from supybot.test import * import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import time pluginConf = conf.supybot.plugins.Bantracker pluginConf.enabled.setValue(True) pluginConf.bansite.setValue('') pluginConf.database.setValue('bantracker-test.db') def quiet(channel, hostmask, prefix='', msg=None): """Returns a MODE to quiet nick on channel.""" return ircmsgs.mode(channel, ('+q', hostmask), prefix, msg) class BantrackerTestCase(ChannelPluginTestCase): plugins = ('Bantracker',) def setUp(self): super(BantrackerTestCase, self).setUp() self.setDb() pluginConf.commentRequest.ignore.set('*') # disable comments def setDb(self): import sqlite, os dbfile = os.path.join(os.curdir, pluginConf.database()) try: os.remove(dbfile) except: pass db = sqlite.connect(dbfile) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE bans (' 'id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,' 'channel VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,' 'mask VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,' 'operator VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,' 'time VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,' 'removal DATETIME,' 'removal_op VARCHAR(30),' 'log TEXT)') cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE comments (' 'ban_id INTEGER,' 'who VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,' 'comment MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL,' 'time VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL)') cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE sessions (' 'session_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY,' 'user MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL,' 'time INT NOT NULL)') cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE users (' 'username VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY,' 'salt VARCHAR(8),' 'password VARCHAR(50))') db.commit() cursor.close() db.close() def getCallback(self): for cb in self.irc.callbacks: if == 'Bantracker': break return cb def getDb(self): return self.getCallback().db def query(self, query, parms=()): cursor = self.getDb().cursor() cursor.execute(query, parms) return cursor.fetchall() def feedBan(self, hostmask, prefix='', channel=None, mode='b'): if not channel: channel = if not prefix: prefix = 'op!' if mode == 'b': ban = ircmsgs.ban(channel, hostmask, prefix=prefix) elif mode == 'q': ban = quiet(channel, hostmask, prefix=prefix) self.irc.feedMsg(ban) def testCommentRequest(self): pluginConf.commentRequest.ignore.set('') # test bans self.feedBan('asd!*@*') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Please comment on the ban of asd!*@* in #test, use: @comment 1" " ") # test quiets self.feedBan('dude!*@*', mode='q') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Please comment on the quiet of dude!*@* in #test, use: @comment 2" " ") def testReviewResquest(self): pluginConf.commentRequest.ignore.set('') cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.irc.takeMsg() # ignore comment request comment pluginConf.reviewAfterTime.setValue(1.0/84600) # one second cb.reviewBans() self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews) print 'waiting 4 secs..' time.sleep(2) cb.reviewBans() # check is pending self.assertTrue(cb.pendingReviews) # send msg if a user with a matching host says something self.feedMsg('Hi!', frm='op!') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(msg, None) self.feedMsg('Hi!', frm='op_!') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op_ :Hi, please review the ban 'asd!*@*' that you set on %s in #test, link: "\ "%s/bans.cgi?log=1" %(cb.bans['#test'][0].ascwhen, pluginConf.bansite())) # don't ask again cb.reviewBans() self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews) self.feedBan('asd2!*@*') self.irc.takeMsg() self.feedBan('qwe!*@*', prefix='otherop!') self.irc.takeMsg() time.sleep(2) cb.reviewBans() self.assertTrue(len(cb.pendingReviews) == 2) self.feedMsg('Hi!', frm='op!') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(msg, None) self.feedMsg('Hi!', frm='mynickissocreative!') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG mynickissocreative :Hi, please review the ban 'qwe!*@*' that you set on %s in #test, link: "\ "%s/bans.cgi?log=3" %(cb.bans['#test'][2].ascwhen, pluginConf.bansite())) self.feedMsg('ping', to='test', frm='op!') # in a query self.irc.takeMsg() # drop pong reply msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Hi, please review the ban 'asd2!*@*' that you set on %s in #test, link: "\ "%s/bans.cgi?log=2" %(cb.bans['#test'][1].ascwhen, pluginConf.bansite())) def testBan(self): self.feedBan('asd!*@*') fetch = self.query("SELECT id,channel,mask,operator FROM bans") self.assertEqual((1, '#test', 'asd!*@*', 'op'), fetch[0]) def testQuiet(self): self.feedBan('asd!*@*', mode='q') fetch = self.query("SELECT id,channel,mask,operator FROM bans") self.assertEqual((1, '#test', '%asd!*@*', 'op'), fetch[0])