# -*- Encoding: utf-8 -*- ### # Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker # Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Terence Simpson # Copyright (c) 2018- Krytarik Raido # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.registry as registry def configure(advanced): from supybot.questions import yn, something, output import os, re, sqlite3 def anything(prompt, default=None): """Because supybot is pure fail""" from supybot.questions import expect return expect(prompt, [], default=default) Encyclopedia = conf.registerPlugin('Encyclopedia', True) enabled = yn("Enable Encyclopedia for all channels?", default=Encyclopedia.enabled._default) if advanced: datadir = something("Which directory should the factoids database be in?", default=Encyclopedia.datadir._default) database = something("What should be the name of the default database (without the .db extension)?", default=Encyclopedia.database._default) prefixchar = something("What prefix character should the bot respond to factoid requests with?", default=Encyclopedia.prefixchar._default) ignores = set([]) output("This plugin can be configured to always ignore certain factoid requests, this is useful when you want another plugin to handle them") output("For instance, the PackageInfo plugin responds to !info and !find, so those should be ignored in Encyclopedia to allow this to work") ignores_i = anything("Which factoid requests should the bot always ignore?", default=', '.join(Encyclopedia.ignores._default)) for name in re.split(r'[,\s]+', ignores_i): ignores.add(name.lower()) curStable = something("What is short name of the current stable release?", default=Encyclopedia.curStable._default) curStableLong = something("What is long name of the current stable release?", default=Encyclopedia.curStableLong._default) curStableNum = something("What is version number of the current stable release?", default=Encyclopedia.curStableNum._default) curDevel = something("What is short name of the current development release?", default=Encyclopedia.curDevel._default) curDevelLong = something("What is long name of the current development release?", default=Encyclopedia.curDevelLong._default) curDevelNum = something("What is version number of the current development release?", default=Encyclopedia.curDevelNum._default) curLTS = something("What is short name of the current LTS release?", default=Encyclopedia.curLTS._default) curLTSLong = something("What is long name of the current LTS release?", default=Encyclopedia.curLTSLong._default) curLTSNum = something("What is version number of the current LTS release?", default=Encyclopedia.curLTSNum._default) else: datadir = Encyclopedia.datadir._default database = Encyclopedia.database._default prefixchar = Encyclopedia.prefixchar._default ignores = Encyclopedia.ignores._default curStable = Encyclopedia.curStable._default curStableLong = Encyclopedia.curStableLong._default curStableNum = Encyclopedia.curStableNum._default curDevel = Encyclopedia.curDevel._default curDevelLong = Encyclopedia.curDevelLong._default curDevelNum = Encyclopedia.curDevelNum._default curLTS = Encyclopedia.curLTS._default curLTSLong = Encyclopedia.curLTSLong._default curLTSNum = Encyclopedia.curLTSNum._default relaychannel = anything("What channel/nick should the bot forward edit messages to?", default=Encyclopedia.relaychannel._default) output("What message should the bot reply with when a factoid can not be found?") notfoundmsg = something("If you include a '%s' in the message, it will be replaced with the requested factoid", default=Encyclopedia.notfoundmsg._default) alert = set([]) output("When certain factoids are called an alert can be forwarded to a channel/nick") output("Which factoids should the bot forward alert calls for?") alert_i = anything("Separate types by spaces or commas:", default=', '.join(Encyclopedia.alert._default)) for name in re.split(r'[,\s]+', alert_i): alert.add(name.lower()) remotedb = anything("Location of a remote database to sync with (used with @sync):", default=Encyclopedia.remotedb._default) privateNotFound = yn("Should the bot reply in private when a factoid is not found, as opposed to in the channel?", default=Encyclopedia.privateNotFound._default) Encyclopedia.enabled.setValue(enabled) Encyclopedia.datadir.setValue(datadir) Encyclopedia.database.setValue(database) Encyclopedia.prefixchar.setValue(prefixchar) Encyclopedia.ignores.setValue(ignores) Encyclopedia.curStable.setValue(curStable) Encyclopedia.curStableLong.setValue(curStableLong) Encyclopedia.curStableNum.setValue(curStableNum) Encyclopedia.curDevel.setValue(curDevel) Encyclopedia.curDevelLong.setValue(curDevelLong) Encyclopedia.curDevelNum.setValue(curDevelNum) Encyclopedia.curLTS.setValue(curLTS) Encyclopedia.curLTSLong.setValue(curLTSLong) Encyclopedia.curLTSNum.setValue(curLTSNum) Encyclopedia.relaychannel.setValue(relaychannel) Encyclopedia.notfoundmsg.setValue(notfoundmsg) Encyclopedia.alert.setValue(alert) Encyclopedia.privateNotFound.setValue(privateNotFound) # Create the initial database db_dir = Encyclopedia.datadir() db_file = Encyclopedia.database() if not db_dir: db_dir = Encyclopedia.datadir._default output("supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.datadir will be set to %r" % db_dir) Encyclopedia.datadir.setValue(db_dir) if not db_file: db_file = Encyclopedia.database._default output("supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database will be set to %r" % db_file) Encyclopedia.database.setValue(db_dir) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(db_dir, '%s.db' % db_file)): return con = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(db_dir, '%s.db' % db_file)) cur = con.cursor() try: cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE facts ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, author TEXT NOT NULL, added TEXT NOT NULL, editor TEXT, edited TEXT, popularity INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 )""") cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE log ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, type TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, author TEXT NOT NULL, added TEXT NOT NULL )""") cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE requests ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, type TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, requester TEXT NOT NULL, requested TEXT NOT NULL )""") except: con.rollback() raise else: con.commit() finally: con.close() Encyclopedia = conf.registerPlugin('Encyclopedia') conf.registerChannelValue(Encyclopedia, 'enabled', registry.Boolean(True, 'Enable Encyclopedia')) conf.registerChannelValue(Encyclopedia, 'database', registry.String('ubuntu', 'Name of database to use')) conf.registerChannelValue(Encyclopedia, 'relaychannel', registry.String('#ubuntu-ops', 'Relay channel for unauthorized edits')) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'editchannel', registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings(['#ubuntu-ops'], 'Channels where edits of restricted editors are allowed')) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'notfoundmsg', registry.String('Factoid %s not found', 'Reply when factoid is not found')) conf.registerChannelValue(Encyclopedia,'prefixchar', registry.String('!', 'Character the bot will respond to factoid requests with')) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'datadir', conf.Directory(conf.supybot.directories.data(), 'Directory containing factoid databases', private=True)) conf.registerChannelValue(Encyclopedia, 'alert', registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings(['ops', 'op', 'kops', 'calltheops'], 'Factoid names used for alerts', private=True)) conf.registerChannelValue(Encyclopedia, 'remotedb', registry.String('https://ubottu.com/ubuntu.db', 'Remote location of the master database', private=True)) conf.registerChannelValue(Encyclopedia, 'ignores', registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings(['info', 'depends', 'find'], 'Factoid names to ignore', private=True)) conf.registerChannelValue(Encyclopedia, 'privateNotFound', registry.Boolean(False, "Send notfoundmsg in private rather than in the channel")) conf.registerChannelValue(Encyclopedia, 'forcedFactoid', registry.Boolean(False, "Factoids in kick reason will be sent to the user in private")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'curStable', registry.String('Artful', "Current stable release")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'curStableLong', registry.String('Artful Aardvark', "Current stable release")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'curStableNum', registry.String('17.10', "Current stable release")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'curDevel', registry.String('Bionic', "Current development release")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'curDevelLong', registry.String('Bionic Beaver', "Current development release")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'curDevelNum', registry.String('18.04', "Current development release")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'curLTS', registry.String('Xenial', "Current LTS release")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'curLTSLong', registry.String('Xenial Xerus', "Current LTS release")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'curLTSNum', registry.String('16.04', "Current LTS release"))