = ["%s: %s" % (log[0][1], i) for i in log[0][0].split('\n') if "<%s>" % target.lower() in i.lower() and i[21:21+len(target)].lower() == target.lower()] show_sep = False if not lines: show_sep = False irc.error("No log for ID %s available" % id) else: for l in lines[:5]: if l not in sent: show_sep = True irc.reply(l) sent.append(l) if show_sep: irc.reply('--') banlog = wrap(banlog, ['something', optional('anything', default=None)]) def updatebt(self, irc, msg, args, channel): """[] Update bans in the tracker from channel ban list, if channel is not given then run in all channels """ def getBans(chan): data = self.db_run("SELECT mask, removal FROM bans WHERE channel=%s", chan, expect_result=True) return [i[0] for i in data if i[1] == None and "!" in i[0]] def remBans(chan): bans = getBans(chan) old_bans = bans[:] new_bans = [i.mask for i in self.bans[chan]] remove_bans = [] for ban in old_bans: if ban not in new_bans: remove_bans.append(ban) bans.remove(ban) for ban in remove_bans: self.log.info("Removing ban %s from %s" % (ban, channel)) self.doUnban(irc, channel, "Automated-Removal", ban) return len(remove_bans) if not self.check_auth(irc, msg, args, 'owner'): return res = 0 if len(queue.msgcache) > 0: irc.reply("Error: still syncing (%i)" % len(queue.msgcache)) return try: if channel: res += remBans(channel) else: for channel in irc.state.channels.keys(): if channel not in self.bans: self.bans[channel] = [] res += remBans(channel) except KeyError, e: irc.error("%s, Please wait longer" % e) return irc.reply("Cleared %i obsolete bans" % res) updatebt = wrap(updatebt, [optional('anything', default=None)]) def comment(self, irc, msg, args, id, kickmsg): """ [] Reads or adds the for the ban with , use @bansearch to find the id of a ban""" def addComment(id, nick, msg): n = now() self.db_run("INSERT INTO comments (ban_id, who, comment, time) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (id, nick, msg, n)) def readComment(id): return self.db_run("SELECT who, comment, time FROM comments WHERE ban_id=%i", (id,), True) nick = msg.nick if kickmsg: addComment(id, nick, kickmsg) irc.replySuccess() else: data = readComment(id) if data: for c in data: irc.reply("%s %s: %s" % (cPickle.loads(c[2]).astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC')).strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S"), c[0], c[1]) ) else: irc.error("No comments recorded for ban %i" % id) comment = wrap(comment, ['id', optional('text')]) def togglemsg(self, irc, msg, args): """takes no arguments Enable/Disable private mssages from the bot """ user = self.check_auth(irc, msg, args) if not user: return if 'botmsg' in list(user.capabilities): user.removeCapability('botmsg') irc.reply("Disabled") else: user.addCapability('botmsg') irc.reply("Enabled") togglemsg = wrap(togglemsg) def banlink(self, irc, msg, args, id, highlight): """ [] Returns a direct link to the log of kick/ban if is given, lines containing that will be highlighted """ if not self.check_auth(irc, msg, args): return if not highlight: irc.reply("%s/bans.cgi?log=%s" % (self.registryValue('bansite'), id), private=True) else: irc.reply("%s/bans.cgi?log=%s&mark=%s" % (self.registryValue('bansite'), id, highlight), private=True) banlink = wrap(banlink, ['id', optional('somethingWithoutSpaces')]) Class = Bantracker