from supybot.test import * import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.schedule as schedule import time bConf = conf.supybot.plugins.Bantracker bConf.enabled.setValue(True) class BantrackerTestCase(ChannelPluginTestCase): plugins = ('Bantracker',) def getCallback(self): for cb in self.irc.callbacks: if == 'Bantracker': break return cb def testCommentRequest(self): ban = ircmsgs.ban('#test', 'asd!*@*', prefix='op!') self.irc.feedMsg(ban) msg = self.irc.takeMsg() # ban id is None is because there's no database for this TestCase self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Please comment on the ban of asd!*@* in #test, use: @comment None" " ") def testReviewResquest(self): cb = self.getCallback() ban = ircmsgs.ban('#test', 'asd!*@*', prefix='op!') self.irc.feedMsg(ban) self.irc.takeMsg() # ignore comment request comment bConf.reviewAfterTime.setValue(1.0/84600) # one second cb.reviewBans() self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews) print 'waiting 2 secs..' time.sleep(2) cb.reviewBans() # check is pending self.assertTrue(cb.pendingReviews) # check msg if op and only op says something self.feedMsg('Hi!', to='#test', frm='dude!') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(msg, None) self.feedMsg('Hi!', to='#test', frm='op!') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Please review ban 'asd!*@*' in #test") # don't ask again cb.reviewBans() self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews)