# -*- Encoding: utf-8 -*- ### # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker # Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Terence Simpson # Copyright (c) 2017- Krytarik Raido # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### import supybot.utils as utils import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.log as supylog import sys, os, re, json, base64 import xml.dom.minidom as minidom from email.parser import FeedParser from pysimplesoap.client import SoapClient def _getnodetxt(node): L = [] for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeType == childnode.TEXT_NODE: L.append(childnode.data) if not L: raise ValueError("No text nodes") val = ''.join(L) if node.hasAttribute('encoding'): encoding = node.getAttribute('encoding') if encoding == 'base64': try: val = decodeBase64(val) except: val = 'Cannot convert bug data from base64.' return utils.web.htmlToText(val, tagReplace='') def _getnodeattr(node, attr): if node.hasAttribute(attr): val = node.getAttribute(attr) else: raise ValueError("No such attribute") return utils.web.htmlToText(val, tagReplace='') # Work around PySimpleSOAP still lacking Base64 support def checkBase64(text): if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9+/]+={0,2}$', text) and len(text) % 4 == 0: return True return False def decodeBase64(text): if sys.version_info < (3,0): return base64.b64decode(text) else: return base64.b64decode(text).decode('utf-8') class BugtrackerError(Exception): """A bugtracker error""" pass class BugNotFoundError(Exception): """Pity, bug isn't there""" pass cvere = re.compile(r']*>Description.*?]*>\s*(?P.*?)\s*', re.I | re.DOTALL) cverre = re.compile(r']*>\s*(?P.*?)\s*', re.I | re.DOTALL) # Define CVE tracker class CVE: def get_bug(self, cveid, do_url=True): url = "https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-%s" % cveid try: cvedata = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError('Could not get CVE data: %s (%s)' % (e, url)) match = cvere.search(cvedata) if match: cve = utils.web.htmlToText(match.group('cve'), tagReplace='') if len(cve) > 380: cve = cve[:380] + '...' if do_url: cve += ' <%s>' % url return cve else: match = cverre.search(cvedata) if match: cverr = utils.web.htmlToText(match.group('cverr'), tagReplace='') if "Couldn't find" in cverr: raise BugNotFoundError return cverr else: raise BugtrackerError('Could not parse CVE data (%s)' % url) # Define all bugtrackers class IBugtracker: def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, description=None, trackertype=None, aliases=[]): self.name = name self.url = url self.description = description self.trackertype = trackertype self.aliases = set(aliases) self.errget = 'Could not get data from %s: %s (%s)' self.errparse = 'Could not parse data from %s: %s (%s)' self.errparseno = 'Could not parse data from %s (%s)' def __str__(self): return self.name def __hash__(self): return hash(self.url) def __cmp__(self, other): # used implicitly in Bugtracker.is_ok() return cmp(hash(self), hash(other)) class Bugzilla(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url): try: match = re.match(r'(?P(?P[^\s/]+)\S*)/show_bug\.cgi', url) desc = match.group('desc') name = desc.lower() url = 'https://%s' % match.group('url') return Bugzilla(name, url, desc, 'bugzilla') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/rest/bug/%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url) bug = json.loads(bugjson.decode('utf-8'))['bugs'][0] except Exception as e: # For old-stable Bugzilla if 'HTTP Error 404' in str(e): return self.get_bug_old(bugtype, bugid) raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: status = bug['status'] if bug['resolution']: status += ': %s' % bug['resolution'] if bug['assigned_to_detail']: assignee = bug['assigned_to_detail']['real_name'] if not assignee: assignee = bug['assigned_to_detail']['name'] else: assignee = '' return (bugid, bug['product'], bug['summary'], bug['severity'], status, assignee, "%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) def get_bug_old(self, bugtype, bugid): # Deprecated url = "%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%s&ctype=xml" % (self.url, bugid) try: bugxml = utils.web.getUrl(url) zilladom = minidom.parseString(bugxml) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) bug_n = zilladom.getElementsByTagName('bug')[0] if bug_n.hasAttribute('error'): errtxt = bug_n.getAttribute('error') if errtxt in ('NotFound', 'InvalidBugId'): raise BugNotFoundError s = 'Could not get %s bug #%s: %s' % (self.description, bugid, errtxt) raise BugtrackerError(s) try: title = _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('short_desc')[0]) status = _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('bug_status')[0]) try: status = "%s: %s" % (status, _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('resolution')[0])) except: pass product = _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('product')[0]) severity = _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('bug_severity')[0]) try: assignee = _getnodeattr(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('assigned_to')[0], 'name') except: try: assignee = _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('assigned_to')[0]) except: assignee = '' except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) return (bugid, product, title, severity, status, assignee, "%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) class Launchpad(IBugtracker): statuses = ("Unknown", "Invalid", "Opinion", "Won't Fix", "Fix Released", "Fix Committed", "New", "Incomplete", "Confirmed", "Triaged", "In Progress") severities = ("Unknown", "Undecided", "Wishlist", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Critical") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): IBugtracker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.lp = None # A word to the wise: # The Launchpad API is much better than the /+text interface we currently use, # it's faster and easier to get the information we need. # The current /+text interface is not really maintained by Launchpad and most, # or all, of the Launchpad developers hate it. For this reason, we are dropping # support for /+text in the future in favour of launchpadlib. # Terence Simpson (tsimpson) 2010-04-20 try: from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad cachedir = os.path.join(conf.supybot.directories.data.tmp(), 'launchpadlib') self.lp = Launchpad.login_anonymously("Ubuntu Bots - Bugtracker", 'production', cachedir, version='devel') except ImportError: supylog.warning("Please install python-launchpadlib, the old interface is deprecated") except Exception: self.lp = None supylog.exception("Unknown exception while accessing the Launchpad API") def _parse(self, task): # Deprecated parser = FeedParser() parser.feed(task) return parser.close() @classmethod def _rank(cls, task): try: return float('%d.%02d' % (cls.statuses.index(task.status), cls.severities.index(task.importance))) except: return 0 @classmethod def _rank_old(cls, task): try: return float('%d.%02d' % (cls.statuses.index(task['status']), cls.severities.index(task['importance']))) except: return 0 @classmethod def _sort(cls, task1, task2): # Deprecated try: if task1.status != task2.status: if cls.statuses.index(task1.status) < cls.statuses.index(task2.status): return -1 return 1 if task1.importance != task2.importance: if cls.severities.index(task1.importance) < cls.severities.index(task2.importance): return -1 return 1 except: return 0 return 0 @classmethod def _sort_old(cls, task1, task2): # Deprecated try: if task1['status'] != task2['status']: if cls.statuses.index(task1['status']) < cls.statuses.index(task2['status']): return -1 return 1 if task1['importance'] != task2['importance']: if cls.severities.index(task1['importance']) < cls.severities.index(task2['importance']): return -1 return 1 except: return 0 return 0 def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): #TODO: Remove this method and rename 'get_bug_new' to 'get_bug' if self.lp: return self.get_bug_new(bugtype, bugid) return self.get_bug_old(bugtype, bugid) def get_bug_new(self, bugtype, bugid): #TODO: Rename this method to 'get_bug' try: bugdata = self.lp.bugs[int(bugid)] if bugdata.private: raise BugtrackerError("This bug is private") duplicate = [] dup = bugdata.duplicate_of while dup: duplicate.append(str(bugdata.id)) bugdata = dup dup = bugdata.duplicate_of extinfo = ['affected: %d' % bugdata.users_affected_count_with_dupes] extinfo.append('heat: %d' % bugdata.heat) tasks = bugdata.bug_tasks if tasks.total_size > 1: taskdata = sorted(tasks, key=self._rank)[-1] else: taskdata = tasks[0] if taskdata.assignee: assignee = taskdata.assignee.display_name else: assignee = '' except Exception as e: if type(e).__name__ == 'HTTPError': # messy, but saves trying to import lazr.restfulclient.errors.HTPError if e.response.status == 404: bugNo = e.content.split()[-1][2:-1] # extract the real bug number if bugNo != bugid: # A duplicate of a private bug, at least we know it exists raise BugtrackerError('Bug #%s is a duplicate of bug #%s, but it is private (%s/bugs/%s)' % (bugid, bugNo, self.url, bugNo)) raise BugtrackerError("Bug #%s is private or does not exist (%s/bugs/%s)" % (bugid, self.url, bugid)) # Could be private, could just not exist raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, '%s/bugs/%s' % (self.url, bugid))) elif isinstance(e, KeyError): raise BugNotFoundError raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, '%s/bugs/%s' % (self.url, bugid))) return (bugdata.id, taskdata.bug_target_display_name, bugdata.title, taskdata.importance, taskdata.status, assignee, "%s/bugs/%s" % (self.url, bugdata.id), extinfo, duplicate) def get_bug_old(self, bugtype, bugid, duplicate=None): # Deprecated try: bugdata = utils.web.getUrl("%s/bugs/%s/+text" % (self.url, bugid)).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: if 'HTTP Error 404' in str(e): if duplicate: raise BugtrackerError('Bug #%s is a duplicate of bug #%s, but it is private (%s/bugs/%s)' % (duplicate, bugid, self.url, bugid)) else: raise BugNotFoundError raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, '%s/bugs/%s' % (self.url, bugid))) try: # Split bug data into separate pieces (bug data, task data) data = bugdata.split('\n\nContent-Type:', 1)[0].split('\n\n') bugdata = self._parse(data[0]) if not bugdata['duplicate-of']: taskdata = list(map(self._parse, data[1:])) if len(taskdata) > 1: taskdata = sorted(taskdata, key=self._rank_old)[-1] else: taskdata = taskdata[0] if taskdata['assignee']: assignee = re.sub(r' \([^)]*\)$', '', taskdata['assignee']) else: assignee = '' except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, '%s/bugs/%s' % (self.url, bugid))) # Try and find duplicates if bugdata['duplicate-of']: data = self.get_bug_old(bugtype, bugdata['duplicate-of'], duplicate or bugid) data[8].append(bugdata['bug']) return data return (bugid, taskdata['task'], bugdata['title'], taskdata['importance'], taskdata['status'], assignee, "%s/bugs/%s" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) # # Debbugs sucks donkeyballs # * HTML pages are inconsistent # * Parsing mboxes gets incorrect with cloning perversions (eg with bug 330000) # * No sane way of accessing bug reports in a machine readable way (bts2ldap # has no search on bugid) # * The damn thing allow incomplete bugs, eg bugs without severity set. WTF?!? # # Fortunately bugs.donarmstrong.com has a SOAP interface which we can use. # class Debbugs(IBugtracker): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): IBugtracker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.soap_client = SoapClient("%s/cgi-bin/soap.cgi" % self.url, namespace="Debbugs/SOAP") def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: raw = self.soap_client.get_status(bugs=bugid) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) if not hasattr(raw, 'item'): raise BugNotFoundError try: raw = raw.item.value title = str(raw.subject) if checkBase64(title): title = decodeBase64(title) if str(raw.fixed_versions): status = 'Fixed' else: status = 'Open' return (bugid, str(raw.package), title, str(raw.severity), status, '', "%s/%s" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) class SourceForge(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url): try: match = re.match(r'sourceforge\.net/p/[^\s/]+/(bugs|tickets|feature-requests|patches|todo)', url) desc = match.group(0) name = desc.lower() url = 'https://%s' % desc return SourceForge(name, url, desc, 'sourceforge') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/%s/" % (self.url.replace('sourceforge.net', 'sourceforge.net/rest'), bugid) try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url) bug = json.loads(bugjson.decode('utf-8'))['ticket'] except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: product = severity = '' if bug['labels']: product = bug['labels'][0] if '_priority' in bug['custom_fields']: severity = 'Pri: %s' % bug['custom_fields']['_priority'] return (bugid, product, bug['summary'], severity, ': '.join(bug['status'].split('-')), bug['assigned_to'], "%s/%s/" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) class GitHub(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url): try: match = re.match(r'github\.com/[^\s/]+/[^\s/]+/(issues|pulls?|commits?)', url) desc = match.group(0) url = 'https://%s' % desc # Pulls are inconsistent in main and single page URLs desc = re.sub(r'/pull$', r'/pulls', desc) # Commits are inconsistent in main and single page URLs desc = re.sub(r'/commit$', r'/commits', desc) name = desc.lower() return GitHub(name, url, desc, 'github') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/%s" % (self.url.replace('github.com', 'api.github.com/repos'), bugid) # Pulls are inconsistent in web and API URLs url = url.replace('/pull/', '/pulls/') # Commits are inconsistent in web and API URLs url = url.replace('/commit/', '/commits/') if bugtype in ('issue', 'bug'): url = url.replace('/pulls/', '/issues/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/issues/') elif bugtype in ('pull', 'pr', 'merge', 'mr'): url = url.replace('/issues/', '/pulls/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/pulls/') elif bugtype == 'commit': url = url.replace('/issues/', '/commits/') url = url.replace('/pulls/', '/commits/') try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url) bug = json.loads(bugjson.decode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: product = '/'.join(self.url.split('/')[-3:-1]) if '/commits/' not in url: title = bug['title'] if 'merged' in bug and bug['merged']: status = 'Merged' else: status = bug['state'] if bug['assignee']: assignee = bug['assignee']['login'] else: assignee = '' else: bugid = bug['sha'][:7] title = bug['commit']['message'].split('\n', 1)[0] status = '' assignee = '' return (bugid, product, title, '', status, assignee, bug['html_url'], [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) class GitLab(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url, bugid): try: match = re.match(r'[^\s/]+/(?P[^\s/]+/[^\s/]+(/[^\s/]+)*?)/(-/)?(issues|merge_requests|commits?)', url) desc = match.group(0) url = 'https://%s' % desc # Commits are inconsistent in main and single page URLs desc = re.sub(r'/commit$', r'/commits', desc) name = desc.lower() bugurl = "%s/%s" % (re.sub(r'(://[^\s/]+)/[^\s/]+(/[^\s/]+)+/(-/)?', r'\g<1>/api/v4/projects/%s/' % match.group('project').replace('/', '%2F'), url), bugid) # Commits are inconsistent in web and API URLs bugurl = bugurl.replace('/commit/', '/commits/') # Commits need an extra bit on API URLs bugurl = bugurl.replace('/commits/', '/repository/commits/') bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(bugurl) bug = json.loads(bugjson.decode('utf-8')) return GitLab(name, url, desc, 'gitlab') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): match = re.match(r'[^\s:]+://[^\s/]+/(?P[^\s/]+/[^\s/]+(/[^\s/]+)*?)/(-/)?(issues|merge_requests|commits?)', self.url) url = "%s/%s" % (re.sub(r'(://[^\s/]+)/[^\s/]+(/[^\s/]+)+/(-/)?', r'\g<1>/api/v4/projects/%s/' % match.group('project').replace('/', '%2F'), self.url), bugid) # Commits are inconsistent in web and API URLs url = url.replace('/commit/', '/commits/') if bugtype in ('issue', 'bug'): url = url.replace('/merge_requests/', '/issues/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/issues/') elif bugtype in ('merge', 'mr', 'pull', 'pr'): url = url.replace('/issues/', '/merge_requests/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/merge_requests/') elif bugtype == 'commit': url = url.replace('/issues/', '/commits/') url = url.replace('/merge_requests/', '/commits/') # Commits need an extra bit on API URLs url = url.replace('/commits/', '/repository/commits/') try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url) bug = json.loads(bugjson.decode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: product = match.group('project') if '/commits/' not in url: title = bug['title'] status = bug['state'] if bug['assignees']: assino = len(bug['assignees']) if assino == 1: assignee = bug['assignees'][0]['name'] else: assignee = '%d people' % assino else: assignee = '' else: bugid = bug['id'][:7] title = bug['message'].split('\n', 1)[0] status = '' assignee = '' return (bugid, product, title, '', status, assignee, bug['web_url'], [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) class Gitea(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url, bugid): try: match = re.match(r'[^\s/]+/[^\s/]+/[^\s/]+/(issues|pulls|commits?)', url) desc = match.group(0) url = 'https://%s' % desc # Commits are inconsistent in main and single page URLs desc = re.sub(r'/commit$', r'/commits', desc) name = desc.lower() bugurl = '%s/%s' % (re.sub(r'(://[^\s/]+)/', r'\g<1>/api/v1/repos/', url), bugid) # Commits are inconsistent in web and API URLs bugurl = bugurl.replace('/commit/', '/commits/') # Commits need an extra bit on API URLs bugurl = bugurl.replace('/commits/', '/git/commits/') bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(bugurl) bug = json.loads(bugjson.decode('utf-8')) return Gitea(name, url, desc, 'gitea') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/%s" % (re.sub(r'(://[^\s/]+)/', r'\g<1>/api/v1/repos/', self.url), bugid) # Commits are inconsistent in web and API URLs url = url.replace('/commit/', '/commits/') if bugtype in ('issue', 'bug'): url = url.replace('/pulls/', '/issues/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/issues/') elif bugtype in ('pull', 'pr', 'merge', 'mr'): url = url.replace('/issues/', '/pulls/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/pulls/') elif bugtype == 'commit': url = url.replace('/issues/', '/commits/') url = url.replace('/pulls/', '/commits/') # Commits need an extra bit on API URLs url = url.replace('/commits/', '/git/commits/') try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url) bug = json.loads(bugjson.decode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: product = '/'.join(self.url.split('/')[-3:-1]) if '/commits/' not in url: title = bug['title'] if 'merged' in bug and bug['merged']: status = 'Merged' else: status = bug['state'] if bug['assignee']: assignee = bug['assignee']['username'] else: assignee = '' else: bugid = bug['sha'][:7] title = bug['commit']['message'].split('\n', 1)[0] status = '' assignee = '' # Issues have no 'html_url', but pulls and commits do if 'html_url' in bug: htmlurl = bug['html_url'] else: htmlurl = url.replace('/api/v1/repos/', '/') return (bugid, product, title, '', status, assignee, htmlurl, [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) cgitre = re.compile(r"""index : (?P[^\s<]+).*? commit]* class='sha1'>(?P[a-f0-9]+).*?
""", re.I | re.DOTALL) class CGit(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url, bugid): try: match = re.match(r'(?P(?P[^\s/]+\S*)/commit)/[^\s?]*\?([^\s?&]+&)?id=', url) desc = match.group('desc') name = desc.lower() url = 'https://%s' % match.group('url') return CGit(name, url, desc, 'cgit') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/?id=%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: bugdata = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: if re.match(r'HTTP Error (404|400)', str(e)): raise BugNotFoundError raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) match = cgitre.search(bugdata) if match: bugid = match.group('hash')[:7] title = utils.web.htmlToText(match.group('subj')) title = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', title) product = match.group('repo') return (bugid, product, title, '', '', '', url, [], []) else: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparseno % (self.description, url)) class Mantis(IBugtracker): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): IBugtracker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.soap_client = SoapClient("%s/api/soap/mantisconnect.php" % self.url, namespace="http://futureware.biz/mantisconnect") def get_tracker(self, url): try: match = re.match(r'(?P(?P[^\s/]+)\S*)/view\.php', url) desc = match.group('desc') name = desc.lower() url = 'https://%s' % match.group('url') return Mantis(name, url, desc, 'mantis') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/api/rest/issues/%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url) bug = json.loads(bugjson.decode('utf-8'))['issues'][0] except Exception as e: # REST API may not be enabled yet if 'HTTP Error 404' in str(e): return self.get_bug_old(bugtype, bugid) raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: return (bugid, bug['project']['name'], bug['summary'], bug['severity']['name'], bug['resolution']['name'], '', url, [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) def get_bug_old(self, bugtype, bugid): # Deprecated url = "%s/view.php?id=%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: raw = self.soap_client.mc_issue_get(username='', password='', issue_id=bugid) except Exception as e: if 'Issue #%s not found' % bugid in str(e): raise BugNotFoundError # Often SOAP is not enabled if '.' in self.name: supylog.exception(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) return raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) if not hasattr(raw, 'id'): raise BugNotFoundError try: title = str(raw.summary) if checkBase64(title): title = decodeBase64(title) return (bugid, str(raw.project.name), title, str(raw.severity.name), str(raw.resolution.name), '', url, [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) # For Trac-based trackers we get the tab-separated-values format. # The other option is a comma-separated-values format, but if the description # has commas, things get tricky. # This should be more robust than the screen scraping done previously. class Trac(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url): try: match = re.match(r'(?P[^\s/]+)\S*/ticket', url) desc = match.group('desc') name = desc.lower() url = 'https://%s' % match.group(0) return Trac(name, url, desc, 'trac') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): # This is still a little rough, but it works :) url = "%s/%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: raw = utils.web.getUrl("%s?format=tab" % url).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: # Due to unreliable matching if '.' in self.name: supylog.exception(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) return if 'HTTP Error 500' in str(e): raise BugNotFoundError raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: raw = raw.replace('\r\n', '\n') (headers, rest) = raw.split('\n', 1) headers = headers.strip().split('\t') rest = rest.strip().split('\t') title = rest[headers.index("summary")] status = rest[headers.index("status")] package = rest[headers.index("component")] severity = assignee = "" if "severity" in headers: severity = rest[headers.index("severity")] elif "priority" in headers: severity = rest[headers.index("priority")] if "owner" in headers: assignee = rest[headers.index("owner")] return (bugid, package, title, severity, status, assignee, url, [], []) except Exception as e: # Due to unreliable matching if '.' in self.name: supylog.exception(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) return raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) # Introspection is quite cool defined_bugtrackers = {} v = vars() for k in list(v.keys()): if type(v[k]) == type(IBugtracker) and issubclass(v[k], IBugtracker) and not (v[k] == IBugtracker): defined_bugtrackers[k.lower()] = v[k]