### # Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### import commands, os, apt from email import FeedParser def component(arg): if '/' in arg: return arg[:arg.find('/')] return 'main' class Apt: def __init__(self, plugin): self.aptdir = plugin.registryValue('aptdir') self.distros = [] if self.aptdir: self.distros = [x[:-5] for x in os.listdir(self.aptdir) if x.endswith('.list')] self.aptcommand = """apt-cache\\ -o"Dir::State::Lists=%s/%%s"\\ -o"Dir::etc::sourcelist=%s/%%s.list"\\ -o"Dir::State::status=%s/%%s.status"\\ -o"Dir::Cache=%s/cache"\\ %%s %%s""" % tuple([self.aptdir]*4) self.aptfilecommand = """apt-file -s %s/%%s.list -c %s/apt-file/%%s -l -F search %%s""" % tuple([self.aptdir]*2) def find(self, pkg, checkdists, filelookup=True): _pkg = ''.join([x for x in pkg.strip().split(None,1)[0] if x.isalnum or x in '.-_+']) distro = checkdists[0] if len(pkg.strip().split()) > 1: distro = ''.join([x for x in pkg.strip().split(None,2)[1] if x.isalnum or x in '.-_+']) if distro not in self.distros: distro = checkdists[0] pkg = _pkg data = commands.getoutput(self.aptcommand % (distro, distro, distro, 'search -n', pkg)) if not data: if filelookup: data = commands.getoutput(self.aptfilecommand % (distro, distro, pkg)).split() if data: if len(data) > 5: return "File %s found in %s (and %d others)" % (pkg, ', '.join(data[:5]), len(data)-5) return "File %s found in %s" % (pkg, ', '.join(data)) return 'Package/file %s does not exist in %s' % (pkg, distro) return "No packages matching '%s' could be found" % pkg pkgs = [x.split()[0] for x in data.split('\n')] if len(pkgs) > 5: return"Found: %s (and %d others)" % (', '.join(pkgs[:5]), len(pkgs) -5) else: return "Found: %s" % ', '.join(pkgs[:5]) def info(self, pkg, checkdists): _pkg = ''.join([x for x in pkg.strip().split(None,1)[0] if x.isalnum() or x in '.-_+']) distro = None if len(pkg.strip().split()) > 1: distro = ''.join([x for x in pkg.strip().split(None,2)[1] if x.isalnum() or x in '-._+']) if distro: if distro not in self.distros: checkdists = [checkdists[0]] else: checkdists = [distro] pkg = _pkg for distro in checkdists: data = commands.getoutput(self.aptcommand % (distro, distro, distro, 'show', pkg)) data2 = commands.getoutput(self.aptcommand % (distro, distro, distro, 'showsrc', pkg)) if not data or 'E: No packages found' in data: continue maxp = {'Version': '0'} packages = [x.strip() for x in data.split('\n\n')] for p in packages: if not p.strip(): continue parser = FeedParser.FeedParser() parser.feed(p) p = parser.close() if apt.VersionCompare(maxp['Version'], p['Version']) < 0: maxp = p del parser maxp2 = {'Version': '0'} packages2 = [x.strip() for x in data2.split('\n\n')] for p in packages2: if not p.strip(): continue parser = FeedParser.FeedParser() parser.feed(p) p = parser.close() if apt.VersionCompare(maxp2['Version'], p['Version']) < 0: maxp2 = p del parser archs = '' if maxp2['Architecture'] not in ('all','any'): archs = ' (Only available for %s)' % maxp2['Architecture'] return("%s (source: %s): %s. In component %s, is %s. Version %s (%s), package size %s kB, installed size %s kB%s" % (maxp['Package'], maxp['Source'] or maxp['Package'], maxp['Description'].split('\n')[0], component(maxp['Section']), maxp['Priority'], maxp['Version'], distro, int(maxp['Size'])/1024, maxp['Installed-Size'], archs)) return 'Package %s does not exist in %s' % (pkg, ', '.join(checkdists))