### # Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### from supybot.commands import * import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.callbacks as callbacks import sqlite, datetime, time, pytz import supybot.registry as registry import supybot.ircdb as ircdb import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils import sys, os if sys.version_info >= (2, 5, 0): import re else: import sre as re try: import packages reload(packages) have_packages = True except ImportError: have_packages = False # Simple wrapper class for factoids class Factoid: def __init__(self, name, value, author, added, popularity): self.name = name; self.value = value self.author = author; self.added = added self.popularity = popularity class FactoidSet: def __init__(self): self.global_primary = self.global_secondary = \ self.channel_primary = self.channel_secondary = None # Repeat filtering message queue msgcache = {} def queue(irc, to, msg): now = time.time() for m in msgcache.keys(): if msgcache[m] < now - 30: msgcache.pop(m) for m in msgcache: if m[0] == irc and m[1] == to: oldmsg = m[2] if msg == oldmsg or oldmsg.endswith(msg): break if msg.endswith(oldmsg): msg = msg[:-len(oldmsg)] + 'please see above' else: msgcache[(irc, to, msg)] = now irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(to, msg)) def capab(prefix, capability): capability = capability.lower() if prefix.find('!') > 0: user = prefix[:prefix.find('!')] else: user = prefix try: user = ircdb.users.getUser(prefix) capabilities = list(user.capabilities) except: return False # Capability hierarchy # if capability == "editfactoids": if capab(user.name, "addeditors"): return True if capability == "addeditors": if capab(user.name, "admin"): return True if capability == "admin": if capab(user.name, "owner"): return True # End # if capability in capabilities: return True else: return False class Encyclopedia(callbacks.Plugin): """!factoid: show factoid""" threaded = True def __init__(self, irc): callbacks.Plugin.__init__(self, irc) self.databases = {} self.times = {} self.seens = {} self.distros = [] if have_packages: self.Apt = packages.Apt(self) else: self.log.warning("Faild to import packages, you probably don't have python-apt installed") self.edits = {} self.alert = False def addeditor(self, irc, msg, args, name): """ Adds the user with the name to the list of editors. """ if not capab(msg.prefix, 'addeditors'): return try: u = ircdb.users.getUser(name) u.addCapability('editfactoids') irc.replySuccess() except: irc.error('User %s is not registered' % name) addeditor = wrap(addeditor, ['text']) def removeeditor(self, irc, msg, args, name): """ Removes the user with the name from the list of editors. """ if not capab(msg.prefix, 'addeditors'): return try: u = ircdb.users.getUser(name) u.removeCapability('editfactoids') irc.replySuccess() except: irc.error('User %s is not registered or not an editor' % name) removeeditor = wrap(removeeditor, ['text']) def editors(self, irc, msg, args): """takes no arguments Lists all the users who are in the list of editors. """ irc.reply(', '.join([u.name for u in ircdb.users.users.values() if capab(u.name, "editfactoids")]), private=True) editors = wrap(editors) def moderators(self, irc, msg, args): """takes no arguments Lists all the users who can add users to the list of editors. """ irc.reply(', '.join([u.name for u in ircdb.users.users.values() if capab(u.name, 'addeditors')]), private=True) moderators = wrap(moderators) def get_target(self, nick, text, orig_target): target = orig_target retmsg = '' if text.startswith('tell '): text = ' ' + text if '|' in text: if not retmsg: retmsg = text[text.find('|')+1:].strip() + ': ' text = text[:text.find('|')].strip() if '>' in text: target = text[text.rfind('>')+1:].strip().split()[0] text = text[:text.rfind('>')].strip() retmsg = "%s wants you to know: " % nick elif ' tell ' in text and ' about ' in text: target = text[text.find(' tell ')+6:].strip().split(None,1)[0] text = text[text.find(' about ')+7:].strip() retmsg = "%s wants you to know: " % nick if target == 'me': target = nick if target.lower() != orig_target.lower() and target.startswith('#'): target = orig_target retmsg = '' if (target.lower() == nick.lower() or retmsg[:-2].lower() == nick.lower()) and nick.lower() != orig_target.lower(): target = nick retmsg = '(In the future, please use a private message to investigate) ' return (text, target, retmsg) def get_db(self, channel): db = self.registryValue('database',channel) if channel in self.databases: if self.databases[channel].time < time.time() - 3600 or self.databases[channel].name != db: self.databases[channel].close() self.databases.pop(channel) if channel not in self.databases: self.databases[channel] = sqlite.connect(os.path.join(self.registryValue('datadir'), '%s.db' % db)) self.databases[channel].name = db self.databases[channel].time = time.time() return self.databases[channel] def addressed(self, recipients, text, irc): nlen = len(irc.nick) if recipients[0] == '#': text = text.strip() if text.lower() == self.registryValue('prefixchar', channel=recipients) + irc.nick.lower(): return irc.nick.lower() if len(text) and text[0] == self.registryValue('prefixchar',channel=recipients): text = text[1:] if text.lower().startswith(irc.nick.lower()) and (len(text) < nlen or not text[nlen].isalnum()): t2 = text[nlen+1:].strip() if t2 and t2.find('>') != -1 and t2.find('|') != -1: text = text[nlen+1:].strip() return text if text.lower().startswith(irc.nick.lower()) and not text[nlen].isalnum(): return text[nlen+1:] return False else: # Private if text.strip()[0] in str(conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars): return False if not text.split()[0] == 'search': for c in irc.callbacks: comm = text.split()[0] if c.isCommandMethod(comm) and not c.isDisabled(comm): return False if text[0] == self.registryValue('prefixchar',channel=recipients): return text[1:] return text def get_factoids(self, name, channel, resolve = True, info = False): factoids = FactoidSet() factoids.global_primary = self.get_single_factoid(channel, name) factoids.global_secondary = self.get_single_factoid(channel, name + '-also') factoids.channel_primary = self.get_single_factoid(channel, name + '-' + channel.lower()) factoids.channel_secondary = self.get_single_factoid(channel, name + '-' + channel.lower() + '-also') if resolve: factoids.global_primary = self.resolve_alias(channel, factoids.global_primary) factoids.global_secondary = self.resolve_alias(channel, factoids.global_secondary) factoids.channel_primary = self.resolve_alias(channel, factoids.channel_primary) factoids.channel_secondary = self.resolve_alias(channel, factoids.channel_secondary) if info: # Get aliases for factoids factoids.global_primary = self.factoid_info(channel, factoids.global_primary) factoids.global_secondary = self.factoid_info(channel, factoids.global_secondary) factoids.channel_primary = self.factoid_info(channel, factoids.channel_primary) factoids.channel_secondary = self.factoid_info(channel, factoids.channel_secondary) return factoids def get_single_factoid(self, channel, name, deleted=False): db = self.get_db(channel) cur = db.cursor() if deleted: cur.execute("SELECT name, value, author, added, popularity FROM facts WHERE name = %s", name) else: cur.execute("SELECT name, value, author, added, popularity FROM facts WHERE name = %s AND value NOT like '%%'", name) factoids = cur.fetchall() if len(factoids): f = factoids[0] return Factoid(f[0],f[1],f[2],f[3],f[4]) def resolve_alias(self, channel, factoid, loop=0): if factoid and factoid.name == self.registryValue('alert',channel): self.alert = True if loop >= 10: return Factoid('',' Error: infinite loop detected','','',0) if factoid and factoid.value.lower().startswith(''): new_factoids = self.get_factoids(factoid.value[7:].lower().strip(), channel, False) for x in ['channel_primary', 'global_primary']: if getattr(new_factoids, x): return self.resolve_alias(channel, getattr(new_factoids, x), loop+1) return Factoid('',' Error: unresolvable to %s' % factoid.value[7:].lower().strip(),'','',0) else: return factoid def factoid_info(self, channel, factoid): if not factoid: return if not factoid.value.startswith(''): # Try and find aliases db = self.get_db(channel) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT name FROM facts WHERE value = %s", ' ' + factoid.name) data = cur.fetchall() if data: factoid.value = " %s aliases: %s" % (factoid.name, ', '.join([x[0] for x in data])) else: factoid.value = " %s has no aliases" % (factoid.name) # Author info db = self.get_db(channel) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT author, added FROM log WHERE name = %s", factoid.name) data = cur.fetchall() factoid.value += " - added by %s on %s" % (factoid.author[:factoid.author.find('!')], factoid.added[:factoid.added.find('.')]) if data: last_edit = data[len(data)-1] who = last_edit[0][:last_edit[0].find('!')] when = last_edit[1][:last_edit[1].find('.')] factoid.value += " - last edited by %s on %s" % (who, when) return factoid def check_aliases(self, channel, factoid): now = time.time() for e in self.edits.keys(): if self.edits[e] + 10 < now: self.edits.pop(e) if not factoid.value.startswith(''): return # Was the old value an alias? oldf = self.get_single_factoid(channel, factoid.name) if oldf and oldf.value.startswith(''): if factoid.name not in self.edits: self.edits[factoid.name] = now return "You are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm" # Do some alias resolving if factoid.value.startswith(''): aliasname = factoid.value[7:].strip() alias = self.get_single_factoid(channel, aliasname) if not alias: return "Factoid '%s' does not exist" % aliasname alias = self.resolve_alias(channel, factoid) if alias.value.lower().startswith('error'): return alias.value.lower factoid.value = ' ' + alias.name def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg): # Filter CTCP if chr(1) in msg.args[1]: return # Are we being queried? recipient, text = msg.args text = self.addressed(recipient, text, irc) if not text: return display_info = False target = msg.args[0] if target[0] != '#': target = msg.nick channel = msg.args[0] # Strip leading nonalnums while text and not text[0].isalnum(): if text[0] == '-': display_info = True text = text[1:] if not text: return # Now switch between actions orig_text = text lower_text = text.lower() ret = '' retmsg = '' term = self.get_target(msg.nick, orig_text, target) if term[0] == "info": ret = "Retrieve information on a package: !info " retmsg = term[2] elif term[0] == "find": ret = "Search for a pacakge or a file: !find " retmsg = term[2] elif term[0] == "search": ret = "Search factoids for term: !search " retmsg = term[2] elif term[0] == "seen": ret = "I have no seen command" retmsg = term[2] and "%s: " % msg.prefix.split('!', 1)[0] or '' elif term[0] in ("what", "whats", "what's") or term[0].startswith("what ") or term[0].startswith("what ") or term[0].startswith("whats ") or term[0].startswith("what's "): # Try and catch people saying "what is ...?" ret = "I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)" retmsg = term[2] elif lower_text[:4] not in ('info ','find '): # Lookup, search or edit? if lower_text.startswith('search '): ret = self.search_factoid(lower_text[7:].strip(), channel) elif (' is ' in lower_text and lower_text[:3] in ('no ', 'no,')) or '' in lower_text or '=~' in lower_text \ or '~=' in lower_text or '' in lower_text or lower_text.startswith('forget') or lower_text.startswith('unforget'): if not capab(msg.prefix, 'editfactoids'): irc.reply("Your edit request has been forwarded to %s. Thank you for your attention to detail" % self.registryValue('relaychannel',channel),private=True) irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(self.registryValue('relaychannel',channel), "In %s, %s said: %s" % (msg.args[0], msg.nick, msg.args[1]))) return ret = self.factoid_edit(text, channel, msg.prefix) elif ' is ' in lower_text and '|' in lower_text and lower_text.index('|') > lower_text.index(' is '): if not capab(msg.prefix, 'editfactoids'): if len(text[:text.find('is')]) > 15: irc.error("I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)") else: irc.reply("Your edit request has been forwarded to %s. Thank you for your attention to detail" % self.registryValue('relaychannel',channel),private=True) irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(self.registryValue('relaychannel',channel), "In %s, %s said: %s" % (msg.args[0], msg.nick, msg.args[1]))) return ret = self.factoid_add(text, channel, msg.prefix) elif ' is ' in lower_text: if not capab(msg.prefix, 'editfactoids'): if len(text[:text.find('is')]) > 15: irc.error("I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)") else: irc.reply("Your edit request has been forwarded to %s. Thank you for your attention to detail" % self.registryValue('relaychannel',channel),private=True) irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(self.registryValue('relaychannel',channel), "In %s, %s said: %s" % (msg.args[0], msg.nick, msg.args[1]))) return ret = self.factoid_add(text, channel, msg.prefix) else: text, target, retmsg = self.get_target(msg.nick, orig_text, target) if text.startswith('bug ') and text != ('bug 1'): return #if text == self.registryValue('alert') and msg.args[0][0] == '#' and not display_info: # msg.tag('alert') ret = self.factoid_lookup(text, channel, display_info) # Fall through to package lookup if have_packages and self.registryValue('packagelookup') and (not ret or not len(ret)): text, target, retmsg = self.get_target(msg.nick, orig_text.lower(), target) if text.startswith('info '): ret = self.Apt.info(text[5:].strip(),self.registryValue('searchorder', channel).split()) elif text.startswith('find '): ret = self.Apt.find(orig_text[5:].strip(),self.registryValue('searchorder', channel).split()) #else: # ret = self.Apt.info(text.strip(),self.registryValue('searchorder', channel).split()) # if ret.startswith('Package'): # ret = None if not ret: if len(text) > 15: irc.error("I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)") return retmsg = '' ret = self.registryValue('notfoundmsg') if ret.count('%') == ret.count('%s') == 1: ret = ret % repr(text) if channel.lower() != irc.nick.lower() and target[0] != '#': # not /msg if target in irc.state.channels[channel].users: queue(irc, channel, "%s, please see my private message" % target) if type(ret) != list: queue(irc, target, retmsg + ret) else: queue(irc, target, retmsg + ret[0]) #if msg.tagged('alert'): if self.alert: if target.startswith('#') and not target.endswith('bots'): queue(irc, self.registryValue('relayChannel',channel), '%s called the ops in %s (%s)' % (msg.nick, msg.args[0], retmsg[:-2])) #queue(irc, self.registryValue('relayChannel'), retmsg + ret[0]) self.alert = False for r in ret[1:]: queue(irc, target, r) def factoid_edit(self, text, channel, editor): db = self.get_db(channel) cs = db.cursor() factoid = retmsg = None def log_change(factoid): cs.execute('''insert into log (author, name, added, oldvalue) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)''', (editor, factoid.name, str(datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone("UTC"))), factoid.value)) db.commit() if '' in text.lower() and not text.lower().startswith('no'): return self.factoid_add(text,channel,editor) if text.lower().startswith('forget '): factoid = self.get_single_factoid(channel, text[7:]) if not factoid: return "I know nothing about %s yet, %s" % (text[7:], editor[:editor.find('!')]) else: log_change(factoid) factoid.value = '' + factoid.value retmsg = "I'll forget that, %s" % editor[:editor.find('!')] if text.lower().startswith('unforget '): factoid = self.get_single_factoid(channel, text[9:], deleted=True) if not factoid: return "I knew nothing about %s at all, %s" % (text[9:], editor[:editor.find('!')]) else: if not factoid.value.startswith(''): return "Factoid %s wasn't deleted yet, %s" % (factoid.name, editor[:editor.find('!')]) log_change(factoid) factoid.value = factoid.value[9:] retmsg = "I suddenly remember %s again, %s" % (factoid.name, editor[:editor.find('!')]) if text.lower()[:3] in ('no ', 'no,'): text = text[3:].strip() p = text.lower().find(' is ') name, value = text[:p].strip(), text[p+4:].strip() if not name or not value: return name = name.lower() factoid = self.get_single_factoid(channel, name) if not factoid: return "I know nothing about %s yet, %s" % (name, editor[:editor.find('!')]) log_change(factoid) factoid.value = value retmsg = "I'll remember that %s" % editor[:editor.find('!')] if not retmsg: if ' is' in text: text = text.replace('is','=~',1) if ' is ' in text: text = text.replace('is ','=~',1) if '~=' in text: text = text.replace('~=','=~',1) # Split into name and regex name = text[:text.find('=~')].strip() regex = text[text.find('=~')+2:].strip() # Edit factoid factoid = self.get_single_factoid(channel, name) if not factoid: return "I know nothing about %s yet, %s" % (name, editor[:editor.find('!')]) # Grab the regex if regex.startswith('s'): regex = regex[1:] if regex[-1] != regex[0]: return "Missing end delimiter" if regex.count(regex[0]) != 3: return "Too many (or not enough) delimiters" regex, replace = regex[1:-1].split(regex[0]) try: regex = re.compile(regex) except: return "Malformed regex" newval = regex.sub(replace, factoid.value, 1) if newval == factoid.value: return "Nothing changed there" log_change(factoid) factoid.value = newval retmsg = "I'll remember that %s" % editor[:editor.find('!')] ret = self.check_aliases(channel, factoid) if ret: return ret cs.execute("UPDATE facts SET value=%s where name=%s", (factoid.value,factoid.name)) db.commit() return retmsg def factoid_add(self, text, channel, editor): db = self.get_db(channel) cs = db.cursor() p = text.lower().find(' is ') name, value = text[:p].strip(), text[p+4:].strip() if not name or not value: return name = name.lower() if value.startswith('also ') or value.startswith('also:'): name += '-also' value = value[5:].strip() if not value: return if self.get_single_factoid(channel, name, deleted=True): return "But %s already means something else!" % name factoid = Factoid(name,value,None,None,None) ret = self.check_aliases(channel, factoid) if ret: return ret cs.execute("INSERT INTO facts (name, value, author, added) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (name, value, editor, str(datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone("UTC"))))) db.commit() return "I'll remember that, %s" % editor[:editor.find('!')] def factoid_lookup(self, text, channel, display_info): db = self.get_db(channel) factoids = self.get_factoids(text.lower(), channel, resolve = not display_info, info = display_info) ret = [] for order in ('primary', 'secondary'): for loc in ('channel', 'global'): key = '%s_%s' % (loc, order) if getattr(factoids, key): factoid = getattr(factoids,key) if not display_info: cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("UPDATE FACTS SET popularity = %d WHERE name = %s", factoid.popularity+1, factoid.name) db.commit() if factoid.value.startswith(''): ret.append(factoid.value[7:].strip().replace('$chan',channel)) elif order == 'secondary': ret.append(factoid.value.strip().replace('$chan',channel)) else: n = factoid.name if '-#' in n: n = n[:n.find('-#')] ret.append('%s is %s' % (n, factoid.value.replace('$chan',channel))) if not display_info: break return ret def search_factoid(self, factoid, channel): keys = factoid.split()[:5] db = self.get_db(channel) cur = db.cursor() ret = {} for k in keys: k = k.replace("'","\'") cur.execute("SELECT name,value FROM facts WHERE name LIKE '%%%s%%' OR VAlUE LIKE '%%%s%%'" % (k, k)) res = cur.fetchall() for r in res: val = r[1] d = r[1].startswith('') a = r[1].startswith('') r = r[0] if d: r += '*' if a: r += '@' + val[7:].strip() try: ret[r] += 1 except: ret[r] = 1 if not ret: return "None found" return 'Found: %s' % ', '.join(sorted(ret.keys(), lambda x, y: cmp(ret[x], ret[y]))[:10]) def sync(self, irc, msg, args, channel): """[] Downloads a copy of the database from the remote server. Set the server with the channel configuration variable supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.remotedb. If is not set it will default to the channel the command is given in or the global value """ if not capab(msg.prefix, "owner"): irc.error("Sorry, you can't do that") return def download_database(location, dpath): """Download the database located at location to path dpath""" import urllib2 tmp_db = "%s%stmp" % (dpath, os.extsep) fd = urllib2.urlopen(location) fd2 = open(tmp_db,'w') fd2.write(fd.read()) # Download to a temparary file fd.close() fd2.close() # Do some checking to make sure we have an SQLite database fd2 = open(tmp_db, 'rb') data = fd2.read(47) if data == '** This file contains an SQLite 2.1 database **': # OK, rename to dpath os.rename(tmp_db, dpath) else: # Remove the tmpparary file and raise an error os.remove(tmp_db) raise RuntimeError, "Downloaded file was not a SQLite 2.1 database" db = self.registryValue('database', channel) rdb = self.registryValue('remotedb', channel) if not db: if channel: irc.error("I don't have a database set for %s" % channel) return irc.error("There is no global database set, use 'config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database ' to set it") return if not rdb: if channel: irc.error("I don't have a remote database set for %s" % channel) return irc.error("There is no global remote database set, use 'config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.remotedb ' ro set it") return dbpath = os.path.join(self.registryValue('datadir'), '%s.db' % db) # We're moving files and downloading, lots can go wrong so use lots of try blocks. try: os.rename(dbpath, "%s.backup" % dbpath) except Exception, e: self.log.error("Could not rename %s to %s.backup" % (dbpath, dbpath)) self.log.error(utils.exnToString(e)) irc.error("Internal error, see log") return try: # Downloading can take some time, let the user know we're doing something irc.reply("Attemting to download database", prefixNick=False) download_database(rdb, dbpath) irc.replySuccess() except Exception, e: self.log.error("Could not download %s to %s" % (rdb, dbpath)) self.log.error(utils.exnToString(e)) irc.error("Internal error, see log") os.rename("%s.backup" % dbpath, dbpath) return sync = wrap(sync, [optional("somethingWithoutSpaces")]) Class = Encyclopedia