#!/usr/bin/python ### # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### import sys # This needs to be set to the location of the commoncgi.py file sys.path.append('/home/ubottu/bot/plugins/') from commoncgi import * ### Variables # Location of the bans database db = '/home/ubottu/data/bans.db' # Number of bans to show per page num_per_page = 100 ### You shouldn't have to change anything under this line ### con = sqlite.connect(db) cur = con.cursor() # Login check error = '' user = None # Delete old sessions # FAIL! try: cur.execute("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE time < %d", int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) - 2592000 * 3) con.commit() con.close() except: try: con.commit() except: pass finally: con.close() # Session handling if form.has_key('sess'): cookie['sess'] = form['sess'].value if cookie.has_key('sess'): try: sess = cookie['sess'].value con = sqlite.connect(db) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT user FROM sessions WHERE session_id=%s",sess) user = cur.fetchall()[0][0] con.commit() con.close() except: con.commit() con.close() pass if not user: print "Sorry, bantracker has been shut down for anonymous users due to server load
" print "Join #ubuntu-ops on irc.freenode.net to descuss bans" send_page('bans.tmpl') # Log if form.has_key('log'): con = sqlite.connect(db) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT log FROM bans WHERE id=%s", form['log'].value) log = cur.fetchall() con.commit() con.close() if form.has_key('mark'): marked = form['mark'].value lines = log[0][0].splitlines() for line in lines: if marked.lower() in line.lower(): print '%s
' % q(line) else: print "%s
" % q(line) else: print q(log[0][0]).replace('\n', '
') send_page('empty.tmpl') # Main page # Process comments if form.has_key('comment') and form.has_key('comment_id') and user: con = sqlite.connect(db) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT ban_id FROM comments WHERE ban_id=%s and comment=%s", (form['comment_id'].value, form['comment'].value)) comm = cur.fetchall() con.commit() con.close() if not len(comm): con = sqlite.connect(db) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("INSERT INTO comments (ban_id, who, comment, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (form['comment_id'].value,user,form['comment'].value,pickle.dumps(datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)))) con.commit() con.close() # Write the page print '
' # Personal data print '
' if user: print 'Logged in as: %s
' % user print 'Timezone: ' if form.has_key('tz') and form['tz'].value in pytz.common_timezones: tz = form['tz'].value elif cookie.has_key('tz') and cookie['tz'].value in pytz.common_timezones: tz = cookie['tz'].value else: tz = 'UTC' cookie['tz'] = tz print '
' print '
' tz = pytz.timezone(tz) # Search form print '' # Pagination, only when not processing a search if not form.has_key('query'): sort = '' if form.has_key('sort'): sort='&sort=' + form['sort'].value print '
·' con = sqlite.connect(db) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM bans') nump = math.ceil(int(cur.fetchall()[0][0]) / float(num_per_page)) for i in range(int(nump)): print '%d ·' % (i, sort, i+1) print '
' con.close() # Empty log div, will be filled with AJAX print '
' # Main bans table # Table heading print '' for h in [['Channel',0], ['Nick/Mask',1], ['Operator',2], ['Time',6]]: # Negative integers for backwards searching try: v = int(form['sort'].value) if v < 10: h[1] += 10 except: pass print '' % (h[1],h[0]) print '' # Select and filter bans con = sqlite.connect(db) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT channel,mask,operator,time,removal,removal_op,id FROM bans ORDER BY id DESC") bans = cur.fetchall() con.close() def myfilter(item, regex, kick, ban, oldban, mute, oldmute, floods, operator): if operator: if not operator.lower() in item[2].lower(): return False if '!' not in item[1]: if not kick: return False if not floods: if 'floodbot' in item[2].lower(): return False if item[1][0] == '%': if item[4]: if not oldmute: return False else: if not mute: return False else: if item[4]: if not oldban: return False else: if not ban: return False if operator: return regex.search(item[0]) or regex.search(item[1]) or (item[5] and regex.search(item[5])) return regex.search(item[0]) or regex.search(item[1]) or regex.search(item[2]) or (item[5] and regex.search(item[5])) if form.has_key('query'): k = b = ob = m = om = fb = oper = False if form.has_key('kicks'): k = True if form.has_key('oldbans'): ob = True if form.has_key('bans'): b = True if form.has_key('oldmutes'): om = True if form.has_key('mutes'): m = True if form.has_key('floods'): fb = True if form['query'].value.startswith("oper:"): oper = form['query'].value[4:].split(':', 1)[1].split(None, 1)[0] form['query'].value = form['query'].value[5+len(oper):].strip() regex = re.compile(re.escape(form['query'].value).replace('\%','.*'), re.DOTALL | re.I) bans = filter(lambda x: myfilter(x, regex, k, b, ob, m, om, fb, oper), bans) start = 0; end = len(bans) else: page = 0 try: page = int(form['page'].value) except: pass start = page * num_per_page end = (page+1) * num_per_page # Sort the bans def _sortf(x1,x2,field): if x1[field] < x2[field]: return -1 if x1[field] > x2[field]: return 1 return 0 if form.has_key('sort'): try: field = int(form['sort'].value) except: pass else: if field in (0,1,2,6,10,11,12,16): bans.sort(lambda x1,x2: _sortf(x1,x2,field%10)) if field >= 10: bans.reverse() # And finally, display them! i = 0 for b in bans[start:end]: print '' # Channel print '' % b[0] # Mask print '' # Operator print '' # Time print '' # Log link print '' % b[6] print '' # Comments print '' print '' print '
%s%s' % b[1] # Ban removal if b[4]: print '
(Removed)' print'
%s' % b[2] if b[4]: # Ban removal print u'
%s' % b[5] print '
%s' % pickle.loads(b[3]).astimezone(tz).strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S") if b[4]: # Ban removal print '
%s' % pickle.loads(b[4]).astimezone(tz).strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S") print '
Show/Hide log
' con = sqlite.connect(db) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT who, comment, time FROM comments WHERE ban_id = %s" % b[6]) comments = cur.fetchall() con.close() if len(comments) == 0: print '(No comments) ' else: for c in comments: print q(c[1]) print u'
%s, %s

' % \ (c[0],pickle.loads(c[2]).astimezone(tz).strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S")) if user: print 'Add comment' % b[6] print '
' if not bans and form.has_key('query'): print "
No matches for: "%s"
" % form['query'].value # Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand send! send_page('bans.tmpl')