# -*- Encoding: utf-8 -*- ### # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker # Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Terence Simpson # Copyright (c) 2010 Elián Hanisch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### ### # Based on the standard supybot logging plugin, which has the following # copyright: # # Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### from supybot.commands import * import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.ircdb as ircdb import supybot.schedule as schedule from fnmatch import fnmatch import sqlite import pytz import cPickle import datetime import time import random import hashlib import threading isUserHostmask = ircutils.isUserHostmask tz = 'UTC' def now(): return cPickle.dumps(datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone(tz))) def fromTime(x): return cPickle.dumps(datetime.datetime(*time.gmtime(x)[:6], **{'tzinfo': pytz.timezone("UTC")})) def capab(user, capability): capability = capability.lower() capabilities = list(user.capabilities) # Capability hierarchy # if capability == "bantracker": if capab(user, "admin"): return True if capability == "admin": if capab(user, "owner"): return True # End # if capability in capabilities: return True else: return False def hostmaskPatternEqual(pattern, hostmask): if pattern.count('!') != 1 or pattern.count('@') != 1: return False if pattern.count('$') == 1: pattern = pattern.split('$',1)[0] if pattern.startswith('%'): pattern = pattern[1:] return ircutils.hostmaskPatternEqual(pattern, hostmask) def nickMatch(nick, pattern): """Checks if a given nick matches a pattern or in a list of patterns.""" if isinstance(pattern, str): pattern = [pattern] nick = nick.lower() for s in pattern: if fnmatch(nick, s.lower()): return True return False def dequeue(parent, irc): global queue queue.dequeue(parent, irc) class MsgQueue(object): def __init__(self): self.msgcache = [] def queue(self, msg): if msg not in self.msgcache: self.msgcache.append(msg) def clear(self): self.msgcache = [] def dequeue(self, parent, irc): parent.thread_timer.cancel() parent.thread_timer = threading.Timer(10.0, dequeue, args=(parent, irc)) if len(self.msgcache): msg = self.msgcache.pop(0) irc.queueMsg(msg) parent.thread_timer.start() queue = MsgQueue() class Ban(object): """Hold my bans""" def __init__(self, args=None, **kwargs): self.id = None if args: # in most ircd: args = (nick, channel, mask, who, when) self.mask = args[2] self.who = args[3] self.when = float(args[4]) else: self.mask = kwargs['mask'] self.who = kwargs['who'] self.when = float(kwargs['when']) if 'id' in kwargs: self.id = kwargs['id'] self.ascwhen = time.asctime(time.gmtime(self.when)) def __tuple__(self): return (self.mask, self.who, self.ascwhen) def __iter__(self): return self.__tuple__().__iter__() def __str__(self): return "%s by %s on %s" % tuple(self) def __repr__(self): return '<%s object "%s" at 0x%x>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self, id(self)) def __eq__(self, ban): return self.mask == ban.mask def __ne__(self, ban): return not self.__eq__(ban) def op(self): return self.mask.split('!')[0] def time(self): return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.when) def guessBanType(mask): if mask[0] == '%': return 'quiet' elif ircutils.isUserHostmask(mask) or mask.endswith('(realname)'): return 'ban' return 'removal' class PersistentCache(dict): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = conf.supybot.directories.data.dirize(filename) self.time = 0 def open(self): import csv try: reader = csv.reader(open(self.filename, 'rb')) except IOError: return self.time = int(reader.next()[1]) for row in reader: host, value = self.deserialize(*row) try: L = self[host] if value not in L: L.append(value) except KeyError: self[host] = [value] def close(self): import csv try: writer = csv.writer(open(self.filename, 'wb')) except IOError: return writer.writerow(('time', str(int(self.time)))) for host, values in self.iteritems(): for v in values: writer.writerow(self.serialize(host, v)) def deserialize(self, host, nick, command, channel, text): if command == 'PRIVMSG': msg = ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, text) elif command == 'NOTICE': msg = ircmsgs.notice(channel, text) else: return return (host, (nick, msg)) def serialize(self, host, value): nick, msg = value command, channel, text = msg.command, msg.args[0], msg.args[1] return (host, nick, command, channel, text) class Bantracker(callbacks.Plugin): """Plugin to manage bans. See '@list Bantracker' and '@help ' for commands""" noIgnore = True threaded = True def __init__(self, irc): self.__parent = super(Bantracker, self) self.__parent.__init__(irc) self.default_irc = irc self.lastMsgs = {} self.lastStates = {} self.replies = {} self.logs = ircutils.IrcDict() self.nicks = {} self.hosts = {} self.bans = ircutils.IrcDict() self.thread_timer = threading.Timer(10.0, dequeue, args=(self,irc)) self.thread_timer.start() db = self.registryValue('database') if db: self.db = sqlite.connect(db) else: self.db = None self.get_bans(irc) self.get_nicks(irc) self.pendingReviews = PersistentCache('bt.reviews.db') self.pendingReviews.open() self._banreviewfix() # add scheduled event for check bans that need review, check every hour try: schedule.removeEvent(self.name()) except: pass schedule.addPeriodicEvent(lambda : self.reviewBans(irc), 60*60, name=self.name()) def get_nicks(self, irc): self.hosts.clear() for (channel, c) in irc.state.channels.iteritems(): if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel): continue for nick in list(c.users): nick = nick.lower() if not nick in self.nicks: host = self.nick_to_host(irc, nick, False).lower() self.nicks[nick] = host host = host.split('@', 1)[1] if '*' not in host: if host not in self.hosts: self.hosts[host] = [] self.hosts[host].append(nick) def get_bans(self, irc): global queue for channel in irc.state.channels.keys(): if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel): continue if channel not in self.bans: self.bans[channel] = [] queue.queue(ircmsgs.mode(channel, 'b')) def sendWhois(self, irc, nick, do_reply=False, *args): nick = nick.lower() irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.whois(nick, nick)) if do_reply: self.replies[nick] = [args[0], args[1:]] def do311(self, irc, msg): """/whois""" nick = msg.args[1].lower() mask = "%s!%s@%s" % (nick, msg.args[2].lower(), msg.args[3].lower()) self.nicks[nick] = mask if nick in self.replies: f = getattr(self, "%s_real" % self.replies[nick][0]) args = self.replies[nick][1] del self.replies[nick] kwargs={'from_reply': True, 'reply': "%s!%s@%s" % (msg.args[1], msg.args[2], msg.args[3])} f(*args, **kwargs) def do314(self, irc, msg): """/whowas""" nick = msg.args[1].lower() mask = "%s!%s@%s" % (nick, msg.args[2].lower(), msg.args[3].lower()) if not nick in self.nicks: self.nicks[nick] = mask if nick in self.replies: f = getattr(self, "%s_real" % self.replies[nick][0]) args = self.replies[nick][1] del self.replies[nick] kwargs={'from_reply': True, 'reply': "%s!%s@%s" % (msg.args[1], msg.args[2], msg.args[3])} f(*args, **kwargs) def do401(self, irc, msg): """/whois faild""" irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.IrcMsg(prefix="", command='WHOWAS', args=(msg.args[1],), msg=msg)) def do406(self, irc, msg): """/whowas faild""" nick = msg.args[1].lower() if nick in self.replies: f = getattr(self, "%s_real" % self.replies[nick][0]) args = self.replies[nick][1] del self.replies[nick] kwargs = {'from_reply': True, 'reply': None} f(*args, **kwargs) def do367(self, irc, msg): """Got ban""" channel = msg.args[1] try: bans = self.bans[channel] except KeyError: bans = self.bans[channel] = [] ban = Ban(msg.args) if ban.mask.startswith("$r:"): ban.mask = ban.mask[3:] + " (realname)" if ban not in bans: bans.append(ban) def do368(self, irc, msg): """End of channel ban list.""" channel = msg.args[1] try: bans = self.bans[channel] bans.sort(key=lambda x: x.when) # needed for self.reviewBans except KeyError: pass def nick_to_host(self, irc=None, target='', with_nick=True, reply_now=True): target = target.lower() if ircutils.isUserHostmask(target): return target elif target in self.nicks: return self.nicks[target] elif irc: try: return irc.state.nickToHostmask(target) except: if reply_now: if with_nick: return "%s!*@*" % target return "*@*" return if target in self.nicks: return self.nicks[target] else: return "%s!*@*" % target def die(self): global queue if self.db: try: self.db.close() except: pass try: self.thread_timer.cancel() except: pass queue.clear() schedule.removeEvent(self.name()) self.pendingReviews.close() def reset(self): global queue if self.db: try: self.db.close() except: pass queue.clear() # self.logs.clear() self.lastMsgs.clear() self.lastStates.clear() # self.nicks.clear() def __call__(self, irc, msg): try: super(self.__class__, self).__call__(irc, msg) if irc in self.lastMsgs: if irc not in self.lastStates: self.lastStates[irc] = irc.state.copy() self.lastStates[irc].addMsg(irc, self.lastMsgs[irc]) finally: self.lastMsgs[irc] = msg def db_run(self, query, parms, expect_result = False, expect_id = False): if not self.db or self.db.closed: db = self.registryValue('database') if db: try: self.db = sqlite.connect(db) except: self.log.error("Bantracker: failed to connect to database") return else: self.log.error("Bantracker: no database") return try: cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute(query, parms) except: self.log.error("Bantracker: Error while trying to access the Bantracker database.") return None data = None if expect_result and cur: data = cur.fetchall() if expect_id: data = self.db.insert_id() self.db.commit() return data def requestComment(self, irc, channel, ban): if not ban or not self.registryValue('request', channel): return # check the type of the action taken mask = ban.mask type = guessBanType(mask) if type == 'quiet': mask = mask[1:] # check if type is enabled if type not in self.registryValue('request.type', channel): return prefix = conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars()[0] # prefix char for commands # check to who send the request try: nick = ircutils.nickFromHostmask(ban.who) except: nick = ban.who if nickMatch(nick, self.registryValue('request.ignore', channel)): return if nickMatch(nick, self.registryValue('request.forward', channel)): s = "Please somebody comment on the %s of %s in %s done by %s, use:"\ " %scomment %s " %(type, mask, channel, nick, prefix, ban.id) self._sendForward(irc, s, 'request', channel) else: # send to op s = "Please comment on the %s of %s in %s, use: %scomment %s " \ %(type, mask, channel, prefix, ban.id) irc.reply(s, to=nick, private=True) def reviewBans(self, irc=None): reviewTime = int(self.registryValue('review.when') * 86400) if not reviewTime: # time is zero, do nothing return now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) lastreview = self.pendingReviews.time self.pendingReviews.time = now # update last time reviewed if not lastreview: # initialize last time reviewed timestamp lastreview = now - reviewTime for channel, bans in self.bans.iteritems(): if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel) \ or not self.registryValue('review', channel): continue for ban in bans: # XXX this shouldn't be hardcoded, but I'm starting to hate this plugin, # the less I touch it the better. if ban.mask.endswith('$#ubuntu-read-topic'): continue type = guessBanType(ban.mask) if type == 'removal': # skip kicks continue if not ('*' in ban.mask or '?' in ban.mask or '$' in ban.mask): # XXX hack over hack, we are supposing these are marks. continue banAge = now - ban.when reviewWindow = lastreview - ban.when #self.log.debug('review ban: %s ban %s by %s (%s/%s/%s %s)', channel, ban.mask, # ban.who, reviewWindow, reviewTime, banAge, reviewTime - reviewWindow) if reviewWindow <= reviewTime < banAge: # ban is old enough, and inside the "review window" try: # ban.who should be a user hostmask nick = ircutils.nickFromHostmask(ban.who) host = ircutils.hostFromHostmask(ban.who) except: if ircutils.isNick(ban.who, strictRfc=True): # ok, op's nick, use it nick = ban.who host = None else: # probably a ban restored by IRC server in a netsplit # XXX see if something can be done about this continue if nickMatch(nick, self.registryValue('review.ignore', channel)): # in the ignore list continue if not ban.id: ban.id = self.get_banId(ban.mask, channel) mask = ban.mask if type == 'quiet': mask = mask[1:] if nickMatch(nick, self.registryValue('review.forward', channel)): s = "Review: %s '%s' set by %s on %s in %s, link: %s/bans.cgi?log=%s" \ % (type, mask, nick, ban.ascwhen, channel, self.registryValue('bansite'), ban.id) self._sendForward(irc, s, 'review', channel) else: s = "Review: %s '%s' set on %s in %s, link: %s/bans.cgi?log=%s" \ % (type, mask, ban.ascwhen, channel, self.registryValue('bansite'), ban.id) msg = ircmsgs.privmsg(nick, s) if host in self.pendingReviews \ and (nick, msg) not in self.pendingReviews[host]: self.pendingReviews[host].append((nick, msg)) else: self.pendingReviews[host] = [(nick, msg)] elif banAge < reviewTime: # since we made sure bans are sorted by time, the bans left are more recent break def _sendForward(self, irc, s, setting, channel=None): if not irc: return for chan in self.registryValue('%s.forward.channels' % setting, channel=channel): msg = ircmsgs.notice(chan, s) irc.queueMsg(msg) def _banreviewfix(self): # FIXME workaround until proper fix is done. bag = set() nodups = set() for host, reviews in self.pendingReviews.iteritems(): for nick, msg in reviews: if nick == 'Automated-Addition': continue chan, m = msg.args[0], msg.args[1] s = m.rpartition(' ')[0] #remove the url if (nick, chan, s) not in bag: bag.add((nick, chan, s)) nodups.add((host, nick, msg)) self.pendingReviews.clear() for host, nick, msg in nodups: if host in self.pendingReviews: self.pendingReviews[host].append((nick, msg)) else: self.pendingReviews[host] = [(nick, msg)] def _sendReviews(self, irc, msg): host = ircutils.hostFromHostmask(msg.prefix) if host in self.pendingReviews: self._banreviewfix() for nick, m in self.pendingReviews[host]: if msg.nick != nick and not irc.isChannel(nick): # I'm a bit extra careful here # correct nick in msg m = ircmsgs.privmsg(msg.nick, m.args[1]) irc.queueMsg(m) del self.pendingReviews[host] # check if we have any reviews by nick to send if None in self.pendingReviews: L = self.pendingReviews[None] for i, v in enumerate(L): nick, m = v if ircutils.strEqual(msg.nick, nick): irc.queueMsg(m) del L[i] if not L: del self.pendingReviews[None] def doLog(self, irc, channel, s): if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel): return channel = ircutils.toLower(channel) if channel not in self.logs.keys(): self.logs[channel] = [] format = conf.supybot.log.timestampFormat() if format: s = time.strftime(format, time.gmtime()) + " " + ircutils.stripFormatting(s) self.logs[channel] = self.logs[channel][-199:] + [s.strip()] def doKickban(self, irc, channel, *args, **kwargs): ban = self._doKickban(irc, channel, *args, **kwargs) self.requestComment(irc, channel, ban) return ban def _doKickban(self, irc, channel, operator, target, kickmsg = None, use_time = None, extra_comment = None, add_to_cache = True): if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel): return n = now() if use_time: n = fromTime(use_time) try: nick = ircutils.nickFromHostmask(operator) except: nick = operator id = self.db_run("INSERT INTO bans (channel, mask, operator, time, log) values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (channel, target, nick, n, '\n'.join(self.logs[channel])), expect_id=True) if kickmsg and id and not (kickmsg == nick): self.db_run("INSERT INTO comments (ban_id, who, comment, time) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (id, nick, kickmsg, n)) if extra_comment: self.db_run("INSERT INTO comments (ban_id, who, comment, time) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (id, nick, extra_comment, n)) ban = Ban(mask=target, who=operator, when=time.mktime(time.gmtime()), id=id) if add_to_cache: if channel not in self.bans: self.bans[channel] = [] self.bans[channel].append(ban) return ban def doUnban(self, irc, channel, nick, mask): if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel): return data = self.db_run("SELECT MAX(id) FROM bans where channel=%s and mask=%s", (channel, mask), expect_result=True) if data and len(data) and not (data[0][0] == None): self.db_run("UPDATE bans SET removal=%s , removal_op=%s WHERE id=%s", (now(), nick, int(data[0][0]))) if not channel in self.bans: self.bans[channel] = [] for ban in self.bans[channel]: if ban.mask == mask: idx = self.bans[channel].index(ban) del self.bans[channel][idx] # we don't break here because bans might be duplicated. def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg): (recipients, text) = msg.args for channel in recipients.split(','): if irc.isChannel(channel): nick = msg.nick or irc.nick if ircmsgs.isAction(msg): self.doLog(irc, channel, '* %s %s\n' % (nick, ircmsgs.unAction(msg))) else: self.doLog(irc, channel, '<%s> %s\n' % (nick, text)) self._sendReviews(irc, msg) def doNotice(self, irc, msg): (recipients, text) = msg.args for channel in recipients.split(','): if irc.isChannel(channel): self.doLog(irc, channel, '-%s- %s\n' % (msg.nick, text)) def doNick(self, irc, msg): oldNick = msg.nick newNick = msg.args[0] for (channel, c) in irc.state.channels.iteritems(): if newNick in c.users: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s is now known as %s\n' % (oldNick, newNick)) if oldNick.lower() in self.nicks: del self.nicks[oldNick.lower()] nick = newNick.lower() hostmask = nick + "!".join(msg.prefix.lower().split('!')[1:]) self.nicks[nick] = hostmask def doJoin(self, irc, msg): global queue for channel in msg.args[0].split(','): if msg.nick: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s (%s) has joined %s\n' % (msg.nick, msg.prefix.split('!', 1)[1], channel)) else: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s has joined %s\n' % (msg.prefix, channel)) if msg.nick == irc.nick: if channel in self.bans: del self.bans[channel] queue.queue(ircmsgs.mode(channel, 'b')) nick = msg.nick.lower() or msg.prefix.lower().split('!', 1)[0] self.nicks[nick] = msg.prefix.lower() def doKick(self, irc, msg): if len(msg.args) == 3: (channel, target, kickmsg) = msg.args else: (channel, target) = msg.args kickmsg = '' host = self.nick_to_host(irc, target, True) if host == "%s!*@*" % host: host = None if kickmsg: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s was kicked by %s (%s)\n' % (target, msg.nick, kickmsg)) else: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s was kicked by %s\n' % (target, msg.nick)) self.doKickban(irc, channel, msg.prefix, target, kickmsg, extra_comment=host) def doPart(self, irc, msg): for channel in msg.args[0].split(','): self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s (%s) has left %s (%s)\n' % (msg.nick, msg.prefix, channel, len(msg.args) > 1 and msg.args[1] or '')) if len(msg.args) > 1 and msg.args[1].startswith('requested by'): args = msg.args[1].split() self.doKickban(irc, channel, args[2], msg.nick, ' '.join(args[3:]).strip(), extra_comment=msg.prefix) def doMode(self, irc, msg): channel = msg.args[0] if irc.isChannel(channel) and msg.args[1:]: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s sets mode: %s %s\n' % (msg.nick or msg.prefix, msg.args[1], ' '.join(msg.args[2:]))) modes = ircutils.separateModes(msg.args[1:]) for param in modes: realname = '' mode = param[0] mask = '' comment=None if param[0] not in ("+b", "-b", "+q", "-q"): continue mask = param[1] if mask.startswith("$r:"): mask = mask[3:] realname = ' (realname)' if param[0][1] == 'q': mask = '%' + mask if param[0] in ('+b', '+q'): comment = self.getHostFromBan(irc, msg, mask) self.doKickban(irc, channel, msg.prefix, mask + realname, extra_comment=comment) elif param[0] in ('-b', '-q'): self.doUnban(irc,channel, msg.nick, mask + realname) def getHostFromBan(self, irc, msg, mask): if irc not in self.lastStates: self.lastStates[irc] = irc.state.copy() if mask[0] == '%': mask = mask[1:] try: (nick, ident, host) = ircutils.splitHostmask(mask) except AssertionError: # not a hostmask return None channel = None chan = None if mask[0] not in ('*', '?'): # Nick ban if nick in self.nicks: return self.nicks[nick] else: # Host/ident ban for (inick, ihost) in self.nicks.iteritems(): if ircutils.hostmaskPatternEqual(mask, ihost): return ihost return None def doTopic(self, irc, msg): if len(msg.args) == 1: return # It's an empty TOPIC just to get the current topic. channel = msg.args[0] self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s changes topic to "%s"\n' % (msg.nick, msg.args[1])) def doQuit(self, irc, msg): if irc not in self.lastStates: self.lastStates[irc] = irc.state.copy() for (channel, chan) in self.lastStates[irc].channels.iteritems(): if msg.nick in chan.users: self.doLog(irc, channel, '*** %s (%s) has quit IRC (%s)\n' % (msg.nick, msg.prefix, msg.args[0])) # if msg.nick in self.user: # del self.user[msg.nick] def outFilter(self, irc, msg): # Gotta catch my own messages *somehow* :) # Let's try this little trick... if msg.command in ('PRIVMSG', 'NOTICE'): # Other messages should be sent back to us. m = ircmsgs.IrcMsg(msg=msg, prefix=irc.prefix) self(irc, m) return msg # def callPrecedence(self, irc): # before = [] # for cb in irc.callbacks: # if cb.name() == 'IRCLogin': # return (['IRCLogin'], []) # return ([], []) def check_auth(self, irc, msg, args, cap='bantracker'): hasIRCLogin = False for cb in self.callPrecedence(irc)[0]: if cb.name() == "IRCLogin": hasIRCLogin = True if hasIRCLogin and not msg.tagged('identified'): irc.error(conf.supybot.replies.incorrectAuthentication()) return False try: user = ircdb.users.getUser(msg.prefix) except: irc.error(conf.supybot.replies.incorrectAuthentication()) return False if not capab(user, cap): irc.error(conf.supybot.replies.noCapability() % cap) return False return user def btlogin(self, irc, msg, args): """Takes no arguments Sends you a message with a link to login to the bantracker. """ user = self.check_auth(irc, msg, args) if not user: return user.addAuth(msg.prefix) try: ircdb.users.setUser(user, flush=False) except: pass if not capab(user, 'bantracker'): irc.error(conf.supybot.replies.noCapability() % 'bantracker') return if not self.registryValue('bansite'): irc.error("No bansite set, please set supybot.plugins.Bantracker.bansite") return sessid = hashlib.md5('%s%s%d' % (msg.prefix, time.time(), random.randint(1,100000))).hexdigest() self.db_run("INSERT INTO sessions (session_id, user, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %d);", ( sessid, msg.nick, int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) ) ) irc.reply('Log in at %s/bans.cgi?sess=%s' % (self.registryValue('bansite'), sessid), private=True) btlogin = wrap(btlogin) def mark(self, irc, msg, args, channel, target, kickmsg): """[] [] Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if was kicked from with the comment , if is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, is only needed when send in /msg """ user = self.check_auth(irc, msg, args) if not user: return if target == '*' or target[0] == '*': irc.error("Can not create a mark for '%s'" % target) return if not channel: irc.error(' must be given if not in a channel') return channel = channel.lower() channels = [] for chan in irc.state.channels.keys(): channels.append(chan.lower()) if not channel in channels: irc.error('Not in that channel') return if not kickmsg: kickmsg = '**MARK**' else: kickmsg = "**MARK** - %s" % kickmsg hostmask = self.nick_to_host(irc, target) self.doLog(irc, channel.lower(), '*** %s requested a mark for %s\n' % (msg.nick, target)) self._doKickban(irc, channel.lower(), msg.prefix, hostmask, kickmsg) irc.replySuccess() mark = wrap(mark, [optional('channel'), 'something', additional('text')]) def sort_bans(self, channel=None): data = self.db_run("SELECT mask, removal, channel, id FROM bans", (), expect_result=True) if channel: data = [i for i in data if i[2] == channel] bans = [(i[0], i[3]) for i in data if i[1] == None and '%' not in i[0]] mutes = [(i[0], i[3]) for i in data if i[1] == None and '%' in i[0]] return mutes + bans def get_banId(self, mask, channel): data = self.db_run("SELECT MAX(id) FROM bans WHERE mask=%s AND channel=%s", (mask, channel), True) if data: data = data[0] if not data or not data[0]: return return int(data[0]) def getBans(self, hostmask, channel): match = [] if channel: if channel in self.bans and self.bans[channel]: for b in self.bans[channel]: if hostmaskPatternEqual(b.mask, hostmask): match.append((b.mask, self.get_banId(b.mask,channel))) data = self.sort_bans(channel) for e in data: if hostmaskPatternEqual(e[0], hostmask): if (e[0], e[1]) not in match: match.append((e[0], e[1])) else: for c in self.bans: for b in self.bans[c]: if hostmaskPatternEqual(b.mask, hostmask): match.append((b.mask, self.get_banId(b.mask,c))) data = self.sort_bans() for e in data: if hostmaskPatternEqual(e[0], hostmask): if (e[0], e[1]) not in match: match.append((e[0], e[1])) return match def bansearch_real(self, irc, msg, args, target, channel, from_reply=False, reply=None): """ [] Search bans database for a ban on , if is not given search all channel bans. """ def format_entry(entry): ret = list(entry[:-1]) t = cPickle.loads(entry[-1]).astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC')).strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S") ret.append(t) return tuple(ret) user = self.check_auth(irc, msg, args) if not user: return if from_reply: if not reply: if capab(user, 'admin'): if len(queue.msgcache) > 0: irc.reply("Warning: still syncing (%i)" % len(queue.msgcache)) irc.reply("No matches found for %s in %s" % (hostmask, True and channel or "any channel")) hostmask = reply else: hostmask = self.nick_to_host(irc, target, reply_now=False) if not hostmask: self.sendWhois(irc, target, True, 'bansearch', irc, msg, args, target, channel) return if capab(user, 'owner'): if len(queue.msgcache) > 0: irc.reply("Warning: still syncing (%i)" % len(queue.msgcache)) if channel: if not ircutils.isChannel(channel): channel = None if '*' in target or '?' in target: irc.error("Can only search for a complete hostmask") return hostmask = target if '!' not in target or '@' not in target: hostmask = self.nick_to_host(irc, target) if '!' not in hostmask: if "n=" in hostmask: hostmask = hostmask.replace("n=", "!n=", 1) elif "i=" in hostmask: hostmask = hostmask.replace("i=", "!i=", 1) match = self.getBans(hostmask, channel) if not match: irc.reply("No matches found for %s in %s" % (hostmask, True and channel or "any channel")) return ret = [] replies = [] for m in match: if m[1]: ret.append((format_entry(self.db_run("SELECT mask, operator, channel, time FROM bans WHERE id=%d", m[1], expect_result=True)[0]), m[1])) if not ret: done = [] for c in self.bans: for b in self.bans[c]: for m in match: if m[0] == b.mask: if not c in done: irc.reply("Match %s in %s" % (b, c)) done.append(c) return for i in ret: if '*' in i[0][0] or '?' in i[0][0]: banstr = "Match: %s by %s in %s on %s (ID: %s)" % (i[0] + (i[1],)) else: banstr = "Mark: by %s in %s on %s (ID: %s)" % (i[0][1:] + (i[1],)) if (banstr, False) not in replies: replies.append((banstr, False)) if replies: for r in replies: irc.reply(r[0], private=r[1]) return irc.error("Something not so good happened, please tell stdin about it") bansearch = wrap(bansearch_real, ['something', optional('something', default=None)]) def banlog(self, irc, msg, args, target, channel): """ [] Prints the last 5 messages from the nick/host logged before a ban/mute, the nick/host has to have an active ban/mute against it. If channel is not given search all channel bans. """ user = self.check_auth(irc, msg, args) if not user: return if capab(user, 'owner') and len(queue.msgcache) > 0: irc.reply("Warning: still syncing (%i)" % len(queue.msgcache)) hostmask = self.nick_to_host(irc, target) target = target.split('!', 1)[0] match = self.getBans(hostmask, channel) if not match: irc.reply("No matches found for %s (%s) in %s" % (target, hostmask, True and channel or "any channel")) return ret = [] for m in match: if m[1]: ret.append((self.db_run("SELECT log, channel FROM bans WHERE id=%d", m[1], expect_result=True), m[1])) sent = [] if not ret: irc.reply("No matches in tracker") for logs in ret: log = logs[0] id = logs[1] lines = ["%s: %s" % (log[0][1], i) for i in log[0][0].split('\n') if "<%s>" % target.lower() in i.lower() and i[21:21+len(target)].lower() == target.lower()] show_sep = False if not lines: show_sep = False irc.error("No log for ID %s available" % id) else: for l in lines[:5]: if l not in sent: show_sep = True irc.reply(l) sent.append(l) if show_sep: irc.reply('--') banlog = wrap(banlog, ['something', optional('anything', default=None)]) def updatebt(self, irc, msg, args, channel): """[] Update bans in the tracker from the channel ban list, if channel is not given then run in all channels """ def getBans(chan): data = self.db_run("SELECT mask, removal FROM bans WHERE channel=%s", chan, expect_result=True) L = [] for mask, removal in data: if removal is not None: continue elif not isUserHostmask(mask) and mask[0] != '$': continue L.append(mask) return L def remBans(chan): bans = getBans(chan) old_bans = bans[:] new_bans = [i.mask for i in self.bans[chan]] remove_bans = [] for ban in old_bans: if ban not in new_bans: remove_bans.append(ban) bans.remove(ban) for ban in remove_bans: self.log.info("Bantracker: Removing ban %s from %s" % (ban.replace('%', '%%'), chan)) self.doUnban(irc, channel, "Automated-Removal", ban) return len(remove_bans) def addBans(chan): bans = self.bans[chan] old_bans = getBans(chan) add_bans = [] for ban in bans: if ban.mask not in old_bans and ban not in add_bans: add_bans.append(ban) for ban in add_bans: nick = ban.who if nick.endswith('.freenode.net'): nick = "Automated-Addition" self.log.info("Bantracker: Adding ban %s to %s (%s)" % (str(ban).replace('%', '%%'), chan, nick)) self.doLog(irc, channel.lower(), '*** Ban sync from channel: %s\n' % str(ban).replace('%', '%%')) self._doKickban(irc, chan, nick, ban.mask, use_time = ban.when, add_to_cache = False) return len(add_bans) if not self.check_auth(irc, msg, args, 'owner'): return add_res = 0 rem_res = 0 if len(queue.msgcache) > 0: irc.reply("Error: still syncing (%i)" % len(queue.msgcache)) return try: if channel: rem_res += remBans(channel) add_res += addBans(channel) else: for channel in irc.state.channels.keys(): if channel not in self.bans: self.bans[channel] = [] rem_res += remBans(channel) add_res += addBans(channel) except KeyError, e: irc.error("%s, Please wait longer" % e) return irc.reply("Cleared %i obsolete bans, Added %i new bans" % (rem_res, add_res)) updatebt = wrap(updatebt, [optional('anything', default=None)]) def comment(self, irc, msg, args, id, kickmsg): """ [] Reads or adds the for the ban with , use @bansearch to find the id of a ban """ def addComment(id, nick, msg): n = now() self.db_run("INSERT INTO comments (ban_id, who, comment, time) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (id, nick, msg, n)) def readComment(id): return self.db_run("SELECT who, comment, time FROM comments WHERE ban_id=%i", (id,), True) nick = msg.nick if kickmsg: addComment(id, nick, kickmsg) irc.replySuccess() else: data = readComment(id) if data: for c in data: irc.reply("%s %s: %s" % (cPickle.loads(c[2]).astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC')).strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S"), c[0], c[1].strip()) ) else: irc.error("No comments recorded for ban %i" % id) comment = wrap(comment, ['id', optional('text')]) def banlink(self, irc, msg, args, id, highlight): """ [] Returns a link to the log of the ban/kick with id . If is given, lines containing that term will be highlighted """ if not self.check_auth(irc, msg, args): return if not highlight: irc.reply("%s/bans.cgi?log=%s" % (self.registryValue('bansite'), id), private=True) else: irc.reply("%s/bans.cgi?log=%s&mark=%s" % (self.registryValue('bansite'), id, highlight), private=True) banlink = wrap(banlink, ['id', optional('somethingWithoutSpaces')]) def banreview(self, irc, msg, args, optlist): """[--verbose | --flush | --view ] Lists pending ban reviews.""" if not self.check_auth(irc, msg, args): return verbose = False flush = view = None for k, v in optlist: if k == 'verbose': verbose = True elif k == 'flush': flush = v elif k == 'view': view = v key = view or flush if key: if '@' in key: nick, host = key.split('@', 1) else: nick, host = key, None try: reviews = self.pendingReviews[host] except KeyError: irc.reply('No reviews for %s, use --verbose for check the correct nick@host key.' % key) return L = [] for _nick, msg in reviews: if nick == _nick: irc.reply(msg.args[1]) elif flush: L.append((_nick, msg)) if flush: if L: self.pendingReviews[host] = L else: del self.pendingReviews[host] return count = {} for host, reviews in self.pendingReviews.iteritems(): for nick, msg in reviews: if verbose and host: # host can be None for those "nick only" reviews. key = '%s@%s' % (nick, host) else: key = nick try: count[key] += 1 except KeyError: count[key] = 1 total = sum(count.itervalues()) s = ' '.join([ '%s:%s' %pair for pair in count.iteritems() ]) s = 'Pending ban reviews (%s): %s' %(total, s) irc.reply(s) banreview = wrap(banreview, [getopts({'verbose':'', 'flush': 'something', 'view': 'something'})]) Class = Bantracker